The Last Gay Conservative

Exploring Portland's Chaos, Uncovering Biden Family Corruption, and Debating the Controversial New York Pride Message

The Last Gay Conservative

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What happens when a gay conservative explores the chaos of Portland, Oregon, and the crucial role Mexicans play in Southern California's success? Join me, Chad Law, for a thought-provoking discussion on the state of the Pacific Northwest, its infrastructure, and why service is lacking in the area.

We also dive into the Hunter Biden scandal and the apparent cover-up of the Biden family's corruption. Discover the shady dealings, pay-to-play schemes, and connections to the Chinese Communist Party that the mainstream media isn't covering. Plus, I share my thoughts on Chris Christie's recent actions and whether his involvement with Trump's 2016 campaign was a mistake.

Finally, I address the controversial topics surrounding New York Pride and the chilling message of "coming for your children." Explore how this so-called "recruitment effort" contradicts the idea that sexual orientation and gender identity are natural, and the confusion and misunderstandings it can cause for impressionable children. Don't miss this eye-opening episode of The Last Gay Conservative!

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Speaker 1:

It's another manic Monday where more details have arisen regarding the Hunter Biden scandal. Chris Christie has sunk to a new low no, not his weight. And Pride Month became Pedophile Month. You're listening to The Last Gay Conservative. I'm your host, chad Law.

Speaker 2:

Worship. Every inch your feet have touched Baby. Run away with me. You kill lonely. You make my eyes of sea, oh crazy. You make my heart believe There's only one of you, baby.

Speaker 1:

Hello America, welcome to another episode of The Last Gay Conservative. I'm your host, Chad Law, america's binary brother, the holiest but most hated homo of all time and the gayest conservative in America, sending common sense, conservative politics through the airwaves on the only rainbow that matters our red, white and blue rainbow. Well, happy Monday, folks. I want to hear from you our number 866 Last Gay. 866, last Gay. You can text or call the message line and more than likely I'll bring it up on the air. Hope you all enjoyed the new intro song that was actually sent to us from one of our dedicated listeners who thought we needed a little oomph in our intro, which I totally agree. So I'm absolutely happy to use this from now on. We're actually in the process of producing a new intro song with a dear friend of mine who is a very, very well known songwriter, singer rock star, if you will. But we got a lot going on today. Just want to share with you guys a few updates before we jump into the show. First of all, thank you all for your questions, comments, text messages and calls. I'm definitely going to get to all of those, more than likely tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

Today is a big day for news and I don't want to short change your time here. On top of that, he just thought it would be fun to announce my younger sister and her second child. His name is Dean. He's currently two weeks old, absolutely stunning. I don't know what it is about. Everyone in my family other than me, they're all model, gorgeous and fit. I don't know what I did wrong in order to get looks for radio. Clearly it's working, as this show is growing exponentially. But congratulations to my sister, Samantha. I am so proud of her. She has a beautiful family, a loving, wonderful husband and a family that I am so proud of being a part of. So congratulations to her and her husband.

Speaker 1:

Furthermore, as you know, i've been spending a lot of time in the Pacific Northwest. I'm actually recording this show from the Portland area as we speak. And boy, what a f'd up mess this place is. I didn't think it could get any worse than LA. Oh no, portland Oregon takes the cake.

Speaker 1:

The homeless, the drug use I mean, they talk about that zombie apocalypse, if you will, with all the homeless people that are addicted to various drugs and narcotics. That's what's happening here. They literally look like zombies, with chunks of skin gone open, wounds, because the government here decided to decriminalize any drug use, and so people just die left and right, and for any of you who have been to India where you see people just throwing bodies into the Ganges, it reminds me of the same thing. Also, in the last couple of weeks, i've just noticed how ineffective everything is here. I mean everything from ordering in the drive-through, which you guys know I do regularly. I've been a lot better, but still Chick-fil-A is just too good to pass up. Everything here is so ineffective. The orders at the drive-through are constantly incorrect, service Very, very poor. My rental car that I'm driving at this point has had some issues, and the people at the Avis counter here, or the company, are just horrible. They're just worthless, not to mention everything in between.

Speaker 1:

Finding a chiropractor is impossible. Luckily I found one. But I'm up here because I'm not sure if you guys know this, but my goal is to have a home and a production studio based in Bend, oregon, so I've been out here pitching various investors, talking to news and media companies, making sure that there's a great foundation for it, because Bend is one of my most favorite places. It reminds me a lot of Santa Barbara where I grew up. It's 50% liberal crazy hippies, rich hippies with rich guilt, and then the other 50% are diehard conservatives with family values and Christian foundations, if you will. So that's why I've been up here. So I've been trying to find a chiropractor, massage therapist. Everything is subpar And I just couldn't understand it. The chiropractors weren't bad, but their reception staff has been awful. I never thought that I've gotten used to a level of great service. In fact, most stereotypes dictate California as being really rude, bitchy, all the rest, oh no. But I finally realized why. I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of shit for this, but I finally realized why things are so bad here as far as service, everything in between.

Speaker 1:

There's no Mexican people here, and I don't mean that in a racist way. Mexicans are the backbone of Southern California And this isn't about immigration. I'm not talking about illegal, non-illegal. It's irrelevant in this conversation. The reason why our orders are correct in the drive-thru is because they're not young white boys, they're Mexicans with the best work ethic there is. All the people here. You cannot get off the freeway without someone begging for money. They're all white. You never see a Mexican begging for money.

Speaker 1:

Cleaning people Most of the cleaning people here are white. We know white people like myself were pigs. No one cleans better than Mexicans, and I don't mean that to deem them as only fast food workers and cleaning people. What I mean is is that when you have a significant amount of Mexican people that are the backbone of labor in your area, things are just more effective. They work better. Boy, i have never been more appreciative of the Southern California base of Mexican people who work their ass off, don't ask for anything in between, are generally great Christians, have great families and love being in this country.

Speaker 1:

There's some downsides to that as far as the gang activity etc. I'm not ignoring, but I'm shocked to realize how important that piece of our population is to the function of everything service related. My friend works up here. She runs a huge contract manufacturing facility for beauty products And she's told me time and time again she could not find someone to run the warehouse, to run fulfillment, to clean, because everyone here are just grungy white kids who just have no idea how to work hard. So they become homeless because it's popular here. It's very weird. You go to Los Angeles, they go to Skid Row. You don't see 18 year olds, 20 year olds. Most of these people have serious concerns regarding their mental health. But they're not kids. Oh no, you go to downtown Portland. They're all kids. It's weird. It's like it's a popular thing to be homeless on the streets and getting soup on the corner. It is so ass backwards here.

Speaker 1:

I have never seen anything like it And you know me, i've been everywhere. I mean, the closest thing to Portland is India. I've been there. I can tell you without question. I went and looked at a condo the other day. See what it was like down in a district called the Pearl District of downtown Portland. Beautiful condo, looks out on the river. Just an incredible building. It's like a five star hotel, almost like a Ritz Carlton. I get done with my tour. I absolutely love it. I'm talking to the agent about, you know, next steps. I go down to the lobby, i exit out, i turn left from the building and on the corner there's a man pooping into a Starbucks cup. Needless to say, that condo will no longer get my attention. I mean, this is like another planet. It's basically like Disney's animal kingdom. It's up for you're not in a Jeep, you're walking around and seeing all this wildlife, but they're humans. It's absolutely fascinating.

Speaker 1:

Yet the mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon refuses to admit there's a problem And they continue to roll this social BS out. Why, actually? one of the reasons why that condo was such a good deal is because the real estate market in the Pearl most of them are mid-rise and high-rise condos in the last eight years have dropped, on average, 28% in value, and there are people that bought these places in the Pearl when they were being built up for close to a million dollars And now you can get in at 600, 700. It's so sad. Why there's not more of an outrage from people that have invested so much money is beyond me. I think they're just used to their complaints falling on deaf ears. Literally, these government officials here don't care about anyone other than drug addicts and homeless people.

Speaker 1:

Also, i've been here for two weeks and I've received five speeding tickets. Now. I've told you all I love cars and I love driving fast and I have the same driving behavior here as I do in Southern California. I couldn't understand why they're so crazy about speeding. I'm gonna fight all of them, as you know, but I can't figure it out, and I realized this morning right before I got on the show, that They are so desperate for money because the funds, the revenue from the taxpayers here, are Completely drained on these social programs. So the only way they can increase revenue into the local and state government here is through violations, speeding, parking. I was driving the other day and there was like six cars with boots on them. I haven't seen a boot in years. Most people just get towed, but I think it's probably better financially for them So they don't have to waste the money on tow yards and towing and every day the boot is on. There's a higher fee assessment from what I understand. So for those of you listeners who live here, oh God, i feel so bad for you.

Speaker 1:

Move to Bend and work at the gay conservative studios when it's ready, probably in the next six months. I'll, of course, be going back and forth between Newport Beach and Bend. It snows there in the winter and I can't deal with snow. What a wild ride It's been up here, and I don't mean to completely shit on it, i'm. It's really the infrastructure that's crappy. During the summer, the Pacific Northwest is probably the most Incredible place to be. Everything is green because it rains the rest of the year. The trees are tall and healthy.

Speaker 1:

The dog parks here are big off-leash hikes. That are hundreds of acres, very dog friendly and now that Ron's recovered He's loving it. I mean, he really is loving it. We go to the different parks every day and I've lost a significant amount of weight. Because they're not these smaller parks in California. We're really the only option you have is to sit, throw the ball for the dog. No, these are substantial parks. There's one park, local park, near where I'm staying, that when you do five laps around it It's 2.25 miles. There's nothing better. No, i feel better. The air is clean, so there are a lot of great things about it. I can see the allure.

Speaker 1:

I just wish like Santa Barbara or Orange County. There are parts of Orange County that are dirty and disgusting like this, like Santa Anna, for example. But there's also escape routes that you can take, even if you live there, for cost savings or for whatever reason. Hop, skip and a jump. There's Newport Beach. You can spend the day in the beach. There's no homeless people, it's nice and clean, people are lovely, but here there's nowhere to go. I mean even Lake Oswego, which is one of the most wealthy communities in the Portland region. I mean I remember coming up here when I worked for L'Oreal and Hanging out in Lake Oswego and it reminded me of Beverly Hills and now it reminds me of downtown Los Angeles. Just sad how the people have allowed this to happen and either they don't care.

Speaker 1:

I think Lake Oswego is a lot like San Francisco in the sense that most of these people are just older, rich hippies from the 60s and 70s that have done very well for themselves But have rich guilt and still vote Democrat, even to the detriment of their own investment. I mean, you think about most Americans. Home ownership is a huge part of their financial future. As the equity in your home grows, you can borrow on it. You can pay off your house and then sell it to retire on. You can sell it and leave the money to your kids. You can leave the home to your kids. It's a very great part of American society and culture, home ownership. But it's also a big investment and it's a huge Part of your financial future. These people don't care that their investment is you know some, in some cases 40% down from the original purchase price Scary. It's very scary to see how ineffective it is up here And, if anything, it's made me realize that this is the direction so many other places are going.

Speaker 1:

San Diego is on this direction. La, i thought, was the you know epitome, but no, they're gonna get worse. Like Portland, seattle is just as bad as Portland, new York, manhattan. It's on its way. And what I would say to everyone either who listens to the program to mock me Which I see all the time, which is hilarious, because, hey, as long as you listen, i'm getting paid but what I would say to people who don't Understand what common sense conservatism is, to take a week and visit downtown Portland. That is what is in the near future for you if you live in a Democrat or liberal run city. This is the future homeless zombies, worthless young white kid laborers, excessive police state enforcing violations, solely for revenue to be Equally distributed amongst all the homeless and poor people, and absolutely no incentive to live here. But that's what's going on with me.

Speaker 1:

I am super happy of the direction that we're taking and Having my dreams fulfilled of having a place and bend while still having a place in Newport Beach. And the opportunity is huge here because private employment is at an all-time low. So you do have your pick of the most talented people in the country, because they can't find Employment from private employers that provide great benefits, fair pay, a culture of family values Doesn't exist, even in Bend. It's all service jobs or working in the public sector. Which God who would want to do that here? So that's where I'm at. I am excited to get home, but I'm also thrilled to close this deal and Update you guys on some of the other things we have going on.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that I just want to say is I have to do a little bragging about myself. We are now the number three podcast in the LGBTQ Section in the Apple podcast and Spotify, where the number 12 podcast and conservative politics, which, as you know, is a huge section of podcasts talking about people like Ben Shapiro, people like Mark Levin, and so to be number 12 is huge. We were number 40 and I was happy, and then we went to 24, and then the recent ratings came out last week And we were number 12. The fact that the LGBTQ Community is embracing us. We can't decide whether they're all listening and pushing us to number three because They hate the concept of a conservative gay and they want to take pieces from my show in order to prove whatever Crazy Marxist point they have, or if there are that many common sense LGBTQ community members that are craving Content that is not insane. Wait until you hear the latest That I have to show today as far as the Pride month and some of the insanity That's been caught on tape. All right, so those are my updates. We'll get right into the stories of the day after these words.

Speaker 1:

It's no secret that I love the ordinary skin care, but what is a secret is that they just Launched their new hair care, and boy is it just as good as their skincare. They're revitalizing formulas, make my hair feel new, and I have a full head of bleach, so I'm constantly breaking and losing hair. This seems to do the trick. Go to the ordinary calm, check it out. There's a few products. You should try them, see what you think. If you like them, keep them. If you don't, send them back, no pressure. The ordinary skin care and now the ordinary hair care. All right, folks, we got a lot to cover today. I really want to spend some time and focus on the hunter-biden Corruption cover-up that has everything to do with our president. Furthermore, chris Christie was invited to speak at the Faith and freedom convention, where he received hundreds of booze and expressed pure stupidity about his relationship with Donald Trump. On top of that, there's been some shocking videos that have come out of New York City's pride events, including naked men trying to offer children candy, take pictures with them, do all sorts of other creepy things. Separate from that, in another event, new York pride supporters chanted we're coming for your kids. I have those sound clips and more when we come back.

Speaker 1:

This episode of the podcast is presented by factor meals. As you know, i was 317 pounds two years ago and I just weighed this morning at 235. Granted, i've got about another 20 to go to get the dad bod. That is my goal, but factor meals helps a lot. First of all, there's endless options. Second of all, for those of us who are truly fat not these people who are like I need to lose five pounds.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no. For us, bigger men and women, taste is everything. The reason we are this fat is because we love the taste of food. Well, the great news is is factor meals taste fantastic. They have vegan, they have vegetarian, they have Keto, they have anything you need. Gluten-free doesn't matter. Right now, factor meals for you all is offering 50% off your first box 50%. And then what are they offering? another 20% off your second box. Go to factor, at least explore see if it's for you. But I'll tell you, if you order and you truly use the meal plan as intended I do just my lunches in my dinners the weight will begin to shed off like crazy again, folks. Factor 50% off your first box and 20% after that.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, chairman, thanks for being here everybody. Look a couple things First. What we're seeing here, what we're witnessing with the Biden family, frankly, is just a web of concealment, of deception. A lot of people would say corruption. But let's be very clear. You have this many companies involved, this velocity of transactions, size of transactions. Like my colleagues have said, this is not how normal businesses operate.

Speaker 4:

I had the ability, with chairman Comer and other members of the committee, to go over to the Treasury building and review documents and, having read those documents, one thing is became pretty crystal clear that there were many people Who had serious questions about the transactions and about the velocity of these transactions.

Speaker 4:

And they either get very, very deep into concealment, hiding money, shifting money, and for the purpose we don't know. Because one thing everybody in this room and the American people definitely know Said the Biden family doesn't really have a business. There is no business structure around this family Except politics. The Biden's associates, like Rob Walker, eric Sherman has been discussed created at least 16 companies while Joe Biden was vice president of the United States. 16 Companies created while he was vice president. Now the list is 20 and as we continue our investigation, that list is growing. And, like I said before, the question is to serve what purpose? and? And the purpose of all these companies being created is to conceal money That the Biden family has been gaining, gaining, gaining, because Joe Biden has been sitting at the upper echelon of our politics for almost five decades.

Speaker 1:

Man. I love Byron Donald's. What a rock star he is. Breaks it down perfectly. There is no business. There's no business. These companies serve no purpose other than to receive and disperse and conceal Money. That's it.

Speaker 1:

We see this stuff every day from sketchy investment banks, gang activity and all sorts of white collar crime, and These would normally be punishable to the extent of the law. So last week one of the IRS whistleblowers Received or revealed to us that they have text messages between Hunter Biden and a Communist Party official, henry Zhao. I mean, it is absolutely shocking. If you guys haven't read this stuff, i. The text reads I'm sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now, before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. If I get a call from anyone involved in this other than you, zheng, or the chairman, i will make certain that, between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability for ever to hold a grudge that you will regret not following my directions, i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father, and then later they were able to confirm they were together because photos on social media were found with them together in the same area. The whistleblower is very, very credible. I'm not sure if you guys have seen or heard a lot about this guy.

Speaker 1:

So one of the whistleblowers is undisclosed, but the other one is named Gary Shapley And he was actually the supervisory agent who was in charge of the Biden investigation. I mean, he stated under oath that it was replete with irregularities and was like any investigation he was involved in over the course of his 14 year career. Now, if you take a look at who Shapley is, there's really nothing that anyone on either side could say to discredit this man. He testified under oath. Simply, he was taught as a child always to do the right thing and there was no reward for me to become a whistleblower. He's highly decorated. He's been with the agency since 2009. He also testified under oath that he investigated and managed some of the largest cases in US history And he has a history with the agency of recovering over $3.5 billion based on those investigations. It's been confirmed he's never given any money to any political campaign, never attended a campaign event, never had a candidate sticker on his car and throughout the years we were able to confirm that he voted for both Democrat and Republicans for president. So in 2020, this guy, shapley, became the supervisor of the IRS Hunter Biden case and the code name was Sportsman. By March of 2020, he had sent reports up the chain of command that the IRS would be ready to seek approval for physical search warrants in California, arkansas, new York and Washington DC. Following that, on April 1st, an IRS colleague drafted an affidavit establishing probable cause for those searches and also noted to conduct 15 interviews at the same time.

Speaker 1:

But again, once Joe Biden became the Democrats' presumptive nominee for president, career DOJ officials dragged their feet and purposely cabasched the investigative steps Over the next two years. He testified under oath and with the punishment of perjury quote he and his team were hamstrung by superiors and not allowed to follow the facts in this case. He also testified that he was abruptly removed from the investigation about a month ago after providing protected disclosures concerning prosecutors' mishandling of the investigation of Hunter Biden, to include conflict of interest, preferential treatment, deviations from normal investigative procedures and conflicting information provided by Attorney General Merrick Gardlin to Congress related to the independence of the US Attorney. Us Attorney for Delaware It's Weiss, i'm sure you guys know, and he's been under a rock. He won't talk and no one will make him talk. One of the things he said was during a meeting at Weiss's office along with other senior level managers from the IRS, fbi and Weiss himself. Weiss told the group he was not the deciding official on whether or not charges are filed And that Matthew Graves, another missing in action, would not allow him to charge Hunter Biden in Washington DC, where Biden's taxes should have been filed. Weiss also said that he asked Maine Justice for the authority of special counsel to charge Biden in DC and that request was denied. Also, the US Attorney of the Central District of California, where the younger Biden lived, also declined Weiss's attempt to bring charges in his district.

Speaker 1:

Chaplie said it seemed some of these decisions seemed to be influenced by politics. He then basically proved that Merrick Merrillist Garland lied in his sworn testimony to the Senate. And the Attorney General said I promise to leave the matter of Hunter Biden in the hands of US Attorney for the District of Delaware. I have pledged not to interfere with that investigation and I have carried through on my pledge. And he said that's not accurate, this whistleblower. He said the statement was not true and that it came a year after Weiss was rebuffed by fellow US attorneys in California and DC. And now we've just read the transcripts of testimony by Chaplie and the other whistleblower.

Speaker 1:

Search warrants, including a search warrant of Joe Biden's guest house where Hunter was living, and other investigative requests, were all blocked by the DOJ. They said charges were downgraded and critical related information was leaked to the younger Biden's legal team, therefore stifling investigators' ability to obtain evidence. This stuff is insane, guys. I mean this is huge, huge. Not only is it corruption, but it's the cover-up of corruption by an elected official who has sat as a senator, a vice president and now a president for almost 50 years. The whistleblower goes on to say Hunter Biden engaged in the conduct to hide payments that he received from Barissima Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company that hired him as a consultant and placed him on the board of directors. So essentially Meritless.

Speaker 1:

Garland came out and said these allegations are not true. Blatantly, he will not allow Attorney Weiss to be a witness and come forth to Senate. He has been subpoenaed to testify on multiple occasions in which he's ignored. He's in contempt of Congress and several other key players have also gone. quote-unquote missing, not really missing, they're just refusing to talk. So I just want to go back for a second and talk a little about where this started. I think a lot of people forget how long this has been going on.

Speaker 1:

So in 2013, hunter Biden rode on Air Force Two on a trip to China. During that trip, hunter met with a Chinese banker named Jonathan Lee. At the same time, joe Biden met for five and a half hours with Zhijun Ping, the president. Now, 10 days after they come back, a new business and, as you heard from Byron Donalds, there's 20 of them. One of those businesses is called DHR Partners. Hunter sat on the board of DHR Partners and guess who was the CEO of DHR Partners? Jonathan Lee, the same banker that he met with, all while Joe Biden was still vice president.

Speaker 1:

Then DHR Partners was involved in the sale of a cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Right, you all remember this. This was probably one of the, if not the richest, cobalt mines. They facilitated the sale while Hunter was on the board, with a 10% stake in the company. They facilitated a sale from an American company to this company, that's Chinese, called China Mali Batem. Now keep following me if you can.

Speaker 1:

Cobalt, as we know, is essential in electric vehicles. So the push from Obama, biden and all the other you know climate change Nazis was to get more electric vehicles on the road. So they set it up with Hunter Biden's 10% stake in DHR Partners. He purchased for supposedly $420,000. Essentially, what happened was Biden and President Xi, hunter and this banker, lee, put together a plan to require America to go through China in order to buy cobalt, an ingredient essential to the environmental Gustapo plan. Now, the same year, became this text that we just found last week. Furthermore, jen Sackie told us Hunter Biden was doing everything he could to unravel his 10% stake in DHR Partners. I mean, more and more people looked into it and, as of today, hunter still owns 10% of DHR Partners.

Speaker 1:

Now you would think, okay, this isn't a big deal. Corruption, sure This isn't a massive deal. This stuff happens all the time. Well, first of all, it is a massive deal. You can't hold private interest when your job is to represent the public's interest of this country. Second of all, they have lied time and time again. Joe Biden said I never even spoke to Hunter about his business dealings and his meeting with Lee in China. So let me get this straight you guys are sitting on Air Force Two after hours of meetings and you don't talk about what happened. You don't talk about what transpired between Hunter and the banker, especially because he's always been so eager to make Daddy proud. I'm sure he was bouncing off the walls dying to tell his dad about the deal he made. That's going to support what Daddy's trying to do. Well. Today, bhr Partners holds assets for $2.1 billion in investments. So even if he was to sell the $420,000, 10% stake, he would receive $210 million. That's a 50,000% return on investment. And that's just one case that can be proven without a shadow of a doubt with Hunter Biden, joe Biden and the CCP.

Speaker 1:

Some of you might say well, where is the influence that the Chinese bought from Joe Biden? Well, his first day in office he signed all kinds of executive orders about green energy, and then Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act that had nothing to do with inflation. I did multiple shows on it When hidden inside was billions of dollars for EV purchase incentives, infrastructure growth and more. Now there was an American company that owned the cobalt, but presumably Joe Biden and Hunter forced the sale to the Chinese, probably gave them an offer they just couldn't refuse. The Chinese have now taken over that cobalt mine and we buy cobalt directly and or indirectly from the Chinese because of the Biden's corruption. I mean, if that doesn't make you vomit, i don't know what else does To add to. That is also to add to the fact that they've already tracked $30 million that have gone through one hour more of these 20 LLCs. It's just LLC over LLC, next to LLC over LLC $30 million from foreign officials, including a gentleman in Romania businessman that was being investigated for corruption charges. Biden went over and did a whole speech in Romania about how to deal with corruption. The then Romanian president came to the United States. We hosted him at the White House. Biden then talked with him in depth about how to deal with corruption. There was a tiny little charge slapped on the man who paid $3 million and he's no longer a subject of investigation.

Speaker 1:

See what the left does here, folks is. They say there's no hard evidence, it's hearsay, it's double hearsay. Well, there is something in the law that I talk about every day which is called common sense, and most juries actually have it. Prosecutors often don't, defense attorneys often don't, judges often don't. Not only any of the government lawyers, the AGs, state's attorneys, don't have it, but as a regular person, when you look at how these things transpire in the short amount of time and the massive amount of money to people that have no business. It's disgusting, it's obvious, but the media won't cover it. The media will not cover it. So you've got CNN, msnbc, new York Slimes, washington Compost and all the rest of them saying this is alleged by the GOP. This is an alleged witch hunt by the GOP. They're just trying to get revenge because Trump got caught.

Speaker 1:

In 2017, hunter Biden was working to create another Chinese company called CFC. One of the emails that were revealed from his laptop showed the funding of this company included Hunter Biden holding 10% for the big guy, navy veteran and former employee, tony Bob Alinsky. I really liked him. He came forward and he said I worked with them all the time. Joe Biden was always involved in the conversations and Hunter always referred to him as the big guy, and then again, more and more shows up 10 million in transfers from Romania.

Speaker 1:

There was an FD1023 form, which was essentially what it is is a complaint form submitted to the FBI that documents the complaint and any evidence or anything that has to do with the assertions. Well, of course, it was never investigated. I mean, it describes bribe after bribe from the Biden family. It also alleges that the founder of Burisma, the Ukrainian oil company, paid $5 million to Hunter Biden and $5 million to Joe Biden. What do you know? This was at the exact same time. Burisma put him on the board and paid him $1 million per year to serve on the board from 2014 to 2019.

Speaker 1:

This is black and white folks. This is black and white. And if they didn't have anything to hide, why is the FBI refusing to cooperate with Congress? Why aren't they turning any of this evidence over? And to me, one thing that a lot of people haven't noticed, which I think is the tell all, is that a couple of weeks ago, the White House employed a criminal attorney for the Bidens Joe now has a criminal attorney representing him. If you're going to lawyer up with a criminal attorney to me, that right there tells us that Biden knows that he's a criminal. Right Again, common sense tells us this behavior is not normal, these business dealings are not normal.

Speaker 1:

Yet people, time and time again, want to tell us that, as conspiracy theorists, we're making all this up because, god forbid, their hero, joe Biden, would be involved in any weird or corrupt or cover ups, unethical dealings period, which is sick. You know again, fatslaw. Bill Barr actually investigated some of these documents, but he didn't open investigation. He didn't appoint a special counsel. How many special counsels have been appointed to harass and manipulate Donald Trump and keep him from being in politics? How many? Yet you have solid evidence of pay to play schemes between the president, his son and multiple relatives. What does Bill Barr do, fatslaw? He sends it to Delaware, sends it to Delaware to do an investigation.

Speaker 1:

The other part of this that we also forget, which people will tell me? this is a conspiracy as well. But there is a reason why families like the Bidens and the Clintons go unscathed because they are dangerous criminal organizations that thrive on holding blackmail against people. So when things like this come up, they use it to their advantage to squelch any questions. People say well, nobody investigated Hillary's emails I think one. That was a very bad choice on Donald Trump's part. He should have forced that to happen. But on top of that, who knows what the Bidens hold against US Attorney Weiss or even Meritless Garland? This is a mob mentality. These people are mafia. Merit Garland is merely a henchman for Joe Biden. If you don't see that, i'm sorry to tell you you're stupid. This is not a joke. Not a joke, folks, not a witch hunt, not a conspiracy theory. An actual conspiracy created on behalf of the president, his son and his family members.

Speaker 1:

This is the same man who's a crack addict, failed at that, failed at being a crack dealer, and F to sister-in-law On top of that, he got kicked out of sex clubs in Los Angeles, can't even be a perv, right, the kid can do nothing, right. He has not one positive notch on his belt, not one. He is the epitome of a loser, epitome, big loser. And yet we see him at the White House Correspondence Dinner talking to all these other foreign leaders. What's going on there? I mean, again the evidence that I just presented to you. Would common sense lead you to believe that maybe he was there making more deals? I mean, the Justice Department just proved to us that he could get away with murder. That plea deal that he got was absolutely unacceptable. Anyone else And there's actually been celebrities and a rapper that my employee was telling me about who did the exact same thing And actually went to prison He didn't pay taxes and the years that he didn't pay taxes he was earning millions.

Speaker 1:

Why didn't he pay taxes? Because the IRS would quickly be able to tie that income to all these shady dealings, because that's what they do, folks. That is what the IRS does. Had he turned this stuff in when he did, he would have been caught. So he willingly ignored and did not pay taxes. He waited until he could frame this whole thing into a conservative conspiracy and then took a sweetheart plea deal.

Speaker 1:

Bill Blar clearly covered this up as well. He's got some grudge against Trump. But when I ask you, if you knew about this stuff before the 2020 election, wouldn't it change the way you voted? if you voted for Biden, would this not affect the results of the election? Of course it would. Anyone with a brain would look at that and go oh my God, this guy's crazy. This is worse than Watergate. But Barr did nothing about it And he had all the information. And when it came completely unavoidable because Congress has been able to obtain the financial records and obtain evidence against Hunter and Joe and everyone in between they could no longer avoid it. So they gave him a sweetheart plea deal. Folks, it's all interconnected here. Whoa, i went long on that, so not gonna do a commercial break for the rest of the show. Get you guys caught up, have some fun things to share.

Speaker 3:

First of all, thank you all for being here and for loving our country enough to be here, And I thought this morning the most appropriate issue to discuss is the issue of character.

Speaker 1:

That was just the opening from Fat Chris Christie setting himself up to attack Donald Trump, talking about the issue of character. How could Chris Christie be talking to us about character? He's spineless, He did a terrible job as governor of New Jersey And, most importantly, he has never stuck to anything he started. I hate people like him. Let's listen to more what this guy has to say. Oh and, by the way, when I call people fat, it's only because I am fat and was fat. It's kind of like the N word. Only black people can call each other that. Well, only fat people can call each other fat. Just so you know.

Speaker 3:

And I wanna start. You can tell I'm getting older, i have to put these on, but I wanted to start with Romans, chapter five versus three to five.

Speaker 1:

What a joke All of a sudden he's presenting to Christians. So he's a Christian. He refers to his faith about a hundred times. Since when is he referred to his faith? Oh and, by the way, Mr Faithful is the same person who is championing for children to have sex reassignment surgery. Where is that in the Bible? Krispy Kreme?

Speaker 3:

Character is tested most when you're challenged.

Speaker 1:

God, he sounds like he just smoked a pack of cigarettes before he came on stage. The guy is so unhealthy, i mean he must weigh 350 pounds right now. His shirt can't even hold him together. And then he's going and, and, and, and.

Speaker 3:

It's pathetic. If, in 1861, abraham Lincoln decided to give the South, we would not have the country that we have, not the leader of the world that we became.

Speaker 1:

The audio is a little screwy there, but I think you get what he's trying to say. If Abraham Lincoln hadn't done this, we wouldn't be the nation. If Ronald Reagan hadn't done this, we wouldn't be this country. Essentially, he's comparing himself and teeing up an argument that he is at the same level as Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, which is absolutely disgusting.

Speaker 3:

Beware everybody of a leader who never makes mistakes. Beware of a leader who has no faults. Beware of a leader who says that when something goes wrong, it's everybody else's fault And he goes and he blames those people for anything that goes wrong, but when things go right, everything is to his credit.

Speaker 1:

This is coming from the guy who literally just spent five minutes talking about all his wonderful achievements in New Jersey and then comparing himself to Reagan and Lincoln. Hello, you didn't talk about one of your faults. If you're gonna make this point, actually make the point You sit there and tell everyone about your character and you admit things when you're wrong. yet you give absolutely no example, because you're a washed up big government bush style Republican who just uses this kind of speak to further his agenda.

Speaker 3:

There are a lot of people, a lot of people, who wonder about Donald Trump after I was the first candidate to endorse Donald Trump in 2016, the very first After he made me chairman of his transition.

Speaker 1:

This is nothing special. Most appointees in the beginning of Donald Trump's presidency were terrible. They were terrible because the guy came from the private sector. He didn't understand how politics worked. So we had all these advisors recommending people and, honestly, they recommend the worst people because those are the ones that are in politics. They know how to play the game, but they should have never been involved, chris Christie being one of those people.

Speaker 3:

After he made me chairman of his opioid and drug abuse commission. After and this one will keep you up at night, everybody after I played Hillary Clinton in debate prep You won't be able to sleep thinking about that one tonight. And after I played Joe Biden into big prep in 2020, why am I running for president of the United States? I'm running because he's let us down.

Speaker 1:

Now here's where he really goes wrong, because there is absolutely no evidence Nothing, not a document, not a statement, nothing that has been proven that any of these things that he's being charged or accused of are actually real. You don't admit you're guilty to something you're not guilty of. You don't go out during a pending investigation and accept responsibility of something that's clearly been designed to hurt you. Essentially, what Christie is saying is the media and the DOJ and the local politicians. They're all right. They're all right And he needs to own up to them. The only reason why he wants Donald Trump to own up to anything is so Chris Christie has a better chance to get to the White House. But I'll tell you, with or without Trump, with or without DeSantis, with or without Nikki Haley, chris Christie would lose. Chris Christie could never defeat Joe Biden in a general election. No way, because he's essentially the same person talking all about his faith, quoting the Bible. What a joke.

Speaker 3:

He has let us down because he's unwilling. He's unwilling to take responsibility for any of the mistakes that were made, Any of the faults that he has and any of the things that he's done. And that is not leadership. Everybody. That is a failure of leadership. And I you could boo all you want, But here's the thing. Our faith teaches us that people have to take responsibility for what they do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he sounds like a televangelist, but I think he missed his calling as a televangelist. He really I mean, he sounds like a person spouting off all this nonsense about his faith And then he turns around and says, whoa, republicans need to stop going. After child mutilation, it's up to the parents to decide if they wanna cut off their son's penis or not. Really, mr Faith? Where does it say that in the Bible? Why don't you admit that's wrong? You won't, because all you do is kowtow and pander so you can get media coverage, because you know you'll get more media coverage if you talk bad about Donald Trump. Chris Christie should be ashamed of himself and he should go away, because all he's doing is wasting time and efforts of Republican leaders that we need to help get real Republicans like Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump elected period. All right, so I'm gonna quickly touch on some of this pride nonsense and then I'll probably continue the conversation tomorrow, as we're running out of time. I know that doesn't say much, but that is a clip of a New York Pride event featuring about a dozen naked men riding bikes, walking with everything out to see Camera footage panning on the audience and in the front row sitting there are kids and these naked men are tossing them candies. They're wearing floaties, they're dressed up in all kinds of fancy kind of costumes Not that you can be fancy when you have your dong hanging out but I guess what I'm saying is is that it's very obvious that this is enticing children very obvious. You can actually see people say to me well, they weren't naked, they must have had a Speedo one or something. That's indecent exposure. Oh no, you can see everything. When I say everything, i mean everything. They're riding around and their slogan is a pride for everybody. Instead of everybody, it's everybody, and it just comes to show you. These people are not afraid of anything. They know they've got carte blanche to do whatever because they're supported by politicians, lawyers, the criminal justice system and they can do whatever they want. That includes being naked around kids handing them candy. Isn't that the essential nature of a pedophile? Here? kids want some candy, i mean, yes, now I can't speak to their state of mind or general intentions, but based on these actions, it drives me insane, because these are the videos that get spread around conservative media.

Speaker 1:

This is what Matt Walsh talks about, who I love. I love Matt Walsh, but this is the kind of thing he talks about. This is the kind of thing that they bring up on Laura's show or Tucker's show, or that is what conservatives run with when they make decisions to be anti-gay and lesbian. None of this is gay and lesbian. This is creep, creep, mentally ill, disturbed, disgusting people that don't belong to be on the street. It is not a reflection of the gay community, but because of this trans nonsense, they're accepted like everyone else, because we've been forced to believe that in order to have inclusivity in a more equitable society, kids and everyone else should be exposed to this stuff and accept it carte blanche. It's terrible. It's absolutely terrible. It doesn't end.

Speaker 1:

Any parent that had their kids there? Now I don't know if there was any way for a parent to know if that was coming through the parade. Were there graphic content warnings anywhere? If not, if that just came through and you had your kids there and you were just watching a parade and a bunch of naked guys on bicycles and scooters and shit came around and were showing your kids their dong, if you willingly participated in that with your children, you deserve to be in jail. I'm sorry, that's child abuse. It is actual child abuse. But no, that's the gay community. That's what gay guys do. They like to get undressed and ride around on bicycles with makeup on and throw candy for kids. And that's why we get such a bad name, because people like this And, honestly, a lot of you who listen to my show are gay conservatives, and it is frustrating for us because the movements have been all grouped together in this sort of nonsensical blanket call for equity and sexual freedom and sexual activism, when really none of it reflects the majority of gay and men and women None of it.

Speaker 1:

And lots of my friends are gay guys with kids. They would die if they were there and that happened with their kids. They would die. They would absolutely die if their kids were at the library for a drag show. This stuff is reserved for disturbed people. There's no other explanation, because what drag does is? it glamorizes being gay or being trans or being lesbian. It's indirect grooming. It's also hypersexual. Most drag queens wear revealing clothes, have incredibly poor like makeup I don't know how else to say it, but it's terrible. It's terrible because this is what's blowing back onto our community When, really, granted, there's a huge population of mentally disturbed people in our community that think this stuff is okay. I mean, i wonder how many of these guys, naked you know, scootering around, have kids? I hope none.

Speaker 1:

I love how nudists say, oh, it's not sexual, it's not about sexuality, it's about embracing your body, really. Well then, how come everyone that I know that goes to nudist clubs and beaches is going there to get late? All you're doing is expecting the meat before you eat. It Has nothing to do with you. want to be comfortable in your body. Walk around your own house naked. Jump in your own jacuzzi naked. Don't go to a hotel or a resort in Palm Springs. Tell me it's not sexual. See, this is the stuff that kills us in America. Because people who follow other conservatives that aren't me and there's very I'm really the only one that's openly, openly gay and a constitutional conservative. There are some gay Republicans out there, but they don't double down on this stuff And the reason why I bring it up.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to make the point that if you are uneasy about LGBTQ stuff, make sure you separate everything out and understand that there is a huge gay population of men and women who want and crave family values, family appropriate content and to be treated like every other family on the block. They don't want to be weird. They don't want to be different. They don't want to shove anything down your throats. However, we're constantly put in that bucket, since this trans nonsense, which has been happening for a while but has really in the last couple years become an aggressive war they've waged on America And it's hurting us bad. We have to stand up against the mentally disturbed people who are bringing us down with them. I mean, they're not bringing me down, but some people can't help it. It's a very sad, sad thing that's happening, and I call it liberal induced bulimia, because when I see these videos, all I want to do is throw up, literally. It's on my Twitter LastGayKons. Check it out. It's really really scary. All right, let's listen to the next mentally disturbed clip now.

Speaker 1:

So that Last song was from the San Francisco men's or gay men's choir a year or two ago, but the first chanting was from a few weeks ago at the New York Pride event in Manhattan. We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children. Tell me they're not grooming. Tell me something. It was like oh, it's sarcastic, they're doing a play on the conservative false allegations of grooming. No, they're not. They're completely owning the fact that they wanna chip away at kids slowly but surely to make them whatever they think they should be, whatever gender or whatever sexual orientation, when really nature should do all that work for us. It doesn't. A child's development, a child's sexual orientation, a child's gender identity comes from within. It should never come from outside, because then they're going to be constantly living a life of turmoil, confusion, misunderstanding. I mean, if you look at drug addicts, for example, most of them will tell you that they were influenced by friends at school, started with marijuana and slowly got worse and worse in their life. This is the same thing.

Speaker 1:

People need to come to conclusions on their own, and educators and the mob like this who says they're coming for your children are not allowing that to happen. And it's really sick, because if you really are a believer that these things are real, gender identity with kids are real, gayness is always nature, nothing to do with nurture. All these things that they confidently proclaim on a regular basis Don't align with the fact that they're admitting to putting thoughts in people's heads, altering education, teaching about inappropriate things. We all know all of that leads to substantial impacts on how someone grows up and how someone's train of thought is developed. So for them to say, oh, we're making a satire song about how conservatives think we're coming for your kids and we're coming for them to make them more inclusive and create equity, et cetera all the buzzwords they say over and over again. That's not the case. These people marching, i mean I can't say exactly who they are, but I can tell you right now this isn't satire to them. They are serious.

Speaker 1:

They are proclaiming that their mob or their coalition, or whatever you wanna call it, is going after kids, which completely decimates the other side of the LGBTQ or the trans argument or the gay argument that this stuff is natural and be found in nature. I agree, i think that there's a little bit of everything, but I know that as a kid who wanted to be cool and fancied myself as a smooth talker and I was kind of a character when I was in young elementary school. I think if I was in fourth or fifth grade even, and someone taught me the amazing history of LGBTQ leaders and what they've gone through and what it's like to have anal sex and all of that, i may have been inclined to actually come out gay before I even knew that I was really gay. Let nature do its job, because, i promise you this. When nature is left to do its job, the amount of kids with gender identity issues will completely shrink.

Speaker 1:

Whenever we allow outside factors to control how someone develops, we're interfering with nature, and when we interfere with nature, bad things happen, seriously bad things. Mental illness is often a result of interfering with the natural progression of things. Things that are not supposed to happen, that are happening when they're not supposed to happen, will always result in some sort of negative consequence. So the fact that they're being so blatant about their efforts to come after kids, regardless of whatever their intention may be, equity or any of the BS, regardless of that, they're completely shitting on the concept that gay people have argued for years.

Speaker 1:

Trans people have argued for years that nurture has nothing to do with sexual orientation or gender. It is 100% founded in nature and how you are born. If that's the case, then why do they need to recruit kids? Why do they need to try to convert people? Why do they need to glamorize the lifestyle? You understand what I'm saying here, folks. It's a complete abandonment of the foundation of what the gay explanation has been for two, three decades, and it's a recruitment effort, forcing people to accept things carte blanche, with no questions, no judgment, and who are the hardest people to say no to Children?

Speaker 1:

If children are on their side, chances are parents are going to try to, through guilt, find out how to be on their side, and this is an orchestrated attempt of recruiting kids into either a mindset, a gender, a sexual orientation or sexual activism and exploration. That should all happen by nature, all of it. Nature doesn't need outside influence. It does its thing, like it did with me. I didn't have teachers telling me this stuff. My parents certainly didn't tell me this stuff. I came to the conclusion on my own and I firmly believe that this is the way I was born. That's my experience.

Speaker 1:

And now we have droves of kids coming out at 11, well, 10, 9, coming out as gay and bisexual, especially after they've been taught that material in school, because it's being glamorized. Just like drugs have been glamorized, that's how smoking has been glamorized. No child is a natural smoker, but with enough cool TV commercials and magazine ads and Joe Camel, if it's glamorized enough, any young person will gravitate towards it, and that is what happens, and that is exactly what's happening today. This video is a prime example of how this cult mob coalition group of mentally disturbed people thinks about your kids. Lock them up. Either lock these people up in jail or lock your kids up. Homeschool them private school, private Christian school, because some of these creative private schools are just as bad. This is absolute proof of what is happening and what we've been fighting against as Christians, as conservatives and heck, as just normal people and normal gay people who don't need any of it or want to be associated with it.

Speaker 1:

Well, i think that's enough for today, folks. See you tomorrow. We'll go over some of your questions and I have Donna coming on tomorrow for the conspiracy corner. I'm Chad Law, reminding you of what Reagan once said Freedom is only one generation away from extinction. And boy, folks, are we close? God bless you, president Reagan, and may God save America.

Speaker 2:

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