The Last Gay Conservative

Dissecting Bidenomics: A Deep Dive into Economic Trends, Affirmative Action, and Anti-Semitism

The Last Gay Conservative

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Are you ready for a reality check on Bidenomics? Buckle up as we dissect President Biden's claims on the economy, tap into the global implications of current economic trends, and reveal the true colors of the National Strategy to Counter Anti-Semitism. We promise, it's going to be a rollercoaster ride as we share our analysis on approval ratings, the national debt and economic indicators that hit home.

But hang on, we've got more for you. We're going to dive deep into the global economy's current state, the strength of the dollar as the world's currency, the potential of the yuan to replace it, and the repercussions if the pound loses its status. Exploring the interesting idea of central banks hoarding gold, we'll also address President Biden's claims of his travels with Zhijing Ping. You don't want to miss our take on these!

Lastly, we'll scrutinize the Supreme Court's ruling on Affirmative Action and its influence on the black community and the Asian American population. Prepare to hear our thoughts on the Democrats' responses and the implications of the elimination of identity factors in admission. We'll also probe the controversial inclusion of the Council on American Islamic Relations in the National Strategy to Counter Anti-Semitism, challenging the administration's commitment to combating anti-Semitism. Join us as we examine these critical issues that impact our everyday lives.

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Speaker 1:

President Biden claims Bidenomics is working, while ignoring key facts and indicators that the economy is failing. The Supreme Court of the United States rules. Affirmative action is unconstitutional And the true colors on national strategy to counter anti-Semitism seems to be anti-Semitic. If you're listening to The Last Gay Conservative, i'm your host, chad Law. Hello America, we want to hear from you. Don't forget to text or leave a message on the message line. It's 866-LAST-GAY, or tweet me directly. At Last Gay Cons, send us an email at podcastatlastgayconservativecom. Oh folks, happy Thursday.

Speaker 1:

Well, it has been quite the day for news. My phone has been pinging since 4am and I'm about ready to jump out my window. I'm teasing, but a lot of stuff happening. Of course, president Biden had to get up in Chicago and make a total fool out of himself. I mean the guy it is so sad to watch.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday morning, approval ratings come out from all the liberal left-arm media 34% approval rating on the economy And he stands up and he says Bidenomics is working. Everyone should get a job. And I really want to break that down because really the only thing the Democrats focus on is jobs and deficit reduction. Meanwhile, our national debt is now $32 trillion and he can chip away at all. He wants $1 trillion, $2 trillion, but we're adding to the debt faster than we can pay it off. Oh no, but America is a country that pays its bills Well. So is everyone else, until they go bankrupt. He's also not focusing on true indicators. What's the real estate market look like? What's consumer confidence look like? What about the value of the dollar and country's jumping ship left and right and a very good chance that we're no longer going to be The worldwide currency that's used for trade Supply chain is still a disaster and we still have some serious gaps in the jobs Not well-paying jobs that he's adding. There's second and third and fourth jobs people are having to take because all of us have taken a major hit. Retirement funds, the stock market, local government funding all of those things are what we call key performance indicators of a thriving economy, and they are all down, other than his deficit payoff and his job numbers, which is ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Big news that at the Supreme Court. It's a great thing the Supreme Court finally struck down affirmative action. However, the last few days we've had two pretty bad rulings. Justice Roberts has really shown to be a complete moron and we knew Kavanaugh and Barrett were going to probably be more Republican than conservative. I'm really surprised at Amy Comey Barrett. I knew Kavanaugh was a Bush-style big government Republican going into it. Regardless of that, the way he was treated was completely unacceptable, so I supported him then, but I've never supported his values as a justice. That being said, it's wonderful that affirmative action is finally off the table. It'll be interesting to see what kind of huge uprising we're going to see from the minority communities and the woke white communities that have no idea what it was like as far as affirmative action is concerned, and it'll be really interesting to see if any government bodies or watchdog groups will come forward to see if the universities are actually doing what the new ruling says, which is that affirmative action is not constitutional, and so I want to go through that and go through the ruling and the opinion, and I also really want to go through the dissent. Kenji Brown and Sotomayor both had some very, very choice words to use that I think reveal really what their main motive is.

Speaker 1:

Lastly, a couple of months ago, biden launched a coalition against anti-Semitism, and already the Jewish community has some serious questions about the people that they've invited onto the coalition, including anti-Semitic Muslim groups that are known for misogyny, violence, anti-israel remarks and aggression and all sorts of things. So I want to quickly break that down as well, to just show you that this administration is the epitome of wolves and sheep's clothing. This is what they do. They call something. Oh, this is great, we're tackling anti-Semitism, but it's really not about anti-Semitism. It's probably about Muslim inclusion or something else. So we'll go over that. We've got a big weekend coming up for you guys, some great interviews and jam-packed information with COVID. We've got Donna coming on on Friday, so a lot of stuff going on. Hope you are all enjoying it and we'll get right into it.

Speaker 1:

After these words, this episode of the podcast is presented by Factor Meals.

Speaker 1:

As you know, i was 317 pounds two years ago and I just weighed this morning at 235. Granted, i've got about another 20 to go to get the dad bod. That is my goal, but Factor Meals helps a lot. First of all, there's endless options. Second of all, for those of us who are truly fat not these people who are like I need to lose five pounds. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

For us, bigger men and women, taste is everything. The reason we are this fat is because we love the taste of food. Well, the great news is is Factor Meals tastes fantastic. They have vegan, they have vegetarian, they have keto, They have anything you need. Gluten-free Doesn't matter. Right now, factor Meals for you all is offering 50% off your first box 50%. And then what are they offering? Another 20% off your second box. Go to, at least explore, see if it's for you. But I'll tell you, if you order and you truly use the meal plan as intended I do just my lunches and my dinners the weight will begin to shed off like crazy. Again, folks,, 50% off your first box and 20% after that.

Speaker 5:

So I came into office determined to change the economic direction of this country, to move from trickle-down economics to what everyone on Wall Street Journal and Financial Times began to call by-denomics. I didn't come up with a name, i really didn't. I now claim it, but they're the ones who use it first. But I think it's a plan that I'm happy to call by-denomics. And guess what By-denomics is working? By-denomics is about the future. By-denomics is just the other way of saying restore the American dream, because it worked before. It's rooted in what we've always worked best at in this country investing in America. Investing in Americans, because when we invest in our people, we strengthen the middle class. We see the economy grow that benefits all Americans. That's the American dream. Well, i believe that every American willing to work hard should be able to get a job, no matter where they are.

Speaker 1:

Well, there you have it folks. By-denomics is working And he didn't name it that, by the way. You know, the biggest problem that I have with Biden is should we really have an 80 year old man talking about the future? How much future does this guy have left? He doesn't care, it's all a bunch of malarkey. 80 year old telling us yeah, my plan is about the future. I bet it is. Of course, it's easy to talk about the future when you've got maximum you know his brain maybe five, six years left. The guy could barely get up the stairs and he's got hair coming out of his ears and little wispies coming behind his neck. I mean, he reminds me of my grandfather when he was 97. This guy is not doing well. So don't talk to us about the future, mr Biden, and moving away from trickle down economics because it didn't work right.

Speaker 1:

So when Carter was in office and you were a senator and Americans had depleted savings, inflation was at all time highs, gas was in huge shortages. He had to get a number or a letter. I can't write, i wasn't alive, but I remember my dad telling me he had to get a number or an assignment and there were huge lines at the gas station. They de-incentivized supply, focused 100% on demand, and it ruined everyone. I mean, there was no incentive to save your money, there was no incentive to invest, there was no incentive to start new businesses. And Reagan came in and said no, we're going to flip this, we're going to make this work in a way that everyone has the opportunity to build wealth. That's the American dream.

Speaker 1:

But Biden, for some reason in his convoluted head, thinks that his Bidenomics is working. And when you really break it down, how he explains it, there's only two factors that he's looking at the deficit and the job market, which I've talked about this 100 times on the show. And you guys are smart enough to realize that the job numbers, whether it's Republican or Democrat, the job numbers are so easy to massage in your favor that you know when a president comes in and their primary focus is on the job reports, there's something else going on, because it's so easy to massage. And if you hear any of them Hakeem, jeffries, pete Buttigieg, any of these other Marxists coming out oh, biden added X amount of jobs last month. Oh, great, i'm glad to see the McDonald's around the corner from my house is finally fully staffed. Well, he's investing in America. Well, how, Well? how are those chip plants coming along? I don't know How was all that infrastructure spending on green technology?

Speaker 1:

You know, half is windmills. Down south are all collapsing, smoking dead birds everywhere. It's hysterical. A Ford Pinto on a dyno could generate more power than these windmills, turbines, whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 1:

So when we want to take a holistic look at the economy not by dynamics, which is two things, there's really five pieces that are the true key performance indicators on whether or not our economy is healthy Consumer confidence, the dollar as the worldwide reserve currency, real estate supply trends and purchase trends. Because you know all those numbers and all those massive sales, like, let's say, in the automotive industry, over COVID, it's all fake money, it's all government money. It's just going from one to the other, one to the other. So it inflated numbers to an unreasonable amount where now most corporations can't even dream of hitting the numbers that they did. Well, excuse me, most consumer facing corporations like Procter and Gamble or VoxVagon Group or some of the major players, chevy, chevy doesn't even know their own numbers because it's all our money, i mean, they are completely built on government subsidy. But what I'm trying to say is that you saw this mass boom. You know they couldn't keep cars on the lots, couldn't keep Pantene on the shelves, and it's completely changed because there was a two year period of basically what I call monopoly money. People just got to use it, go gangbusters, all those stimulus checks, getting paid to work from home and sit and do nothing, which then empowered a lot of gig economy jobs so they could double dip. So it's really an anomaly that we can't focus on, and most of those corporations know that they're not going to go back to those numbers for a long time.

Speaker 1:

However, their prices still reflect. I love when they say, oh, inflation is down, inflation is down. And I look at them and I go yeah, your stat on inflation may be down. It might only be 7% instead of 10%, wow. But what people don't understand is that the peak of inflation, suppliers raise their prices, retailers raise their prices, wholesalers raise their prices. Do you think, once the inflation settles, that they go back and lower their price? No, they don't. So we're still paying way more for the same that we were making before. Whether or not the dollar is inflated, it doesn't matter, because at that point the prices are already set. The struggle is already there. That's not taken into account. And people say, oh, the economy is getting better, but why are my grocery bills so high if inflation is going down? Because the prices got set at the highest peak of inflation and the inflation grew more than your salary did, and so you're still trying to catch up. But I mean, put the inflation aside and we look at consumer confidence right here.

Speaker 1:

Present situation Majority of consumers said business conditions were bad. Majority of consumers said jobs were hard to get. Majority of consumers said they expect business conditions to worsen. Majority of consumers said they anticipate fewer jobs. Majority of consumers say they expect their homes will decrease in value. Majority of consumers say the current family finances are bad. Majority of consumers expect their family finances to be worse. Perceived likelihood of a US recession over the next 12 months. 70% of consumers say recession is very likely. What does that tell you folks? So when Biden sits up there and says, oh, this is great, this is great, it's not what it is at home, and then you just combine that with this 34% approval rating of how he's handled the economy, and where are we? We are where we are today.

Speaker 1:

Real estate prices overall across the country just fell significantly for the first time in 11 years. The only thing that's kept the prices at bay is the limited supply of real estate. Essentially, every single piece of the real estate market is down. Average cost of home down about 2% First time in 11 years. Hit this year. The affordability index is black and white. It shows exactly how much income to the size of the mortgage. I mean. Listen to this. 2020, payment as percent of income was 14%. 2021, 17%, 2022, 24%. 23 is not done. However, it's trending to close at 26%. Mortgages are growing because of A the rates, but also because the incomes are plateauing or dropping. See when you have two-year pandemic to compare against and those numbers are essentially all fake.

Speaker 1:

A manipulated market based on welfare. Essentially it doesn't. It works to your favor, but it doesn't tell us anything, because you hear these things and you're like that can't be true, that there's no way that can be true. The number of home sales is down. They just released the data for June of 2023 and we are trending downward at about 4.3 million transactions. The median price of existing home sales has not moved basically all year, which it dropped almost 2%, i think in April, and since then it's just stayed. If you look at percent change in sales from a year ago by price range homes up to 100K are down 2.7%, homes from 100K to 250K 18% down. Homes from 250 to 500, 12% down, 500 to 750, 20% down, 22, 24, and so on, there is nothing that indicates we're in a strong real estate market.

Speaker 1:

The next thing we have to look at is the dollar as the world currency. I mean, the World Bank just published a report I guess at Ms Biden's desk that by 2025, the dollar is more than likely going to become irrelevant in the global market. What they're saying is that the emerging market growth rates that are going up and up and up for developing countries Brazil, china, india, indonesia, russia and South Korea is going to be half the world economy, and so what they're saying is that the world system, the IMF, will now be made up of multi-currency the euro, the dollar and the yuan yuan, chinese yuan. A lot of people saying is the yuan is probably going to come in and replace the dollar, so that's also an option. We see, what most people don't realize is that as the dollar goes down in value and when it's no longer traded, our economy will be destroyed. Oh, chad, that could never happen. The green back failing is the conservative conspiracy in Boogeyman Venezuela as an example. It's just crazy. It's a bunch of malarkey. All you have to do is pick up a history book, folks.

Speaker 1:

Churchill used a creation of a worldwide currency centered around the dollar as the encouragement to get us to get involved in World War II. After World War I, we were pretty much done. The thought in the United States was we're not going to war, we're covered by oceans on both sides, we're not doing it. Then, as Germany began to grow and the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, fdr called up Churchill and said what am I going to get for this? And he said well, you can have the world currency, because before that it was the pound. And so after the war in 1944, it was called the Bretton Woods Conference 44 countries all agreed to creating the International Monetary Fund and the trade currency of the IMF was the dollar. Well, what do you think happened to the pound? I mean, i think the first month after it was no longer the traded currency around the world. They were at 30% inflation, 30% Decimated their economy, decimated the value of the pound, incomes dropped, prices soared, became stagflation. It was bad, it was really bad.

Speaker 1:

And the World Monetary Fund and all of these worldwide economic analysts are pointing to the dollar losing significant amount of power within the market. We can already see it The Saudis don't want to trade in the dollar anymore. Indians don't want to trade in the dollar anymore. The Indonesians don't want to trade in the dollar anymore Brazil. So there's a global call to eliminate the dollar as the IMF's main global currency, and a lot of it has to do with our politics. It's a very realistic picture, folks, very realistic. The other way we know this is because central banks are buying up gold like crazy.

Speaker 1:

The other basic number that will take me 30 seconds to tell you is to always look at the value of the average IRA and 401k. The average IRA and 401k are down 20%, 20%. So if you had 100k in the bank and your savings and your 401, you now have 80k And that is a big swing, huge swing. It feels like, well, yeah, but if we hold on and we hold on, it'll bounce back. But what about the people who are retiring now, this year? There's a bunch of people last year, next year, who knows what's gonna happen? They're all retiring on 20% less than what they had. It's really scary, but that is a huge indicator that the economy is not strong. I mean I could go stat per stat per stat to show you what's happening. I mean the retail numbers are abysmal, the supply chain is still destructed. Nothing is really getting better other than the fact that we are paying into the deficit to show a balance reduction before six months to a year later spending more The deficit is insane. But it's also not this force of whether or not the economy is good. It's a very small determining factor actually of the overall health of the economy.

Speaker 1:

This guy is gotta be out of his mind. I mean, the first thing he says was I've flown with Zhijing Ping 17,000 miles. Very interesting that he brought that up when we're dealing with all this text message stuff. So when I started I was the vice president. I've traveled 17,000 miles with Z. I have a great relationship with him. The White House officials said traveling with Z is not accurate but was a reference to the total travel back and forth, both internally in the US and China and as well as internationally for meetings they held together.

Speaker 1:

New York Post says the numbers just don't add up. Then he goes on to bash, trickle down economics, which I kind of already talked about, but it's very bizarre because he says well, i know because I'm from Delaware and it's most of the corporations are in Delaware. Well, there's a reason why they're in Delaware, one they have extremely pro-business liability laws and financial laws and regulations. So Delaware is just a great place to incorporate because it's safer and easier to do business in. Based on what? Trickle down economics, deregulation? The great post in the Daily Signal says with regard to Biden's boast about Delaware having the most incorporated companies, this second smallest state in the country has more than 60% of the Fortune 500 companies. That's largely because of the state's longstanding tax environment as well as legal and liability protections established by state law. Whether these tax and regulatory rules amount to trickle down economics is debatable, but they are certainly favorable to business. He says the trickle down economics has failed the middle class.

Speaker 1:

Meanwhile, these numbers, like I talked about when Reagan came into the office, cut regulation, gave people tax money back that they paid in for essentially nothing, created a supply-based economy versus a demand-based economy. That equaled 20 million new jobs, increased the middle class income by 11% over the decade of his two terms. Under Reagan, inflation dropped when he came in at 13.5% by the time he left to 4.1%, unemployment fell from 7.6% to 5.5% And real gross national product rose 26%. There's no arguing at folks. Incentive, incentive, incentive. It works across the board. If people know that they can work hard, come up with a great idea and run with it And ultimately become a millionaire if they play their cards right, or a billionaire or whatever, then it doesn't matter. And when you incentivize the businesses, the employees do better, etc. Etc. So his whole thing is crazy.

Speaker 1:

And then, reducing the deficit, they're eliminating overdrafts. Let me overdraft for you. Okay, that's Biden economics working. My team and I have reduced the deficit by 1.7 trillion. The deficit is $32 trillion And that's the problem. It's not like consumer spending where you go okay, i'm going to take a chunk more out of my paycheck and hit it towards my credit card balance And you see it drop dramatically. But imagine if you had a bunch of auto charges for the next six months that you didn't know about or that were up and coming. You can pay off as much as you want, but all of these programs have start dates, expiration dates, different levels. They work through whatever, a lot of complexity, and so what happens is the spending and the paying doesn't sink when we talk about the deficit, it does not sink up. So again, $32 trillion. You can put as much in as you want, but the Congressional Budgetary Office and every liable economic source says that we are spending at a rate much higher than we're paying off our debt. And I think most of you probably I've been in that situation when I was younger. I think most of you probably have as well. I mean, it's not fun, but we're talking the whole country, not you or me.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, his information about the deficit was very strange. His job creation was very, very odd. He said that inflation was down. He says today, inflation is less than half less than half at what it was a year ago, and that inflation was caused by Russia and by the Ukraine war and by what's going on. But we knew we had more to do. There's more than one way to bring down the costs. Well, again, we're down to 4.9 percent inflation. I think it's the last number I saw. However, when he took office, it was 1.7 percent. How did he cut it in half? And we know that Ukraine had nothing to do with it. Russia had nothing to do with it because his inflation happened immediately based on the executive orders that he signed.

Speaker 1:

Whoo, i don't know how people deal with this, but the guy cannot get his numbers straight and everything is massaged to seem like it's something that it's not. And I hope Americans are wising up You guys are, but I hope our neighbors, our friends, extended family, are wising up to say God, he stands there and says this, and all these reports come out from the Marxist media that say everything's so good, but it's not. It doesn't feel good. So you can't trust what's out there and you especially can't trust this idiot, joe Biden. It's absolutely bizarre that he can see these approval ratings and still stand by what he's doing.

Speaker 1:

It's no secret that I love the ordinary skincare, but what is a secret is that they just launched their new hair care and boy is it just as good as their skincare. They're revitalizing formulas, make my hair feel new and I have a full head of bleach, so I'm constantly breaking and losing hair. This seems to do the trick. Go to theordinarycom, check it out. There's a few products. You should try them, see what you think. If you like them, keep them. If you don't, send them back, no pressure. The ordinary skincare and now the ordinary hair care.

Speaker 2:

I have a dream that one day, this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its existence. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equally. I have a dream that one day, on the Red Hills, the jobs sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day, even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my poor little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream.

Speaker 1:

I had to play that. What a momentous occasion. Martin Luther King, i know, would be disgusted by how things have turned out. He talks about in his I Have a Dream speech, which is probably one of the most famous speeches of all time. He says I have a dream that slaves and the sons of slaves and the sons of slave owners can sit down at the table together. Notice that he doesn't say I have a dream that sons of slaves will come to sons of slave owners generations later and ask for reparations. He says I have a dream that my children are judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Notice he doesn't say I have a dream that my children and their children are given preferential treatment for the color of their skin and have their character ignored. He never said he had a dream that the color of skin would be an excuse for mediocrity. He never said I have a dream that includes whites feeling perpetually guilty for the sins of their father. He doesn't say any of that. He says all men are created equal. He wanted equality, which is exactly what affirmative action does not do. I have a dream future generations of black people get free school. Future generations of black people have justified means of discrimination. He doesn't say that he has a dream, that being a minority or being black is an excuse, more so a motivation.

Speaker 1:

That was civil rights, although things like affirmative action and some of the other federal and the civil rights act, some of the other federal regulations that were put into place, they were rapid response tools in order to integrate black, especially the younger black, communities into traditionally all white universities, traditionally all white jobs, without having an issue, without there being any sort of hiccup. However, obviously I can't speak for Reverend King, but if you've really studied what he preached not just this speech but in general none of those integration measures or laws that were written in the 60s and the 70s, none of them were made as permanent solutions. They were made as tools to get over the hump. So when you launch a new anti-discrimination set of laws civil rights you explain what that is and define it for employers, teachers and every American, and you set the expectation that the black community and the white community cannot be separated anymore. Had we not employed some of these rapid responses like affirmative action, had we not employed those things, it would have taken a very, very long time for the populace to catch up with the legislation, and so at one time, this was meaningful work. This was work to integrate, but at some point, as more and more opportunities arose for everyone, including black people, as the gap of equity began to close and we had more equitable society between whites and blacks, these things were no longer needed. And what happened was is the longer we used tools that were created for a very specific reason at a very specific time, the longer we used those tools and reworked them and readjust them, they become crutches and eventually they become discrimination itself.

Speaker 1:

That's what happened with affirmative action, and so today's ruling is a serious win, and it's not just a Republican Democrat thing, and it's not just a black and white thing. It's about character, not color. It's about the elimination of all these superficial qualities that have nothing to do with how someone contributes to the world. Sexual orientation doesn't matter, skin color doesn't matter, gender doesn't matter, meaning women, men, not all these other genders. It's why that's become the focus and then why those things have been able to fall back on old civil rights tools that were made specifically to integrate black people that had been historically discriminated against for a hundred years, into everyday American life and make that happen as fast as possible.

Speaker 1:

It was a valiant effort, surely was, but they've become excuses. They've also become the foundation for racial Marxist theory, which is all about propping up those who need more and keeping down those that don't. But there's no clear definition of what that actually means. You can't solve discrimination with more discrimination. You can't solve racism with more racism, and that's exactly what these programs have evolved to do. So you take a system that was at one time unjust. You create something to catch that terrible system pretty civil rights But once it's caught up, if you leave it there, then it's when you see all the misuse and the misapplication and the university is doing whatever they can so they can make the decisions around admissions based on preferential treatment and not based on merit. And boy you can say I mean the communities right now are either cheering or screaming.

Speaker 1:

I think the most interesting part about all of this is this case was actually brought on by Asian Americans, because Harvard once this case showed and revealed that Harvard's admissions policy, as it pertains to diversification, was completely racist and discriminatory towards Asian Americans, to the point where it even said in the policy that Asian Americans did not necessarily add to diversity the same way Browns and blacks did. So racism isn't just a black issue. It was when affirmative action was created. But the landscape of our population has changed. So, once again, one size fits all in this country never works.

Speaker 1:

And of course, the Democrats are all up in arms because they want federal control of everything. They want to be able to control and tell universities what they can do. And let me be very clear, because Biden, the Bozo and everyone else out there is saying well, it's not a determining factor, no, the point system, it's an additional point. So again, no one is arguing that it's not a determining factor. They're arguing that someone that comes in, let's say, at a 3.5 GPA, and then there's a white student that comes in at a 4.0 GPA, and they each have the equal amount of points as it pertains to merit their essay, their referrals, whatever it is, the deciding factor comes down to that extra point in race, and that is what isn't fair.

Speaker 3:

Well, I would say that I'm disappointed, but I'm not surprised, When we talk about holistic admissions, to say that you can include a student's identity the student, the person behind the papers and the grades and the test scores that you're not allowed to include race, which is such an encompassing part of at least my identity as an underrepresented minority, it makes me feel upset. We know what happens when affirmative action goes away from universities. We can look at California, we can look at Michigan, who was already banded, and see how their state flagships lack a astounding number of black and Latino students And you'll hear the liberal media constantly referring to the UC system in California, which is always, always misrepresented by liberals.

Speaker 1:

When California did away with affirmative action, there was a decrease in enrollment of minorities into the UC schools. However, the minorities that were accepted had much higher GPAs and they were more qualified to be there. Furthermore, the enrollment at city colleges that fed directly into the UC system for people who were not technically able to get in if race wasn't a factor skyrocketed. those GPAs were higher and the transfer rate for junior and senior year to graduate from a UC system skyrocketed. So they look at one number, one number only, which is the minority acceptance, if you will. But again, when you're using something superficial to score someone, of course it's going to go down because they weren't originally qualified, but they have an option to go to a community college that feeds directly into the UC system or the CSU system and get a great education. And those minorities that did qualify on their own, without race-based decisions, excelled.

Speaker 1:

The other big bullshit buzzword or phrase is it's going to change the landscape of what universities will look like. Apparently, we have thousands and thousands of psychics in this country. How can you test the impact of a ruling that's never happened before. You can't use the UC system because your facts are flawed. Furthermore, all the statistics that they're talking about are black and white issues, not Asian. So it makes you wonder if the liberal movement for all of these different race-based boondoggles is to keep us resegregated. Ecologists have black and white dorms now They want to use race and sexual orientation as points up for admission. They have black and white commencement now. Furthermore, they're teaching critical race theory, which completely separates whites from blacks in elementary schools, And it seems like the push is to resegregate this society.

Speaker 3:

The one thing that really is making me sad, I'll just say today, is that my identity has to be my race, The struggles that I've gone through, the trauma I've gone through as an African-American woman in the United States. if I were applying to college today, I would have to write about those traumas in my common-up essay. I would have to write about those traumas and those very hard experiences for admissions officers to accept the overwhelming truth that we all know, which is that it is hard to be a black person in America.

Speaker 1:

And right there she proves the point that we're all trying to make She doesn't want her individualism, her traumas, her experiences as a black woman to have to be individually recognized or seen as something that's contributed to the definition of her character. No, she thinks that all black women have the same issues and they should be considered the same way. You don't think there's white women that have trauma. You might have incest in this country, you might have rape, pedophilia. You don't think there's white women who have gone through hardship which has defined their character. That's the problem, right there. She thinks that all black women have the same struggles and therefore they should all be looked at the same, based on the fact that they have trauma and it's hard to be a black woman in America. And I can't decide if that's part of the Marxist Revolution and they're trying to re-segregate to create more chaos, or if they really believe that the history of this country and the people in the country today are racist and want to keep blacks out of college, want to keep blacks out of society. Because that's not the case. 100% is not the case. Every poll, every survey in modern times has shown that Americans have become less and less and less racist and more and more and more colorblind as time goes on. I'm going to take a quick break and go deep into the ruling when I come back after these words. I know you all have been listening to me talking about Ron's progress. He's all better now.

Speaker 1:

One funny thing is when we were at the vet and the vet was incredible. But the vet tech was saying you know well, what do you feed him? And I said oh, he eats raw. He eats Darwin's pet. So, okay, well, because the wounds on the face and raw food has a tendency to like have more bacteria. But I don't want you to feed him that, i want you to. And I said no, i'm going to stop you right there. I said I'll keep saline solution and spray and I'll keep it nice and clean, because the only reason why he's as alive as he is, the only reason why he survived through such a serious accident, is because he's been on Darwin's pet. Now is not the time to abandon his diet. And, of course, what did they say? He healed a week faster, his stitches came out earlier, he has very, very little scarring, he's back full levels of energy and basically doesn't even seem like he was down for the few weeks that he was down.

Speaker 1:

I cannot tell you how much this food helps your dog live longer, smell better and just have better general health. Darwin's pet you can start. 10 pounds of food, your first box, for $14.95. It is the only and best delivery raw food diet that is made 100% with US ingredients, processed in the United States and Washington and biologically formulated to make sure that your dog gets every single nutrient, mineral and vitamin that it needs. Again, guys, darwin's petcom, sign up, get a 10 pound box for $14.95 and let me know what you think.

Speaker 1:

I mean, i saw a woman I think she was a senator in Milwaukee, i can't remember, but she said okay, well, that's the end of the black people in America. They're never going to be able to win an American based system. Huh, the guy that was talking about the story was a black guy and he goes wow, so these people have enjoyed being victims. They want to stay victims. They don't want to come out and say, we don't care, we'll still do great in college. We'll still do great at our jobs. We'll still do great in sports. We'll still do great by God. Oh, no, the second. There's any discrimination, regardless of the party claiming it is the second, the conversation goes away from character and back to race or whatever characteristic that we're talking about sexual orientation, gender and so on.

Speaker 1:

Interestingly enough, we have two black justices, justice Thomas and Justice Kenji Brown. I always say Kenji Brown because I'm not exactly sure how her last name and first name kind of come and go together, but there are the complete opposite end of the spectrum. So it's interesting because we get to see in Kenji Brown's dissent she is of the victimhood black mentality. And then you see Justice Thomas saying no, there should be no preferential treatment and we can't use the past to define the future. So I'm going to start with Justice Brown's dissent. She says with let them eat cake obliviousness.

Speaker 1:

Today the majority pulls the ripcord and announces color blindness for all by legal fiat. But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life. And having so detached itself from this country's actual past and present experiences, the court has now been lured into interfering with the crucial work that UNC and other institutions of higher learning are doing to solve America's real world problems. No one benefits from ignorance. Although formal race linked legal barriers are gone, race still matters to the lived experiences of all Americans in innumerable ways, and today's ruling makes things worse, not better.

Speaker 1:

The best that can be said of the majority's perspective is that it proceeds ostrich-like from the hope that preventing consideration of race will end racism. As you can see, she's of the opinion that racial history in this country and race inequity should be considered legally, career in careers and every single part of life, because the United States is not colorblind and it never has been colorblind. Here's the problem with these people They never have an alternative solution. First of all, it's you can't sit here and say that affirmative action is fair. It's not fair. Whether you believe that there's an equity gap, whether there is or not, whatever your opinion is or whatever your facts in front of you, say that there's an equity gap. You don't close that gap by creating another gap. And so, yes, she can scathe all she wants, but everything that she's talking about is theoretical. It's race theory. It has nothing to do with everyday life.

Speaker 1:

Then we go to Justice Thomas, who I believe is more in line with the Martin Luther King speech that we just heard. He says while I am painfully aware of the social and economic ravages which have befallen my race and all who suffer discrimination, i hold out enduring hope that this country will live up to its principles, so clearly enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, that all men are created equal, are equal citizens and must be treated equally before the law. He went on to say an originalist defense of the colorblind Constitution and wrote that all forms of discrimination based on race, including so-called affirmative action, are prohibited under the Constitution. The great failure of this country was slavery and progeny, and the tragic failure of this court was its interpretation of the Reconstruction Amendments. He wrote. We should not repeat this mistake merely because we think our predecessors thought that our present arrangements are superior to the Constitution. Then he dives into her and says Justice Jackson would replace the Founder's vision with an organizing principle based on race.

Speaker 1:

In fact, in her view, almost all of life's outcomes must be unhesitantly ascribed to race, even if some whites have a lower household net worth than some blacks. What matters to Justice Jackson is that the average white household has more wealth than the average black household. This lore is not and has never been true. Even in the segregated south where I grew up, individuals were not the sum of their skin color. Then is now not. All disparities are based on race. Not all people are racist and not all differences between individuals are ascribable to race.

Speaker 1:

There's all over the news. I see Ed Creston and all these people on Twitter that are supposedly like moderate, true news people saying race is a complicated issue. Now, it's not. It's not complicated. We've made it complicated because the second, the Civil Rights Act, was passed and we did create some of these programs. There should have been deadlines on them, just how there have been deadlines on Roe v Wade. The law is subject to the time and the law is also subject to the intention and the need at the time. There are very few laws that can survive the test of time forever, which is why our constitution is relatively small, because that's the foundation, that's the basis. Those are the laws that will last forever and everything else stems from them. So, yeah, very excited about that, when I think you should all keep an eye on the media and some of the things that are going to come up. We're going to see a lot, a lot of misinformation. They're continually going to destroy Justice Thomas with all their false accusations of personal bribes, etc.

Speaker 1:

I love him and his wife go out on a boat with the guy. It's like they're just old friends, you know. Oh, he took a boat ride. He must be influenced. That was a GOP donor, first of all. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the seven, eight or nine figures who is not some kind of donor, regardless of party, to push their own personal interest. That's just the way this country works. Leave the guy alone, you know, just because he's not a race Marxist and he doesn't perpetuate the victimhood of people. He's right, the Constitution calls for equality And, yes, we have a stain forever on our flag.

Speaker 1:

Slavery was terrible, and I'm not one of those people that say, well, there was white slavery, there's slavery here, slavery there. I don't care about any of that. I'm caring about what we had. The founders knew it was wrong, jefferson knew it was wrong. They did it anyways because it was ingrained in the culture. It was a terrible, terrible practice, but we don't get to stop living and we don't have to be held accountable for years And years and years and years to come. Furthermore, descendants aren't born into situations that makes them less opportune or more opportune based on the fact that they're a descendant of slavery, because, you know, a big percent of the black community in America is not descendants of slavery, which is why these reparations don't just say you have to be a descendant of slavery. They say you have to be a descendant of slavery or been caught up on the war on drugs, or been displaced by urban development. It's very, very hard to pin down the specific descendants of slaves, and so it's just become a catch-all.

Speaker 1:

What I love about this decision the most is that we have seen a failure of a presidency I mean beyond anything we could ever say before And, most importantly, it's because the fact that his entire cabinet was selected based on physical characteristics or sexual orientation, skin color, and because of that, and not based on merit or experience, the entire country is feeling it. That's what's happening in college. That's what's happening in colleges. We have to put merit first. We don't have to put our best back in order to give someone else the best seat. It's not how it works. This is a competitive capitalist democracy And we're either going to be that or we're not. Because you know what? The market is not racist, it's colorblind. Actually, it sees one color green. I happen to see the same color always and everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk a little bit about Joe Biden and his anti-Semitism task force that has now joined forces with one of the most anti-Semitic Muslim groups in the country. I'll be right back, Let them know. The last gay conservatives sent you. All right. So there's a great story out of the daily signal. It was breaking news and a letter was written from the New Tolerance Campaign, which is a campaign that works to fight anti-Semitism. And the New Tolerance Campaign found out that the Biden administration has included the Council on Islamic Relations, care, c-a-i-r, in this new anti-Semitism coalition that he put together or announced a couple months ago. I'm just going to read you guys the letter President Biden, thank you for your commitment to combating anti-Jewish hatred in your administration's natural strategy, sort of national strategy to counter anti-Semitism.

Speaker 1:

Though noble in its intentions, the genuine impact it will have appears to be hindered by the inclusion of a recognized anti-Semitic organization in its implementation. The Council on American Islamic Relations, care, the Anti-Defamation League, maintains that antipathy towards Israel has been a CARE staple since the group was founded in 1994. But a documented record of anti-Semitism is not only reason. Care's engagement with this initiative is troubling.

Speaker 1:

Care has also been embroiled in a litany of controversies that call into question the character of its leadership and genuine commitment to ending anti-religious bigotry. A 2021 report by NPR found chapter leadership at CARE fostered a toxic workplace in which sexual harassment and bullying were part of the organizational culture. Mr Awad ignored warnings from victims of sexual harassment in his organization and turned a blind eye for years. Even more concerning, mr Awad himself is alleged to have engaged in sexual harassment against a former CARE staffer. Furthermore, in 2018, latina theologian and interfaith activist, karen Leslie Hernandez, was terminated from CARE under the guise that she was not Muslim. In reality, court documents attest that the true reason for her dismissal was because Mr Awad was upset. The new Dallas employee spoke openly online about being a survivor of domestic violence. Care Nationals attorney came up with an alternative story of the events and told the local chapter to offer the woman a payoff using an NDA exchange for her silence on the religious and gender discrimination she faced.

Speaker 1:

At the very least, an organization engaged to promote anti-religious hate should not have a record of anti-religious discrimination within its own marks. That cannot be said of CARE, which has sadly been accused of discrimination against other Muslims. A 2001 complaint letter to Mr Awad from a Tenez Hadid stated that it may appear unusual to claim discrimination while working for a civil rights organization. It may seem even more unusual that I am Muslim, claiming religious discrimination while working for a Muslim organization, but that is precisely what happened, according to Ms Hadid. In her letter, she declares she was demoted after CARE leadership discovered that my background is Shia. Mr Awad refused to intervene. Each one of these controversies alone should be caused for concern. Together, they reveal a pattern of odious actions at CARE that would appear to make their involvement with the national strategy to counter anti-Semitism less of a strength and more of a liability. The New Tolerance Campaign respectfully asks that the White House alludicate the internal process that engaged CARE in the rollout of the national strategy on counter anti-Semitism, who was tasked with vetting the organization in advance of the rollout, whether the controversies described herein were considered during such vetting and, if they were, why were they dismissed? Sincerely Gregory Angelo, the president of the New Tolerance Campaign.

Speaker 1:

This really is nothing new, folks. Like I always say, the Democratic Party is the party of wolves and sheep's clothing. This council on fighting anti-Semitism that Biden created is just another fluffy way that he can show that he's working on civil rights. More and more Jews are moving out of the Democratic Party and coming to the right because of the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic base of the DNC. After seeing Trump, who was the most Israel-friendly president that we've had in many generations, jewish factions all over the country are becoming more and more conservative. This is Biden's way to say oh, look at me, look at me.

Speaker 1:

However, he's also trying to put together a peace treaty, if you will. This is his lame attempt of creating a Yasser Arafat Oslo Accord. That Bill Clinton did, but domestically, but I mean the Yasser Arafat Oslo Accord is a perfect example. The Democrats forced Israel to give up control of several territories, forced Israel to concede to a known terrorist, a proponent of terrorism and a Jew killer. That's what he was car bombs and all See, the Democratic Party hates Jews. They hate Jews. They hate Israel because they represent something that they don't like, which is freedom and success. The Jewish population has been able to persevere since the Holocaust and create well an innovation and business and commerce employment, more than any other minority population in the world. Democrats don't like that. They don't want independence.

Speaker 1:

And so now Joe Biden is using the Council on Islamic American Relations to roll out an anti-Semitic task force, or, sorry, a counter-countering anti-Semitism task force. It's very odd. So you have daily signal and got the letter first and essentially they break it all down. And the man who wrote the letter actually was the secretary for the executive office for President Trump, so he knows exactly what's going on. And he says I'm very familiar with what it takes to bring in a partner into these coalitions or these groups, and it's significant vetting. So obviously they either did the vetting or they just didn't care And they thought, well, we might as well bring in a Muslim organization to show that we're bringing people together to combat anti-Semitism, which in fact he's not.

Speaker 1:

And I wouldn't be surprised if President Obama had something to do with all of this as well. All right, guys, i'm out of time. I'll be back tomorrow. My name is Chad Law, reminding you of what Reagan once said, and I have often said that a government program, once launched, is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on earth. Talk about affirmative action. God bless you, president Reagan, and may God save America.

Speaker 4:

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