The Last Gay Conservative

S2 E1- Power Misuse and Political Maneuvering: the Actions of Atlanta's DA, Nikki Haley's Failing Campaign, and more Jan. 6th fear mongering

The Last Gay Conservative

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Could Atlanta DA Fannie Willis's appointment of a special prosecutor be a dire misuse of power? This episode of "The Last Gay Conservative" lights a match under the political establishment as I, Chad Law, peel back the layers of this contentious decision, spotlighting how due process might be taking a backseat amidst the drama. Meanwhile, on the campaign trail, Nikki Haley's centrist tightrope walk seems to be coming up short. I dissect the historical echoes of candidates past and forecast the bumps that lie ahead in her path to the Republican nomination.

The narrative then shifts to the combustible crossroads of race, accountability, and prosecutorial conduct. Willis's fusion of personal, religious, and professional rhetoric comes under the microscope as I challenge her defense strategies and the legitimacy of playing the race card to sidestep professional criticism. Over on the campaign battleground, Haley's dance with policy positions on issues like China, Russia, and abortion rights takes center stage. Her campaign's survival instincts are tested as I explore the influences and the potential for her to pivot her way through the political minefield.

Closing with a bang, the episode scrutinizes the GOP's quest to reclaim conservative values amidst internal clashes and financial turmoil. I contrast this with the Democrats' strategic legal and legislative initiatives, questioning whether the Republican Party's internal skirmishes are a symptom of losing sight of their core principles. And in a final shot across the bow, I invoke Reagan's wisdom to evaluate the Department of Justice's approach to the January 6th prosecutions—questioning if justice is being served or if a political agenda is being pushed. Strap in for an unfiltered deep dive into the heart of America's political firestorm on "The Last Gay Conservative.

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Speaker 1:

Atlanta DA, fannie Willis is caught with her hand in the nookie jar, while Nikki Haley continues to make a fool of herself on the primary trail. And it looks like Jan 6th will be Biden's only platform to run on for 2024. You're listening to the Last Gay Conservative. I'm your host, chad Law. Hello America, I want to hear from you. Don't forget our phone number 866-LAST-GAAY. That's 866-LAST-GAAY. Send us a text message or leave us a voicemail and I'll be sure to bring it up on the air. And for those of you who don't know, you're listening to the Last Gay Conservative podcast. I'm your host, chad Law, also known as America's binary brother, the holiest homo and the gayest conservative of all time, sending nothing but truth on the only rainbow that matters the red, white and blue rainbow. Can't tell you how excited I am to be back in the studio. I'm not going to go into all the gaps in between, and I'm sure I have lost quite a bit of you during my absence. I am back on track production, deals are signed and we're rocking and ready to go this year. So hope you get on the wagon with me and I hope I can make it up to you. That being said, I have a really interesting day today.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk a lot about this fanny Willis nonsense and I know you all know that she's sleeping with her special prosecutor and gave him higher pay and extra gifts and went on vacations with him or whatever. We already know all that. But what about this whole special prosecutor point? In the first place, how is a county district attorney or a state's attorney allowed to hire someone at $650,000? So far he's been paid from the county of Fulton, fulton County, and yet he's supposed to be a neutral prosecutor that doesn't have any sort of skin in the game and will prosecute without any sort of conflict of interest. That's the excuse for hiring special prosecutors or special counsel. The excuse is we need someone who's a third party, who's less biased, who will help us run this case and prosecute and try this case, because A the case load could be too big for the DA. Also, the DA might not have the resources in-house to handle it when another private firm will. And then, lastly, they want to bring in big names into court that have great relationships with judges so they can sway the way the verdict happens. I mean, this is what they do, folks. This is what they do Now.

Speaker 1:

The Democrats hate due process. They hate democracy, so they use things like special counsels and special prosecutors to get around the Democratic rule or the laws and regulations within the judicial system. They can't have their hands tied. They're way too good for that.

Speaker 1:

And Fannie Willis is the epitome of someone who uses everything other than the law to get what she wants. She leaks to the media, she uses the media, she goes. We'll listen to a little bit of it later. She goes in church and gives political speeches in church as if she's some Christian representative of the Christian black community. It's a joke. She uses other attorneys to do her bidding for her, but yet she doesn't actually understand or know the law. Because if she did, she would know that Rico could not be farther from what she's trying to prosecute within election laws. The two don't go hand in hand. It's never been used that way, it's not written that way.

Speaker 1:

And I'm getting on. People are yelling at me already. See, didn't you guys miss me? I'm off track already, like usual.

Speaker 1:

Next thing we want to go over is the primary. I want to talk a little bit about Nikki Haley, who is just a complete joke and has reminded those of us who sit on the conservative side that this is yet another DNC play to put someone forward who seems to be the central or centrist Republican, who can work across the aisle until they get a nomination and then they kick their feet out from underneath them. This has happened so many times. We're going to go through that and talk about it. Not to mention, she's a total liar and she's saying whatever she can say to garnish Democrat votes, democrat votes. And so because she's pandering to the Democrats on things like abortion and transgender issues, she thinks that she's going to gain more steam. But what's going to happen is she might get some Democrat votes in states like New Hampshire but ultimately, just because she gets some Democrat votes, they're not going to turn around and vote for her in a general election.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't work and in fact, every single central Republican has lost the last major major win we have. Do not consider George W Bush a win, because it wasn't, but the last major Republican win that we had was the most conservative Republican we've had in the history of the country, which is Ronald Reagan. You know, you think about George Herbert Walker. Bush lost, bob Dole lost, mitt Romney lost all because they were marketed as these central Republican types, these Bush Republican types, legacy Republicans that can work across the aisle which, by the way, is just marketing speak, for we're going to be able to get rid of this guy because he can work across the aisle.

Speaker 1:

See, working across the aisle doesn't matter anymore, and what Democrats do is that they move all the way to the left and then, during election times, they try to get conservatives to move from the right towards the left, to the center, with the false promise of votes and support. And that's exactly what's happening to Nikki Haley, not to mention. I mean, she was just never great, she's never great. And the fact that she's standing there, strong, like people like Chris Sanunu and billionaire cocked brothers and you know all these billionaire donors she's taking all that money, taking all the special interest, and her average donor size is way above Trump's, yet her campaign is flopping miserably. I think that she's going to lose her own state of South Carolina, but that's just me. Wasn't a great governor. Her gubernatorial record, if you will, is pretty flawed.

Speaker 1:

And then, lastly, I want to get into insurrection a little bit again. I know it's January 29th and it's not January 6th anymore. However, the rumblings continue and I just want to touch on a couple of points that have come up in the last few months to give you guys some more interesting insight. As to January 6th, this insurrection and why the Democrats are using it as a fear to inspire people to vote for the left is absolutely ludicrous, so we'll talk about that. Some of the big outreach, spreading laws that they're trying to use to prosecute over prosecute totally innocent people that were there, not there to cause any issues, but they're to peacefully protest. They are now using new tactics to get those people as well, which is essentially a Marxist approach to elections, where you jail your competitors and you jail anyone and teach a lesson to anyone in the country. You're utilizing these January 6th protesters as examples for what happens to anyone that goes against the grain and anyone that bucks or questions a Democrat in office. Let's take a quick break and I'll be back.

Speaker 1:

After these words, the following episode of the podcast is presented by the wellness company. I know you all remember the wellness company. We had Dr Peter McCullough as well as Heather Gessling on the show this summer and they represented what the wellness company is all about Medical choice, medical freedom and patient advocacy. The wellness company truly is a 360 degree approach to your wellness and your health, combining naturopathic solutions, traditional medical solutions as well as supplements and education to help you take control of your health without the bias of big pharma and big medical companies making decisions on behalf of their wallet and not behalf of your wellness. Go to their website. Check out all the various information and all the education that's on there for free. The website is twchealth. That's twc, like the wellness company Health. Go on, shop around, check out the membership options. They have available for 24 seven access to health professionals. Also, they have an incredible shop of supplements to help you feel better and recover from some of the negative effects of COVID and COVID vaccines, and they have an entire section dedicated to emergency preparedness kits. Guys, don't miss out. Check out twchealth. Get yourself emergency preparedness kit or talk to a doctor who's not in the pockets of big pharma. Twchealth, the wellness company. Feel confident, knowing that your medical professionals at the wellness company are dedicated to your wellness, not their wallet. Get the care and solutions you need today at twchealth.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's get into Fannie Willis here. She's the Fulton County District Attorney. She is the sole reason why there's a racketeering case against Donald Trump and several other co-defendants who supposedly meddled in the 2020 election, attempting to overturn Donald Trump's loss in the 2020 election. All of which unfounded, all of which has no evidence, and all of the behavior was well within the constitutional rights of a president and of any American citizen. But that doesn't matter to Fannie, because all she cares about is having her big fat face in the media. I mean, the woman is a degenerate. She's worthless. She's done nothing but cause racial divide, uproar, chaos and drama. Furthermore, she's using her name and her position to take a strong political stance against an active candidate for the president of the United States, because her job has been and always will be to promote herself as a hungry politician and not a true prosecutor.

Speaker 1:

So Fannie got up on Sunday and blamed Jesus. She said, jesus, you didn't tell me it was going to be this hard. You didn't tell me I'd have to leave my home. Actually, I don't do a very good impression. Let's go to the tape. All right, let's go, fannie. Will us clip one go?

Speaker 2:

Now I must warn you if you are looking today, this morning, to hear from a perfect person, well, he was crucified and he died for your sin, but today, what he has brought you is his very flawed, hard headed and imperfect servant. And so I pray for him to please use me this morning.

Speaker 1:

I'm not perfect. Jesus was perfect and he was crucified for our sins. I'm not perfect, I'm hard headed, I'm stubborn, but I am a child of God, see. But that's not the case. And without getting into a deep theological conversation, imperfection is not an excuse for sin. It's an understanding that humanity will always be drawn to sin and we have a choice. That's the story of Adam and Eve.

Speaker 1:

Imperfect human beings are committing sin because they're tempted by whatever is out there, but then Adam and Eve don't get to say well, I'm not perfect, sorry, the forbidden fruit, I'm not perfect. What kind of excuse is that? You've committed adultery, you've committed fraud, you've stolen tax dollars from the residents of Atlanta, residents of the state of Georgia, and probably federal money as well. You've come out and said that you're on a mission to change the culture and fundamentally change the way this country and the way your district is managed, run and perceive. But you're not perfect. And the reason why I bring this up is not to hammer on the fact that she's not perfect, but to hammer on the fact that her excuse of non-perfection says nothing that could be seen as accountability, responsibility, acknowledgement. Listen to the excuses and how she blames the Lord.

Speaker 2:

It is imperfect and very lawful to that position. God, you did not tell me my home would be swept multiple times for bombs. Are that most days and nights? That I would spend them in isolation because that was the safest place to be? You forgot to mention Lord that I would have to abandon my home. You forgot to mention the loneliness of this position and you certainly didn't tell me about this stress.

Speaker 1:

So now it's the Lord's fault and I understand she's preaching, she's trying to tell a message, but she knows she's speaking to the media, she's speaking to the press, she's speaking to the country and she's saying I didn't know what I got myself into becoming the DA. Jesus didn't forewarn me that because I'm putting away serious criminals, people might want to bomb my house, like really Every prosecutor that lives in high crime areas always has an escape plan and is constantly being monitored by police because of high-profile cases within gangs and violent crime. So don't act like Jesus never told you that it was going to be hard, that there was going to be security constraints and whether or not you were all alone in isolation. Well, it doesn't really seem like it, judging on the amount of travel, luxury expenses and everything else that came along with your relationship with your special counselor.

Speaker 1:

She's lying folks, she's lying and she's hiding under a very loose veil of Christ to make herself sound like she's a martyr for a cultural revolution. She's at war and when you're at war, desperate times call for desperate measures, even if that means hiring the guy that I'm romantically involved with, enjoying his high salary and enjoying time in the bedroom with him. Again, that hasn't been proven, that there's any sexual relationships. But I don't know about you. I don't go on vacations at romantic resorts with friends of the opposite sex. Well, I guess I do friends of the same sex for me. But you get the point that I'm trying to make. She's standing up there lying through her teeth, lying through her teeth, so now she's going to explain why everyone else because she uses the term them is racist for criticizing her little boyfriend.

Speaker 2:

Have a listen my friend and a great boy and I hired one black man, another superstar, a great friend and a great boy. Oh lord, they're gonna be mad when I call them on these nonsense. First thing they say, oh, she gonna play the race card now. But no god, isn't it them. Who's playing the race card when they only question one?

Speaker 2:

isn't it them playing the race card when they constantly think I need someone like some other jurisdiction in some other state to tell me how to do a job I've been doing almost 30 years.

Speaker 1:

But God, aren't they the racists? Aren't them the racists, the real racists? Because they're questioning the one black attorney on the special counsel when there's three total no, because guess what? The other two didn't commit crimes. The other two haven't been confirmed to be on vacation with the very person who's hiring you. The other two have no issues.

Speaker 1:

Skin color has nothing to do with this, but it has to for Fannie Willis because her entire political career is based on skin color. She took that entire pulpit, she took that entire church and made it in to a racial issue because the guy in question, her little boyfriend, is black, which had nothing to do with the fact that he was married. They were committing adultery, they were stealing and lying, using funds that she paid him from tax dollars six hundred and fifty thousand dollars that again went into his personal account and took them around the world on vacations. This is not the race card, this is the crime card. But we can't have the crime card without the race card in Fannie's world, because Fannie believes that everyone is out to get her for being black instead of being a shitty prosecutor. She again has put race over responsibility. It's not my fault, I cheated. Jesus didn't tell me all y'all are racist, coming after me. My special prosecutor's a rock star, even though he was misusing or I guess he wasn't misusing the funds, but he was making a very generous salary from Fulton County taxpayers and Georgia taxpayers. That then he used to go on vacations. Whether or not he could have afforded it without those funds is still up in the air, but it doesn't matter. Because, again, folks, a whiff of prosecutorial misconduct that can be proven in the slightest form should equal a mistrial period period.

Speaker 1:

If you were on the stand for, let's say, murder and you learned that the prosecutor and the judge were having an affair and it came out and mistrial would be declared in seconds seconds. This is not standard operating procedure to allow people to come into court, make statements to decide where the judge can decide whether or not the DA can stay on the case. No, she can't stay on the case. There's clear and concise evidence that she was having an affair with this gentleman. It's 100% provable. You can't sleep with your special counsel and stay on the case. God knows what has been shared, what amount of fraud has been happening behind closed doors. Because they're sleeping together and they want to win this case and they will do whatever it takes to win this case, which includes stealing.

Speaker 1:

So, no, fanny, you are the one playing the race card. No one ever said anything about race. Nobody cares that the black, nobody cares that the guy is black. All anyone cares about is that funds are being used correctly, that political DA's are ethical, that there's equal application of the law and the fact that the guy happens to be black. You're the one bringing that up, no one else. No one else. And you play the media to this tone because they love to call racist Republicans and conservatives. But, fanny, you have fanned the flames all because you had to have an affair. Get your rocks off, enjoy some time with the guy who was married and that you hired. Whether or not what happened before or after has not been solidified. I'm gonna take a quick break and come back after these words to talk a little bit about crazy nicky faily.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I was boar hunting a couple weeks ago and I was so excited because I got to use my silencer from silencer central on my AR 15. What a difference did it make? It was quieter, shots were cleaner. It really improved my shot and it really made hunting more enjoyable. Thank god I got my silencers at silencer central. They are the premium silencer store in America, but also they walk you through the process every inch of the way. Took me about 18 months to get my silencer stamp. However, it was sent, showed up at my doorstep in total discreet packaging and they walked me through everything I needed to do with the ATF the entire time.

Speaker 1:

Guys check out silencer central. They're here in the US, they're based in North Dakota. They are the only option when it comes to buying a silencer and, trust me I know Joe blows shop on the corner, has silencers in the case. They don't know how to walk through the ATF. They don't know how to make sure you do your fingerprints correctly and, most of all, they don't know how to make sure your application is perfect. So your guns and your silencers don't get taken away by the Biden regime. Check out silencer central calm. Talk to any one of their specialists. They have incredible customer service and let me know what you think of your silencer. You will not be disappointed. All right, welcome back.

Speaker 1:

I want to take a moment to talk a little bit about Nikki Faley. The only reason why I'm giving her any attention at all is because I did have two very interesting interactions with friends of mine last week and I thought it would be important that I bring some of this stuff up. One good friend of mine who is a registered Democrat she's not crazy liberal, but we've agreed not to talk politics. We met for lunch and she sat down grinning and she said oh my gosh, I hope you like Nikki Haley. I really like her because she's so pro-choice. She completely disagrees with the Supreme Court ruling about Roe v Wade and she believes women have a right to choose. That's the first Republican blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I said, wait a minute. Her abortion campaign has been, first of all, it's. It's illegible, it's impossible to understand. She has not put out one clear stance or one clear and concise campaign issue for us to be able to say oh, that's true. No, she continually lists the things that need to be fixed without fixing them. But more importantly, with Nikki Haley, we all have to keep in mind that she is fishing for Democrat votes and Democrats are making her believe that she can garner Democrat votes in a general election and have a chance against Joe Biden, and could not be farther from the truth. Democrats will not vote for Nikki Haley. Democrats have been brainwashed that they support and toe the party line, and that is that Nikki Haley is Mitch McConnell and drag.

Speaker 1:

Nikki Haley is a liar and someone who literally will say or do anything to get back into the White House in one way shape or form, especially as president. Her record in the UN was terrible. She handled China terribly. She did a terrible job internationally while she was with the UN is essentially she got Russia more confident to be able to cross that border into Ukraine and she empowered the Chinese to go forward stronger and faster and acquiring Taiwan back, taking control of Taiwan. All of the things that you're seeing today are direct reflections of Nikki Haley's actions in the UN, combined with the idiocy of Joe Biden. So could you imagine if she came into office and Joe Biden had left and she picks up and runs with all his stupid stuff? But she will. She's completely bought and sold. When you guys see Koch brothers or a Sununu donating millions of dollars to a candidate, that tells you right there, they're just another George W Bush, someone that can be bought. She will be the George W Bush with the Dick Cheney behind her, and the Dick Cheney will be some centrist Republican who actually should be a Democrat like Mitch McConnell and try so hard to work with the opposition instead of putting her foot down, nothing will ever get done. Nothing will ever get done. Do not be fooled by the central Republican work across the aisle marketing BS.

Speaker 1:

My other friend said God, she's turning into Nancy Pelosi. She looks like young Nancy Jr and she really has progressed off the rails during this. I mean, I know it's hard to go against Donald Trump. I mean the guy will pummel you constantly. Can't be easy for her. But man, the amount of aging she's taken and the more wacky her statements become.

Speaker 1:

I was listening to her the other day. She said take it from me. I am a colored woman, native American woman and I can promise you America is not a racist place. It's not a racist place. The next day she's on another interview talking about how her dad, who was the native half, said that he was at a fruit stand on the side of the road and they wouldn't serve him because of the way he looked and she always felt weird and was treated and teased differently because of the way she looked. If that's not race baiting, I don't know what is. You come out and you say, hey, I'm a minority and I don't think that there's racist cold grained in Americans. She says that because that's what we believe is conservatives. Not a race problem. It's a cultural problem between everyone, has to do with crime, it has to do with housing, it has to do with politics. There it's a big mix racism and some of the racially aggressive actions that have happened aren't because America is some big racist country, think you believe that? I believe that most people listening to the show believe that. So she's basically saying that America is not racist and in the next breath she's talking about being a victim of racism.

Speaker 1:

And then she goes on the debate stage to say that she's pro-life. I believe in a woman's right to choose. She says. Why did she say that? Because Trump, early on, before Roe v Wade was reversed by the Supreme Court, said this abortion issue is going to hurt the Republican Party and the voting base for him and any other conservative candidate moving forward. And it's true it hurt. She knows it hurt. So if you go back to her as a governor, she signed pro pro-life bill after bill after bill, attended the walk for life, spoken about her pro-life stance for years, yet now she's pro-choice because she thinks that she can get a handful of Democrat women over to her side who say they're only voting because of abortion.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know me, I think abortion is a huge issue. Personally, I think this election is gonna come down to women and it's gonna be education and educational control versus abortion and a woman's right to choose, and women are gonna have to decide which issue is more important to them and that will then determine what party they vote for. That's what I think is happening. I know the exit polls are saying that abortion is way down below the economy, the border, etc. But at the end of the day, people vote with their heart, especially women. I don't mean that in any kind of negative way. That's the truth. They have a sensitivity and a caring that comes through their vote that men don't have. Let's listen to some of Nikki's fails, shall we?

Speaker 3:

She has lost to former President Trump in both the Iowa and the New Hampshire primaries the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary but former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley vowing to keep going in the race to become the Republican presidential candidate. Joining us right now is Nikki Haley herself. Thank you for being here, Of course, Governor and ambassador. I guess the first question is how do you do it? Because the path to get there has become a lot more difficult.

Speaker 6:

You know it's interesting because you say that I lost in New Hampshire. It's not really good for an incumbent not to get 43% of the vote. You know, you look at the fact that the delegate count. He has 32, I have 17. It takes 1215 to get it and so Well there's the new narrative folks.

Speaker 1:

It's okay that I lost because my margin was not as bad as you would hope or think, which is her setting up the fact that she will not drop out if Trump beats her in South Carolina. That's all she's trying to say is I don't care about losing as long as I continue to close the gap. Well, unfortunately, the gap is getting bigger and further away from you, not closer. The only reason why your numbers have jumped is because Rama Swami and DeSantis have dropped out of the race. I know you probably want to hire your best friend, Krispy Kreme Christie, to be your VP, so you can both hate on Trump and basically continue the Obama-Biden regime that we've been under for the last four years. But for her to say 43% is good and for her to say that Trump has been riled up, riled up this is the most quiet and mellow I have seen the guy in ages.

Speaker 6:

In 25 points in the last three weeks of New Hampshire. So we've got a month until South Carolina. So we're gonna keep building. There haven't been any current polls but we're gonna keep doing it. We had 1,500 people in the upstate of South Carolina. We had 1,000 people in Charleston Last night. We had several hundred in the PD. People are out there excited. They know what my record is. But more than that, they don't want the chaos anymore.

Speaker 1:

Nikki has the audacity to say well, they know what my record is? I don't, and I do this for a living. What is your record? What is your claim to fame, nikki? She says, well, yes, I allowed a fiberglass company from China to buy land in South Carolina, but hey, ron DeSantis did it too in Florida. That's not an excuse, you did it.

Speaker 1:

You've also come out for the transgender BS education in elementary schools. You're not a mom for liberty, you're a failure. And the fact that you think you can hold the number one office in the entire world is so beyond me. Where do these people come from? She sounds dumb. She looks dumb.

Speaker 1:

She's losing, making excuses of why she's losing and screwing up the entire Republican nomination and election process. She needs to get out of the race. She's just a puppet for the centrists like Mitch McConnell, mitt Romney and all the others in the Senate and in Congress that honestly, would rather have Joe Biden than President Trump. And these are Republicans, people you know. This is so important that we address because, first of all, people like her Mitch McConnell, mitt Romney, paul Ryan they are what causes the chaos, because we already expect the chaos from the AOCs, the Elon O'Mars, the Nancy Pelosi's, the Jeff Ries, you know all these, but we already know that they're chaotic, we know that they're psychopath, we know that they're Marxist, whatever. But it's within the party and the backstabbing and the lying and the throwing candidates under the bus and our inability to campaign correctly, because I'm not sure if you all know this, but the RNC is completely out of money. So are all the parties in the States completely out of money. For the first time ever, republicans are really not able to campaign and fundraise. The Democrats have beat us at that. Because why? What are they focused on? They're focused on litigation. They're focused on the Ku Klux Klan Act. They're focused on the 14th Amendment. They're focused on making Puerto Rico and Washington DC a state. They're focused on undermining every single election integrity, regulation and law in every single state in the United States.

Speaker 1:

We are bickering Rhino to Republican, rhino to conservative constantly and can't get it straight, and what nobody understands is people want the conservative back. Do you think Donald Trump's numbers would be this high if Republicans all over? Because you can't say every single person that voted in Iowa, every single person that voted in New Hampshire, every single person that votes in South Carolina? They're all just extreme Trumpers. No, these are Republican people. These are Republican people, probably the same people that voted for George W Bush.

Speaker 1:

But one of the major problems has been and why the Republicans are having such a hard time with Trump and this new call for conservatism is that the Republican platform has moved so far away from the Reagan platform, the Reagan conservative platform. We have watered down our values in an effort to keep up with modern young people or whatever the reasoning might be. We have watered down our values and moved so far away from true conservatism that we're not providing a great candidate. So when Trump comes along, he's a Reagan-esque conservative who's going through all the same things Reagan has been through being called a Nazi, being told he was stupid, fumbling. You know all this media BS. They pull on everyone, but people don't care anymore. And when she says, oh, people don't want the chaos anymore, you're right, but you know what People have. After four years of Biden, people have come and said you know what? I'll take the chaos and the money in the bank and my 401k performing over this moron who can barely put two words together in a sentence any day. See what Trump has that Nikki and all the others don't have is. He has four years of success to tout and people lived through those four years.

Speaker 1:

Nikki never did anything great with the budget and South Carolina. She never backed any significant amounts of legislation that made a huge difference economically in that state. She did nothing. She was a nobody who sat there and did very little. Typical Republican. All the typical Republicans do is as little as possible to avoid the media attacking them and also to avoid the Democrats, and so they do nothing based on fear. That's exactly what happens, because they know their lives will be destroyed and so it's easier to just have your position, throw crumbs here there to the party and feel safe.

Speaker 1:

Also, did you notice her numbers? Well, we had a few hundred people here, a few hundred people there. We had a thousand people up in Northern South Carolina. Okay, do you know what the attendance was at Trump's last rally? And he was actually not very happy about the attendance numbers 4500 people, people driving from North, people driving from South East West, standing in line in the wind, in the rain, in the snow, in the heat, hot sun in Arizona. People drive from distances and stand in line to see him, and she's bragging about a thousand people showing up.

Speaker 1:

This is how unclued in this woman is. Every single sign points to you losing, in South Carolina, your own state. If you can't win your own state in a primary, let alone a general election, part of a general election is always that the president's gonna win their home state. Forget that. Forget it. If you can't win your home state in a primary, then you can't win a general election period. That's just how it is. So, instead of embracing reality, of course, nikki Haley is listening to all our special interest groups and billionaire donors telling her she has a chance. She has a chance. They'll keep funding her through the end.

Speaker 1:

Meanwhile, the media chips away at Trump chip, chip, chip, chip, full-on attack and she seems to think she's got a chance. I don't know if it's just her ego being fed by others and her camp and around her, or if she's really that dense, but she has absolutely no chance. Regardless of what her delegate count is or how many people came to see her on stage, she is the creator of chaos. Inter-party problem makers like her, mitch McConnell and the rest of them, are the reason for the chaos, because then the media picks it up and runs with it. Don't be fooled by this whole. You know right-of-center work across the aisle narrative. It does not work. Every single time we've put up a candidate like that, they lose. Look at McSally in Arizona. It's seemingly a great candidate, but way too central.

Speaker 1:

Again, people are craving Reagan days. People are craving an economy that's hungry and working on the supply side and the demand side. If there was ever a time that the people were ready to have Trump again, it is now and Nikki is fighting a losing battle. So for so folks you heard it here she will not drop out. I know she's been saying that, but you can see the new narrative is oh well, I'm not winning, but I'm not dropping. Even though she probably will drop, she is not leaving the campaign trail. She will be a menace to Donald Trump this entire time, which will hurt the general election and hurt him as the true nominee to get this country back on track. But again, people like Nikki Haley would rather have Joe Biden president than Trump. No matter how good she sounds or how good she looks which I have not been impressed, but some are. Just remember, deep down there is a flip flop, lifetime blood sucking politician under that cheap suit that she wears and it will be detrimental to our party and to this country, if she gets elected, because we know she failed as a governor, she failed as a UN ambassador, she's failing on the campaign trail, but she's been led to believe that she can be the next president by a bunch of special interests and billionaire donors that we don't need or really want to be in the pockets of. Anyways, all right, I'm gonna take a quick break and we'll be back to talk about Biden in January 6th.

Speaker 1:

Hey folks, thank you all for checking on Ron while we've been on hiatus. He's doing fantastic, as usual, and you know why? Because Ron eats Darwin's pet, the best premium raw food that gets delivered to your front door every single day at a fraction of the price of other raw food companies. Remember, guys, ron's breath doesn't stink. He runs faster and harder than puppies in the park. He surfs on the surfboard. He's the healthiest dog you'll ever meet. And it's the number one question I get when we're out and about how is your Frenchie so healthy? Darwin's pet. I started Ron off as a puppy on fresh food and, at the recommendation of a friend, I switched him to Darwin's and we have been hooked ever since. The change is incredible.

Speaker 1:

When you first get your food on Darwin's. I know several of you already have your pets on Darwin's. If you haven't tried it, go to darwinspetcom. Check out their introductory offer 14.99 for 10 pounds of food. You can give it a shot. If your dog doesn't like it or you don't, then you're only out 15 bucks. Folks, get on Darwin's. It is. The most important thing in the life of your dog is their diet. Again, that's darwinspetcom. Check out the introductory offer 10 pounds for 15 bucks. I guarantee you your dog will love you even more.

Speaker 4:

Gather in a new year some 246 years later, just one day before January 6th, a day forever shared in our memory, because it was on that day they were nearly lost.

Speaker 1:

America. I know, guys, some of this is old news, but I wanted to bring it up because what's happening is now the Justice Department is running into some serious issues with the prosecutions that they've made for January 6th attendees or rioters or protesters, whatever you will. But the fact that Biden's sister and says we almost lost it all, we almost lost America, what the hell is he even saying? Abraham Lincoln could say that from a civil war, but we almost lost America. A handful of people going into the Capitol, even if they were all armed. That's losing America. No military response, nothing, one death, nothing. Even if every single person that was there was guilty, even though we know they're not, we did not almost lose America.

Speaker 1:

And people are buying into this and people are actually believing that it's Trump. Now, if you remember the first January 6th speech that he gave, you know his Tsarist Russia or speech with the red lights behind him. He looked like an evil villain from a Disney movie. That was all about MAGA, maga, maga, maga. You're MAGA, I'm MAGA, we're all MAGA extremists who don't align with Americans. Now it's all about Trump and it's because it's election time and we know that this is going to be what he's going to run on. Have a listen.

Speaker 4:

Trying to rewrite the facts of January 6th. Trump was trying to steal history, the same way he tried to steal the election, but he we knew the truth because we saw it with our own eyes. This wasn't like something, a story being told. It was on television repeatedly. We saw it with our own eyes. Trump's mob wasn't a peaceful protest.

Speaker 1:

Trump's mob wasn't a peaceful protest. He's stealing history, just like he tried to steal the election. Well, let's take a step back here. First of all, there were only a handful of people that were not peaceful. Okay, so they're judging a majority of peaceful people against a handful of people that were either armed or had serious desires to create violence and wreak havoc on the Capitol, but that was not everyone there. Second of all, it was a hell of a lot more peaceful than any of the riots in the summer of 2020, and just recently, joe Biden's one of the representatives from the Justice Department said okay, yeah, we're gonna continue to try the way we're trying, but basically they're running out of people and, by the way, their batting average is perfect on prosecuting these people, which tells you something they're not getting any acquittals at all. So there's something rigged and in that kind of system, there's not. You can't tell me that there's not a jury, one jury that would acquit one of these people. It's ridiculous. But they've come out and they said well, we're not gonna just pursue those that went into the Capitol now. Now we're going after people for trespassing, criminal trespassing, because they weren't permitted to be in certain parts of the Capitol Reserve for tourists, etc. They eventually said don't sit down and breathe out yet. If you were there or anywhere in the area, there's a good chance that we're gonna come and get you. Now that is scary. That is a 100% no argument. Weaponization of the Justice Department and you have the president blaming a previous president for riots, insurrection, whatever he wants to call it, but he's directly blaming calling it Trump's mob. Trump stole the election. Trump this, this is his point. This is what we're gonna see. What we're gonna see on the debate stage is what we're gonna hear in all the commercials. Trump's mob was trying to steal democracy and if we let him in again, america will be lost. America will never be the same.

Speaker 1:

So let me get this straight. We have threats from China, who have nukes and extremely advanced military. We've got North Korea sending out intercontinental ballistic missiles pointed at South Korea. We've got Iran, who Biden empowered with millions and millions of dollars to allow them to produce oil and allow them to continue their nuclear program. We've got Russia, who is in Ukraine killing people left and right. The Ukraine can't battle them because Biden says protect yourself, but you can't go on the offensive. And if you do go on the offensive. You can only go this far into Russia. You can't go to Moscow. You can't do this. So we send them money, we set them up for war and then we tie the generals hands and Zelensis hands so Biden doesn't get in trouble with Putin. Everything I just listed. That is not America. That's not America. What's America is peacefulness, freedom, capital all the things that Biden despises. Yet January 6th was a big, violent deal.

Speaker 4:

It wasn't a peaceful protest. It was a violent assault. They were insurrectionists, not patriots. They weren't there to uphold the Constitution, they were there to destroy the Constitution.

Speaker 1:

Can I ask you guys a serious question? Folks, I want you to put your history cap on and I want you to think about all the different revolutions and government takeovers that you've read about or heard about Insurrections, if you will, insurrections that have happened throughout history. Have you ever heard of an unarmed insurrection before? I mean seriously, folks. Have you ever heard of a group of people trying to take over the government or to stop an election? That's completely unarmed? How can we take America over? How are all these people taking America over? How was America lost when not one person other than, I think, maybe just a couple had weapons? That's not an insurrection. That's not an insurrection. They're patriots.

Speaker 1:

The bottom line is that you can't be an insurrectionist or have an insurrection without weapons. It's an act of war. It's the makings of a militia. It's not a bunch of people that are trying to protest the election results that were definitely questionable. No one's trying to steal history here. Sure, there was a riot, but you're gonna go on and continue to punish people for trespassing. Yet how many people have been prosecuted for destruction of the federal building in Portland and all over the country? That's all federal trespassing. It's the exact same thing Doesn't matter. Federal property is federal property, whether it's the Capitol, the White House or the Passport Office in Los Angeles. So why is it that we're going after every single person that stepped foot near the Capitol in January 6th, pushing a narrative that they were insurrectionists looking to take over America and that we almost lost America, but failing to mention that there were no guns or bombs or weapons or airplanes? Isn't that a little odd? I don't know. Maybe you can text or call the number 866-LastGay and let me know, because in my life and in the history studies that I've taken, I have never heard of an unarmed insurrection. It's almost part of the definition. It's not exactly part of the definition, but the definition of insurrection. In order for it to be achieved you need weapons and there were none. So you tell me folks, you tell me if that was an insurrection, because it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

And no one's rewriting history here but Biden. But do people look at this and actually see him just lying through his teeth? Do they feel bad for him because he's just an old man up there making a fool of himself? Or the rest of the sheep liberal Democrats just sit there salivating, thinking what he says is just amazing. Someone had a bumper sticker the other day on their car that said best three years, biden 2024. Best three years. This has been the best three years man. The guy is a complete moron and he will continue to go after people for January 6th.

Speaker 1:

And the challenge is now is that all of these private actually, matt Taleb or Taib from the Rolling Stone magazine, who also did the Twitter files, just came out with a article about all of these private groups that are lawyers and accountants and financial advisors, etc. That have come together to create menacing litigation to stop Republicans from getting elected, to take them off the ballot, to do all of these crazy things. Those are the people who were behind taking Trump off the ballot in Colorado, taking Trump off the ballot in Maine. They have a significant push for this in other states and they are also suing to have him taken off the ballot. These groups now are also civilly suing January 6th people, january attendees of January 6th.

Speaker 1:

They're suing Christian organizations, they're suing pro-life organizations and adoption agencies, and they're all over the country and now basically what they're doing is they are figuring out ways to basically remove Trump out of office. If he does so get elected, which is good news and bad news. We're scaring them, but on the other hand, we're not. Now I want to play you this little comment from Merrick Garland, who is a socialist of Marxist and someone who is at the very roots of destroying America, and listen to the way he talks about January 6th and how they are prosecuting people for this and for that, but with little to no evidence. What do you think?

Speaker 7:

I want to take a moment to recognize that tomorrow marks the third anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol. For our country, January 6th was an unprecedented attack on the cornerstone of our system of government the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next.

Speaker 1:

Why do all the Biden people sound like they struggle to talk from the peaceful power of one to the next? Come on, does anyone there have a strong command of the English language? Does anyone know how to deliver sentences without mumbling and grumbling, making things understandable for the American people? Oh no, he's got a wah wah, wah, wah wah voice. Let's hear what he says about all the prosecutions they've made.

Speaker 7:

The Justice Department has engaged in what has become one of the largest and most complex and resource-intensive investigations in our history.

Speaker 1:

How sad is that January 6th is now the largest law enforcement investigations ever completed in the Justice Department of the United States. Meanwhile, we have terror cells all over the place, we have domestic terrorists all over the place, we have rampant pedophilia and human trafficking, but a handful of people who went into the Capitol on January 6th require the most resources and the most focus from the Justice Department than anything else. Guy is a crook.

Speaker 7:

We have initiated prosecutions and secured convictions across a wide range of criminal conduct on January 6th, as well as in the days and weeks leading up to the attack. We have secured convictions of those who brutally assaulted officers at the Capitol. We have secured convictions against those who obstructed the certification of the presidential election. We have secured convictions of leaders of both the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers for seditious conspiracy. In the ongoing January 6th investigations and prosecutions led by US Attorney for the District of Columbia, matt Graves and Special Counsel Jack Smith, the Justice Department is abiding by the long-standing norms that ensure our independence and the integrity of our investigations.

Speaker 1:

Long-standing norms. Well, first of all, I don't think any of us want the long-standing norms of the Justice Department. I mean, thank God Trump exposed the FBI for what they are, exposed the Justice Department for what it is it's just a political punishment machine and it's a political blackmail machine. That's it. That's what the Justice Department does. They look to blackmail people so they can use the politicians in the way that they see fit. And this is exactly what they're doing with January 6th, because they're sending a message Stand in the Capitol on the day that it is certified, you put one foot on the Capitol, you're going away for life. I mean, these sentences are insane and to have 500, almost 500 convictions with almost no acquittals is insane. It's absolutely crazy. They are completely running amok. They are running like Gustapo and they are doing everything they can to show people you better not protest us, you better never come near questioning a Democrat who's running for president, or you're going to end up in jail for the rest of your life.

Speaker 1:

As we hear these people talk about January 6th and using, trespassing and using all these different laws, it reminds me that Merrick Garland is no different than Levantry Berea, who was the head of Stalin's secret police and he said quote show me the man and I will find you the crime. And that's exactly what Garland's doing, that's exactly what Jack Smith is doing, that's exactly what Joe Biden's doing. They're finding innocent people and they are finding crimes, or creating laws, or massaging laws, in order to fit their narrative within the judicial process, when really it's the farthest thing from the truth. All right, folks, I think that'll do it, for today, this is Chad Law, your host, reminding you of what Reagan once said how do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin, and how do you tell an anti-communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin. God bless you, president Reagan, and may God save America. We really need it.

Speaker 5:

You just listened to the Last Gay Conservative Podcast hosted by Chad Law. Please visit us at lastgayconservativecom for this episode and others. We're also on Spotify, apple Podcasts, youtube and wherever you listen. If you like the show, please like, subscribe and share. Find us on social at lastgayconservative. We proudly support the following causes the Convention of States Action, the National Rifle Association, the Heritage Foundation and Big Brothers, big Sisters of America. Disclaimer the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent. The Last Gay Conservative is a production of Ben Wright Media. All rights reserved 2022.

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