The Last Gay Conservative

LGBTQ Mafia, Government Overhaul and Conservative Ideals

The Last Gay Conservative Season 2 Episode 4

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LGBTQ identity and conservative values merge in a compelling discussion about the significance of merit over victimhood. Chad Law explores these ideas by spotlighting Scott Bessent's achievements and encouraging LGBTQ individuals to thrive without constraints tied to their sexual orientation. 

• Discussion on President Trump's commitment to LGBTQ issues 
• Importance of celebrating successful LGBTQ figures like Scott Bessent 
• The contrast between politicians and private-sector leaders 
• Critique of victim narratives within the LGBTQ community 
• Insights into USAID's role in shaping global narratives

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Speaker 1:

It's time. From Newport Beach, california, the sun is shining, the beaches are packed and the waves are rolling in, all while the last gay conservative prepares to share more truth with America. He's America's binary brother, the holiest homo and the gayest conservative of all time working to restore common sense conservative politics in the American household. Welcome to the Last Gay Conservative Podcast. Here's your host, chad Law.

Speaker 2:

As your president. I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.

Speaker 4:

Believe me and we do believe you, president Trump. Good morning everyone, or should I say Merry Christmas. I don't know about y'all, but every morning since January 20th has been Christmas morning for me. I wake up giddy. I go to bed excited. I wake up giddy to read what Trump and his incredible team has done.

Speaker 4:

Next, some I agree with, some I don't agree with, but the fact of the matter is is that we are all witnessing an incredible amount of history, because anyone my age or younger probably, like, let's say, 45 or younger has never actually witnessed, in all of presidential American presidential history, a candidate fulfill his promises within the first hundred days, a majority of the promises within the first hundred days. It hasn't even been a hundred days yet and he's well on his way. I mean, he's tackled the trans issue in women's sports. He's tackling the border. He's tackling the treasury and the strength of the dollar. He's tackling the tariffs Every strength of the dollar. He's tackling the tariffs, every single thing he said he's doing. Yet we still have all of this freak out like it's some surprise. There are no surprises here, folks. This has all been everything that he said on the campaign trail, and what's historic about it is that I don't care. Any political election that you look at after President Reagan. Not one candidate has ever implemented immediate changes that are this strong and this effective in their first few days.

Speaker 4:

Usually, promises on the campaign trail are withheld until the very end, especially if they have any risk of sort of voter shakeup. They're withheld till the very end of the first term. More than likely they get pushed off to the second term. I mean we felt that with George W Bush His first term was worthless. He might have just sat there with his thumb up his ass, but in his second term he did deregulate and do some of the things that conservatives expected him to do. We've never had a president just come in and say and start signing expected him to do. We've never had a president just come in and say and start signing. And he might attribute it to the fact that he's technically in his second term and he doesn't care about votes. I would disagree.

Speaker 4:

I think Trump loves the popularity contest, whether we want to believe it or not, and I think it's a great thing. I think it's what drives him to do what he can do to help people. So I think that he enjoys the spotlight and the popularity. He is a star, he's a celebrity, but he still doesn't care if he is ruffling all these feathers, because he knows what's best for the American people, but it's also because it's all stuff he campaigned on.

Speaker 4:

There's nothing new here. There's no surprises. I've got to be honest. I'm still a little unsure about this Gaza proposal. I'm also unsure about completely shutting down the Department of Education on a federal level. Those are some concerns I have. But guess what? We elected President Trump. He deserves to be able to do what he wants to do to garner the results that he's looking to achieve.

Speaker 4:

This is the big difference between a politician and the private sector. And let me tell you something. I think Joe Rogan said it very well. He said this is such an interesting experiment to see what happens when you apply private sector principles to the government. And what we're going to see is Reagan already did it. It's going to take off. It's going to be incredible. The results are going to be incredible. Unfortunately, we have all these roadblocks in between, especially in the judiciary, which I want to cover a little later in the show. But Trump's been mandated to do all these things. He's doing them. There should be no surprise, and it's very, very exciting stuff.

Speaker 4:

But the difference between a politician? It's funny. A college professor told me this one time. He said the difference between an entrepreneur and an employee is if you have a grease fire in your kitchen, an entrepreneur will go all over the house to find rags, baking powder, fire extinguishers, whatever, in order to put the fire out. Meanwhile, a nine to fiver will see the fire, take his cell phone, walk outside and dial 911 and have someone else come fix the problem. That is essentially the same comparison politicians and private sector.

Speaker 4:

In the private sector businessmen, entrepreneurs like me and you we are driven by results. Politicians are driven by means, not ends, and that's what's been. The problem here is we're so focused on how we're doing things. By the time we actually get to the results, so much time has passed. Oftentimes we forgot why we were doing it in the first place. I mean, that's certainly how I feel about Medicaid and some of these Obamacare additions that we've had. We were so worried about the who and the how we didn't even factor in what the actual results would be.

Speaker 4:

See people in the private sector who are actually held accountable to someone or something and need their job. They work from the results backward, and that's what we're seeing with Trump. He's saying we're going to have the best border, the result is a completely secure border, and then he backs it out with his team to get there. So it's been really exciting to watch. I love it. I think he's crushing it and I think it's very important to not get caught up in the liberal craziness. Look, the Democrats are losing. They're spiraling out of control. They're not going to get any better. 80% of Americans are agreeing with what's happening right now, from one issue to the other on average. Don't get caught up with them.

Speaker 4:

However, I listened to Mike Benz about this whole USAID thing and I will say we still need to focus on the snakes in the grass, these rhinos, these Cheney type people, because there are politicians on both sides that came up through USAID and were trained through USAID. Guess who's one of them? Aoc. Guess who's another one? Liz Cheney, okay, so that just tells you both sides of the spectrum equally as annoying, inefficient and disruptive. Those are the kind of people. Those are the kind of things USAID produces.

Speaker 4:

Samantha Powers was Obama's lap dog and then she got to run USAID and she was a rogue, basically intelligence agent. She thought it was her job to topple governments and do all sorts of things, and without considering the humanitarian impact on the countries that she was working on, you know, for example, in Sudan. I know I'm getting off track, but I'll come back. Anyways, for example, in Sudan, they've invested millions of dollars into Sudan to improve the LGBTQ awareness and acceptance. It will never happen maybe 100 years from now, more gay people in danger.

Speaker 4:

As we empower these gays and tell them to come out and put literature out there and encourage local officials to be more accepting, guess what? The religious overtones and the cultural beliefs will always supersede that small population. And what do they do to gays there? They castrate them, they kill them. They're actually doing work that's putting more gay people in harm's way. And I don't want to just make it about gays there. They castrate them, they kill them. They're actually doing work that's putting more gay people in harm's way. And I don't want to just make it about gays. That's just an example.

Speaker 4:

But what I'm trying to show you is is that sometimes these interests of America aren't interests in humanity. And what I love is Trump says well, you know, they're using this to kill other governments, they're doing this and that, and. And people say, well, yeah, they're using this to kill other governments, they're doing this and that, and people say, well, yeah, but they're starving. People are starving. What are we going to do? And it's like you know what these people and everything existed before USAID. They're going to figure it out without USAID, and Trump isn't purposely cutting off humanitarian efforts, but we have to be able to see what's happening. If not, there will be no change and that's why all of this is uncomfortable and as we unearth more stuff, it's going to be really, really interesting to see.

Speaker 4:

Scott Bessent has just been impressing me so much. He had an interview yesterday on Forbes and you should check that out on YouTube. I have some clips that we'll go over after the break. He's an amazing gay man, but of course, the gay community can't give him any credit for his genius and what he's doing to inspire and sort of I call break the rainbow ceiling, whatever the hell these people want it to be called. Of course they're not giving him any credit and he's a Nazi and this, that and the other thing. And then, lastly, you know, I'm just really I talk about this a lot on the show and I want you guys to think about it?

Speaker 4:

What is the obsession with Bill Maher, megan Kelly, john Fetterman, james Carville? Why are all these washed up losers, who we've rejected in the past, now making headlines in conservative publications? I mean, megyn Kelly has one of the worst failed broadcasting careers in the history of America. She's on a satellite radio, on a podcast, which is great. She wants to support her family, whatever her story is. However, she hates President Trump. She did everything she could to hurt President Trump and now I see all my conservative friends just rah-rah with her. Forget it. She left Fox News to go to the mainstream media and be another liar, another peddler of this crap.

Speaker 4:

Bill Maher is a crazy psycho-socialist liberal, but he's figured out that if he plays the middle, he can maximize his advertising dollars, and so he says some things. Well, democrats are crazy. They're loopy. Because he knows, like we know, that although it seems like there's a lot more people that believe in some of this crazy leftist stuff, there isn't, and so he knows he can have the upper hand. He's very smart. James Carville same thing Democrat, democrat, democrat. And now we're talking about what he's saying, how, why Democrats are losing in this. Who cares? We don't need affirmation from these people. John Fetterman is another one. I heard Gutfield or some other people apologizing the other day for talking about his mental capacity. Why are you apologizing? The guy's an idiot. He's Uncle Fester. He'll always be Uncle Fester. His state just went completely red.

Speaker 4:

If you guys haven't seen him or know the name, scott Pressler, he is the reason why Pennsylvania went deep red. I mean, the guy is a machine. He's another gay guy in the conservative movement. He's got long hair down to his ass. He's very fun. We had a good time at CPAC Just a great guy. It doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Every single thing out time at CPAC Just a great guy. It doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Every single thing out of my mouth was offensive in a funny way. But the guy has been knocking on every single door. He's probably talked to more Pennsylvanians than John Fetterman ever did on the campaign trail. I mean, scott Pressler is incredible and he has completely turned the tides in Pennsylvania.

Speaker 4:

This guy is passionate about grassroots voter registration and voting period. That's what he does best. God, I would drive people away from the polls, but no, he drives people to the polls and he's turned it red and that's the only reason why Fetterman is agreeing with some of the Republican stuff because he knows he's going to lose. And the only reason why he won was because he was going against a terrible candidate who almost beat him. He won by a slim margin against one of the worst Republican candidates I've ever seen. Dr Oz, great guy on TV, dud politician, I mean. He cannot connect with people and that's a big difference when these broadcasters, these people on TV, even like me, people assume, because we talk all the time, that we connect. Anyways, dr Oz was terrible.

Speaker 4:

Uncle Fester lost to Dr Oz and now he's just trying to show face by agreeing with some things that Republicans and President Trump are agreeing with, because Pennsylvanians have increasingly said F you to liberals, because they've seen what happens to that state. I don't get it. I don't, I, I, I, scott, I said Scott, you're turning the state red. I don't understand. This is the only state that when the Eagles, when their team, goes to a championship, the city has to come and Vaseline the telephone poles because all the Eagles fans, these crazy animals, will climb the telephone poles and then fall off and injure themselves and all kinds of bad stuff happens.

Speaker 4:

How stupid these are the people that vote for John Fetterman, but we're giving him all this credit for being fair and closer to the middle. It's all an act. And so what happens is we take our eye off the ball, someone like John Fetterman and we say, oh, he's cool. Meanwhile there's Republicans that are doing even more undermining, so it's all just one big distraction. Okay, okay, I'm done ranting this morning. Let's take a quick break and we'll be back after these words.

Speaker 5:

You've got too much on your plate to worry about what to put on it next. That's where we come in. We're Factor, your one-stop shop for fresh, fully prepared meals packed with premium ingredients and ready to heat and eat in two minutes flat. Did we mention, delivered right to your door? Yeah, we got that covered too. Looks like eating well just got a whole lot easier.

Speaker 4:

God, I was just smiling. All day the last couple days I watched the interview with Scott Besant. I've met Scott a few times. What a great guy. Him and his husband are fantastic and I just I love that Trump never once touted that he was gay.

Speaker 4:

You know, that is the difference. He's not gay. He happens to like the same sex in bed. That's it. It's a teeny, tiny aspect of someone's life.

Speaker 4:

And you hear the gay community, because you know the gay community's job is to force us to believe that being gay is a handicap, that it's going to be harder to get jobs, it's going to be harder to get into schools, people are going to be meaner to us. That's not my experience at all and maybe I got lucky and I know there is still homophobia around the world everywhere. But the reality is is that being gay is not a handicap or a hindrance and it's certainly not the same as race, because you can't see someone's gayness, so you don't know if they're gay or not, unless they bring it up or flaunt something right in front of your face that you have to make that assumption. So I love how Scott has completely denied that he's been picked or pushed because of his sexual preferences and because he's the best person for the job. I mean, the guy has an incredible resume. I don't know if you guys know a lot about Scott, but he was the chief executive officer and chief investment officer of Key Square Capital Management. It's a global hedge fund focused on investing he founded in 2015. Prior to that, he was the chief investment officer at Soros Fund Management. The guy's been on the left and the right. When you look at his political donation history, he's donated to Democrats like Obama and Trump From 91 to 2000,. For nine years he was the managing partner of the Soros Fund in the London office.

Speaker 4:

He's from South Carolina. He received his bachelor's from Yale. Him and his family created the McLeod Rehabilitation Center at the Shriners Children's Hospital in Greenville, south Carolina. He served as a Rockefeller University trustee, member of the executive committee and chair of the investment committee. He also supported the Harlem Children's Zone in New York City. He's a member of the Economic Club of New York and Council on Foreign Relations. Scott is a member of the French Huguenot Church in Charleston. I did not say that right, but you guys figure it out. Did not say that right, but you guys figure it out. Besant is a longtime advocate, supporter and mentor of financial literacy and education programs. Now listen here. He, his spouse and his two children reside in Washington DC and Charleston, south Carolina. That's on the Trump website. That's his bio.

Speaker 4:

Nothing about gay rights, nothing about LGBTQ. What's amazing is is that and when you talk to Scott he he thinks, just like we do, that gayness is, is, isn't, shouldn't define us and it's not a handicap. However, bear in mind that he has forged his way through a 99% white, straight frat boy industry, if you will, which is Wall Street or banking finance. It's all straight white guys out of the Ivy Leagues. So being gay and being in that environment probably was not easy in the 80s and 90s, when things were still a lot rougher and a lot less understood. So that should be celebrated as well, because, just like when a woman breaks the glass ceiling and becomes the first senator or the first CEO or the first whatever, should be the same thing for Scott, because he has forged a path in the financial industry that will now allow other gay guys who want to succeed in banking an inspiration, a path to follow and a story that says being gay will not hinder your ability to be successful in finance. When I know for a fact many of you listening to me right now, many of you gay guys listening to me right now, probably avoided or never thought there would be opportunities in the finance market. I know I never thought I would ever be able to get along or be in the finance market.

Speaker 4:

One, I hate math, but two, my personality, everything about it. See, when you're gay, people automatically want to victimize you. Oh, you're going to have a hard time getting into banking. Oh, you're going to have a hard time on the football team. If you're a gay guy in the locker room, oh, you're going to have a hard time on the football team. If you're a gay guy in the locker room, oh, you're going to have a hard time with Republicans and conservatives. They're going to take away your rights. Everything's a hard time. What's harder, what's more victimizing? And so oftentimes younger gay guys get it in their heads that there are certain limitations on them based on their sexual orientation. And there isn't. And Scott Pescent is a genius example of this very thing. He got hired based on merit, but he's still diverse. Go figure, the two aren't mutually exclusive. And the way he talks about everything is just so simple, smart, eloquent. Let's have a listen.

Speaker 6:

Not because of my sexual preference, not because Treasury secretaries with green eyes do better. This is my third try at public service. The President Trump chose me because he believes I'm the best candidate. He has a deep understanding of financial markets as opposed to most politicians, so he wants to be involved in the conversation. He has very well formed opinions. He has a lot of private sector friends. All taxes are passed on to consumers and I think what's interesting about taxes is they aren't necessarily inflationary. They're one time administrative price adjustment. Month Tariffs cause a stronger dollar, so a weaker dollar with tariffs is the. It's an economic abnormality.

Speaker 4:

I love his response to the last question. I didn't want to put too much in, but the reporter on CNN is asking him Scott, if we do tariffs, it's going to weaken the dollar. Um, Scott, if we do tariffs it's going to weaken the dollar. He's like what are you talking about? Economics 101, tariffs strengthen currency. We've never seen it in history. The reverse. So what you're asking about is an economic abnormality that doesn't exist.

Speaker 4:

Boom, this man is the type of gay guy that all gay guys should be striving to be. He puts his family himself, his religion, his work all in front of being gay. But the gay community can't handle that because, again, they thrive on victimization. These elite groups like the Trevor Project or GLAAD. They only survive because gay guys are depressed and suicidal.

Speaker 4:

If gay suicide stopped, the Trevor Project would be obsolete. They need gay guys down and they need us depressed and they need us suicidal. So the donations keep coming. That's the best way to also drive guilt amongst people for donations, talking about suicide and the deaths of young people, and Scott and myself and many other gays in the movement have said we're not doing that, we're not getting involved in all that. We think there's other things that can benefit the gay community, and the mental health of gay guys would be a hell of a lot better if they didn't think of their sexuality like a handicap. So I love it. I mean, he's married, he's got two kids, he's super smart, and what I love even more is the gay community cannot handle it. Let's have a listen.

Speaker 7:

My Nick says wait, scott Besson is gay, he is and married and has children. Yesterday when I brought this up you up, he, if he's confirmed, would be the highest ranking LGBT person ever to serve, to be appointed and confirmed by the United States Senate. And I said I'm kind of conflicted about this.

Speaker 8:

Bessette lives in South Carolina with his husband, john Freeman, and their two children. After his nomination, the log cabin Republicans released a statement quote Trump's selection of Besant, who is also openly gay, married and has two children with his partner, is also a reminder of President Trump's love and respect for LGBTQ Americans. I would like to get credit for end quote. I would like to get credit for reading that with an absolutely straight face.

Speaker 9:

You deserve it. You deserve it, honey. I'm sorry, extra points from Mark today, holy crap.

Speaker 8:

And this glowing endorsement, though, is from a group of people who weren't even allowed a table, not a booth, not even a seat at a table or a booth at the Republican convention, and the desperation for acceptance there is just palpable.

Speaker 9:

Scott Besson is a married gay man with kids who has no qualms working with the most anti-LGBTQ plus cabinet ever and trust and believe. If you look at all of the people that have been selected to work for Trump, it is very clearly an anti-queer group of people. We have someone right now who is fighting against a trans congresswoman's ability to use the restroom, and here you have a gay man, a billionaire. This guy is rich, rich, rich, who is willing to look beyond all of the other issues that the community has because of money.

Speaker 4:

First of all, not one of these idiots said why he shouldn't be a treasury pick. Not one of them talked about any behavior or anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. No, it goes right back to Trump and it goes right back to Trump's evil, anti-gay cabinet. I'm going to make a statement that I've made before and it really upsets Democrats when I say this. But Trump is the most gay-friendly president not just Republican, but gay-friendly president of all time.

Speaker 4:

First of all, gay marriage wasn't a big issue and gay rights weren't a massive issue through the 90s. Bill Clinton, I mean, didn't really have to deal with a lot of LGBTQ stuff. Barack Obama was anti-gay marriage when he ran the first time. Then he switched. Biden has a history of homophobia and gay slurs and just horrible, horrible rhetoric against the gay community. And then here comes Donald Trump, which again.

Speaker 4:

When you ask people what is so anti-gay about Donald Trump, what does he do that's anti-gay. What do they say? Well, the trans military doesn't let trans people serve in the military. Trans and gay are not the same, as you can see with people like Caitlyn Jenner, who's a woman dating a woman even though she was a man. You understand her sexual preference didn't change, but her gender did. The two are not mutually exclusive and I know I'm preaching to the choir, to all of you out there, but my point here is is that not one of these people queer news, lgbtq news advocate can name anything that should disqualify Scott Besant from being someone we're proud of in the community? He's willing to put all the issues in our community aside for money. It's all about the money. It's all about punishing people for being successful. I mean you should see the people on these YouTube channels. I mean talk about degenerates. These people just sit around and it's the worst, worst production value and they just talk nonsense was hired based on merit and happens to be gay as well, because he just proved that even without DEI, gays can get to the highest position in the financial universe. What he is right now he's running the US Treasury, the reserve currency of the world, and this is the big difference between DEI and Merritt. See, a DEI hire gay man is Pete Buttigieg, and the press release, everything, the bio, everything that you read about Mayor Pete starts out with him being gay. Nothing that Scott puts out is about him being gay, and it's not that he's not proud of it. He doesn't want it to deter from his successes. He doesn't want anyone to be able to say he only got that job because he's gay, when everyone knows. That's why Pete Buttigieg got the job of Secretary of Transportation as part of Biden's DEI cabinet. How well did that work out for him? Oh no, chad, he would have won if he didn't drop out.

Speaker 4:

These people are so freaking stupid I just sometimes I just wonder what, where, how do these people function in life? I mean, it's just, this is basic black and white stuff here. And so the most homophobic people are the homos that are slurring Scott Besant, not Trumpers. They just can't stand it that someone's successful without riding a freaking rainbow into the White House or in to the Treasury or in to the Capitol. Because these people are so weak, their only characteristic, their only existence in life is their gayness. It's sad how empty, and that's why most of them end up in bars, you know, until they're way too old. And that's why we don't have a lot of, you know, great family gay men in positions of power that we can look up to.

Speaker 4:

You know and I also want to address the idiot who said this is coming from a group of people so desperate to fit in they couldn't even get a table at the convention. Well, first of all, unlike Democrats, we don't fly the rainbow flag at our convention, because it's not about that. No one, no group, private group like log cabin Republicans or, let's say, the conservative coalition or TP USA no private group can sponsor or have a table at the Republican convention. However, the galas and the events at night include everyone and the attendees of the convention include everyone, had nothing to do with the fact that they were gay and to prove it, I'll tell you this Trump has hosted now, I think, three or four years in a row, the log cabin Republican, a conservative organization and you guys know I don't always agree with them and hardly ever do, but a conservative gay organization hosts their annual gala at Mar-a-Lago for free every year, because President Trump wants them to have an incredible time and he wants to support his LGBTQ constituents.

Speaker 4:

But there is no homophobia. There's no problems in the gay community other than the typical stuff that they continually create, which is drug addiction, mental health, suicide, because people are constantly finding outlets to get this victimization of being gay off their back because they've been told how hard life is going to be. Listen, I've gone way too theoretical here, for for comfort. I don't mean to get too gay rights and you know gay stuff on the show. I try not to make that a major focus of the show in the title, but this was just too much, because I was expecting people to come out and celebrate Scott and instead they came out and just did everything they could to diminish his success, destroy his family, because they don't care. All they care about is their precious community of victims. So make sure you and everyone else around you understands that the person running the reserve currency of the world right now is a married gay man with two kids who lives in the South and supports Donald Trump and has supported liberal candidates as well. That should be something we celebrate as a nation and we can't keep confusing trans issues with gay issues.

Speaker 4:

You know I don't agree with Nancy Mace about trans using the restroom on Capitol Hill. I've already said just build a bunch of individual stalls. They stay cleaner, they're nicer. I hate public restrooms. I don't care what gender you are. We need more bathrooms, you know, and that's fine. I don't think she should be dying on this hill of trans using the restroom on Capitol Hill on that literal hill. But that's her prerogative If she thinks her constituents will agree with that and continually vote her in because of that stance, that's her prerogative as a politician, but that's not Trump's prerogative. It's not Scott Bessette's prerogative, it's not my prerogative. So make sure you always hear, because the only homophobic stuff that people are talking about now is literally trans. That's it. All the other gay issues are pretty much diminished, other than what they continually perpetuate. I'm going to take a quick break and we'll come back after these words.

Speaker 10:

As a pet owner, we understand that your pets are part of the family and you'd do anything to help them if they got sick or injured. Unfortunately, many pet parents will find themselves caught off guard by an expensive veterinary bill, and that's where Pets Best comes in. We provide pet insurance solutions for dogs and cats that can be used at any veterinarian in the US, including emergency and specialty clinics. Pets Best offers one of the most flexible products in the industry, with a wide range of coverages, including optional wellness coverage, exam fee coverage and more. When something happens, we pay your claims fast. Filing a claim is as easy as snapping a photo of your vet bill from your smartphone. Our online portal gives you easy access to see your claim status, manage your policy, check your benefits and more. You'll also have access to 24-7 live veterinary help through phone chat or email. Over 125,000 pets are protected from unexpected vet bills by Pets Best. Are your pets ready to join? Get a quote today.

Speaker 4:

All right and we are back Very excited to have Pets Best as a new sponsor. It's the only insurance I'll use. Ron's been on it since he was born. I did a lot of research. They're an American company. They're based in the Midwest. When you call, you talk to nice, sweet Americans who want to help you. I get asked to represent other pet insurance companies all the time because of Ron and Lemonade, true Panyin, humane Society, all of those. They're all big scams underwritten by traditional insurance companies that will fight you tooth and nail to get you paid.

Speaker 4:

Pets Best turns the payments around, works with many veterinary hospitals and definitely has programs available for people who are facing hardship as well as it pertains to animal medical bills. I highly suggest you check them out. I tell everyone there's two things you have to have when you own a Frenchie but I actually think it could be applied to every dog which is never kibble and always have them on the best possible health insurance. So I want to get into the USAID thing a bit. Mike Benz, who is just a phenomenal researcher, journalist, broadcaster I don't know what title he takes, but everything he does is incredible because he does everything with so much fact and detail that it cannot be rebutted. He doesn't come out with a thought or an opinion until the facts are 100% there. Unlike me and most of my colleagues, we come out swinging and hope the facts catch up to us a little bit later, based on what we're hearing, sources etc. So this guy is incredible and he has been working on USAID forever and he's been on Benny's show, he's been talked to Jordan Peterson, he's been on almost all the Daily Wire shows. He's was on American Conservative University. So I highly suggest, if you want to get deep into this USAID stuff, to take a look at Mike Benz, like Mercedes Benz.

Speaker 4:

There are a couple of things that I do want to touch on, though, about this USAID thing that I think is very important. I think it's answering a lot of questions for us that I've had throughout the years, and it's also really showing how low the Democrats are willing to go in order to scare Americans and people around the world. So USAID may have been necessary in the 60s and 70s when it was launched, but with the advancement of technology, a lot of these pro-democratic or sort of governmental insertions we're making in other nations are irrelevant and not necessary because of technology and computers. So not only is some of the quote-unquote good work that they've done which we've yet to see. Maybe it was with American interests at heart I say it's Obama's interests at heart or Samantha Power's interests at heart but maybe, let's just say maybe they did have the best interests of American security, american people, et cetera, at heart, and so they begin to topple governments and do things that traditionally would be within the CIA and the State Department. And the reason why they do it through this aid is because look how well it's marketed.

Speaker 4:

I mean it sounds like it's the Red Cross. It's free from congressional oversight. It's not an executive agency either. So it has. It lives in sort of a gray area between an NGO and a treasury sort of sub agency, but with recent judicial rulings it kind of seems like it's not a.

Speaker 4:

Judges are making the argument that it's not part of either the executive branch or the legislative branch, which therefore opens up a lot of jurisdictional issues. Obviously, the way it was set up this way was so it could be sort of a backdoor way to do rogue things, sort of like what we do with bio labs in other countries etc. It's just a rogue way of pushing a democracy overseas, but with that comes war, disease and everything else, and then, with whoever has the checkbook, comes their ideals, because nothing's being voted on, nothing's being confirmed, the budgets are very, very unclear, vague, and so this discovery is huge. Huge because, just like we saw with the Ukraine and the Biden crime family, this seems to be another arm of politicians on both sides that truly has allowed them to funnel money to other politicians. But let's just hear what MSNBC has to say about this.

Speaker 11:

By the time we come on the air tomorrow, usaid could be minutes away from effectively being shut down completely. Nearly all remaining staff will be put on paid leave on Friday and all staff located overseas will be brought back to the United States. The only question now is what, if anything, survives of this agency. It is a result of a brutal but effective disinformation campaign initiated by Elon Musk and cheered on by Donald Trump, by Republicans, by right-wing media, under the guise of cutting taxpayer spending, what they call radical left projects. Make no mistake that Donald Trump is kneecapping America's global standing around the world by gutting this organization. It has saved countless lives, it increases goodwill around the world and, perhaps most importantly, it counters adversaries like Russia and China. It keeps them from gaining more influence and power throughout the world. So what Trump and Musk are doing, with the Republicans cheering them on and those over at Fox News, is to gut the program in the name of saving less than 1% of the federal budget.

Speaker 4:

Isn't it funny how somber she sounds, what Trump is doing with Fox News and the rest of the federal government, like she's been crying all day over USAID, first of all, how sick of her to say for less than 1% of the entire federal budget. 1% of the entire federal budget is massive, massive. That could go towards so many things. And, sure, maybe the agency has saved lives, maybe the agency has done good, but it's no longer relevant. We don't need these democracy warriors out in the world. We don't need 10,000 people out in the world when we have a State Department and the CIA and a bunch of other truly governmental agencies that are funded to do some of this work. And a lot of this work is clandestine and clandestine. A lot of this work is clandestine and very, very secretive. And it shouldn't be because it's our money.

Speaker 4:

So for her to sit there and go. Well, what they're doing is they're kneecapping in China and Russia. That is not true. But notice how she doesn't name one initiative, one thing that has saved countless lives. And, honestly, if you're thinking you want to attribute some sort of kneecapping or lack of growth for Russia and China to USAID, they've grown bigger than they could ever grow. They have influence everywhere.

Speaker 4:

China's taking over all throughout South America. China is taking over in the Middle East, working with the Saudis more than we are, since Biden screwed that up. So no, they haven't stopped China and Russia. They haven't done much good and they're putting lives at risk every day, and I don't care if the lives are not democratic lives, if they're socialists or whatever. It's not our job to fund international campaigns that end up in military situations through a diplomatic agency. It's insane. So the person who ran the agency, samantha Powers I don't know if you guys have ever seen her or heard her she is another Common Core degenerate who looks like a piece of leather with two pieces of bologna flapping for her lips. She is fugly and her IQ is almost as bad as her looks. Have a listen.

Speaker 11:

Here's how former USAID Administrator Smith of Power described it last night on MSNBC.

Speaker 3:

American strength resides in the goodwill we buy MSNBC. American strength resides in the goodwill we buy. But also our security resides in our ability to squash that Ebola outbreak in Uganda, to make sure that those flights that come from Kampala don't contain people with Ebola who bring that disease elsewhere. So they root against America, they root against democracy. Therefore, they root against USAID and are thrilled that it's the United States government itself that is taking this agency off the field. But the other reason they're cheering is that USAID does really important democracy work, really important anti-corruption work, supporting independent journalists, training them to make sure that they can go out and about and cast sunlight on what is going on in those countries.

Speaker 4:

So I had to play that clip because here she is, she has the opportunity, the soapbox in front of all of her people, samantha Powers, who just sounds, looks and acts like an idiot. God, she's sad, but and what does she talk about? Ebola and training journalists. Okay, it's not USAID's job to train journalists to report things from their political perspective, especially someone who worked for Obama forever. It's not nonpartisan, it's totally partisan. 97% of the money spent was for Democrat causes, still leaves 3%, which is quite a lot for Republican causes. But this agency has been used to mold the media Globally and domestically, and she just admits it. Right there. We do great democracy work. We train journalists.

Speaker 4:

Well, your idea of democracy and my idea of democracy are very different, because her idea is Obama's idea of democracy, the common core idea of democracy, the Black Lives Matter idea of democracy, the critical race theory, democracy. That's your democracy, not mine. Why do you have full range power to spread your opinion of democracy through journalists and then for you to sit there and say USAID is responsible for controlling the Ebola breakouts? We've been working on that for so long, since before Samantha Powers was born, and if people were flying over here with Ebola on the plane, they'd be soup by the time they landed Another falsity. And what she fails to address is some of this other cultural stuff that has nothing to do with aid. Iraqi 20 million dollars, sesame Street I know you guys have heard all of these things on the news so I'm not going to go through it, but what I want you to understand is this is a person with full range to do anything, who has grown up and been groomed by the most liberal people on the planet. So her idea of democracy is not our idea of democracy, and the way she thinks our tax dollars are better spent is not the way we think our tax dollars are better spent. And that's what democracy is. By participating in what she was participating in the first place, she was being an anti-democratic. She was running an agency as a rogue off-the-books agency to push political ideals.

Speaker 4:

Ebola, hunger yeah. Where are all the reports of all these starving people? Since USAID has gone down? And, by the way, whoever said anything about ending humanitarian causes? By the way, whoever said anything about ending humanitarian causes? Elon Rubio, who's now the head of it, and Trump have all come out and said listen, we're not shutting everything down. I'm sure they're doing some good work. We're just trying to figure out how it needs to be managed and how the money needs to be organized so the taxpayers can understand what they're spending on. And people like Elizabeth Warren who have said before just because you pay your taxes, it doesn't give you a right to see everything the federal government is spending money on, and I disagree, and so did our founding fathers. This is a travesty, but it's also part and parcel for what Trump said he was going to do.

Speaker 6:

I'll go deeper on this when we come back right after these words.

Speaker 12:

Can I make my side firmer? Sleep Number does that. We know 80% of couples sleep too hot or too cold. Our smart bed cools and warms either side so you both sleep comfortably Sleep better together on the Climate 360 smart bed. Shop now at sleepnumbercom oh that's cool.

Speaker 4:

I didn't realize that we closed that sponsorship with Sleep Number. Great job team. Thank you guys. I'm back. Got a little distracted over the commercial break. I ran to use the restroom so fast that I sort of lost my place here, so just catching my breath. Uh, one thing that I do want to say is that this is the only way. If you're a little bit uncomfortable with shutting some of this stuff down, which I know most of you aren't but it is a little scary to think that people could go unfed or you know actual causes that we all agree on. Like you know, child hunger or something could be affected. I don't think it will be, but it's a little scary to think about. Funny, we talked about sleep number.

Speaker 4:

I was last night I'm I finished the Super Bowl and I'm sitting in bed and I've got my new sleep number climate. We're so in love with it when I sleep completely cold and I mean sleep's totally warm. But I was watching reruns like I usually do to go to sleep, and house was on last night and there was a really interesting episode. I like I get geeked out on some of those medical dramas but and I have no idea if this is correct treatment or anything real. But there's an episode where a kid comes in. Of course they can't figure out what's wrong with him, this, this and this. By the end of the whole diagnostic. They believe that he has these micro, either cysts or tumors or something like I said. I was in and out of consciousness in his brain, but they were too small to show up on the MRI. So the only option that they had the treatment was to drain two thirds of his blood and then watch on the MRI or on the imaging machine as they pump the blood back into the body and wherever there's a hiccup will light up on the screen and they can fix it.

Speaker 4:

Folks, that is exactly what we're doing right now in the federal government. I've always said the government's about three times the size I believe that it needs to be. So it's funny that it's two thirds, because that's exactly what Trump is doing. He's saying look, we've got to drain the blood out of the brain in order to see where the issues are, and there's nothing wrong with that. That is the only way to do an appropriate audit. It is a big rat's nest behemoth of finances and money and dollars printed and et cetera. The only way to be able to look at something moving that fast, with that many moving parts and dependencies, is by stopping it, and so what I loved was is they took two thirds of this kid's blood out, basically put him down to die and then brought him back to life and cured him by removing all those little issues that were messing with the bloodstream in his brain. That's what's happening here. We've got to drain this blood and then put it back so we can see where it's going wrong. That's the only way we're going to be able to make this decision.

Speaker 4:

And for a judge to sit there and say, oh, we got to put this on hold and to limit Doge's access to the treasury that is so far out of their scope. These men in black I mean Mark Levin. One of his best books, men in Black, you should read it talks about the Supreme Court, but I believe it could apply to the entire federal judiciary these people are God-complexed freaks that think they're bigger and better than the president of the United States, than the Congress, than anything, because everything ends with the judiciary. Look, we expected some of this stuff, like birthright, citizenship, etc. But for a federal judge to come in and tell Trump that he can't give people a buyout option who are employees of agencies that report into the executive branch.

Speaker 4:

The EPA is what we call an executive administrative agency. It's an agency that supports the executive branch. Health and human services, same thing, education, treasury all of these places where you see people being confirmed for these positions. They all fall under President Trump. Therefore, so do all the employees. So if he wants to offer them a buyout to get paid until September, which is nine months a nine-month buyout with benefits a judge cannot come in and say he can't do that. That is so wrong and it sets such a bad precedent because the judge is interfering in the executive branch's business and no laws are being broken. These are just political judges that love to have their names on the magazines and don't do anything or listen or even consider the arguments before they publish these raging decisions or holds that make no sense. A federal judge can't tell Scott Besant he can't go on to the treasury payment system. A judge can't tell Donald Trump that he can't appoint an outside contractor to review all the payment systems.

Speaker 4:

And it's happened a lot. Presidents have private contractors and private consultants all the time in this stuff, and for those of you who want to sit there and say, well, it's all the American confidential records, blah, blah, blah. No, it's not. First of all, it's not. And second of all, do you know how many times all of our IRS systems, treasury systems, experian, transunion, target, walmart have been hacked? We've all been hacked. Your information is out there, no matter what. I don't care if you've had life locks since 1949. We've all been hacked. There's nothing elon can do with the information. There's no way he can enrich himself. So all of these things are just major fear tactics to get us to think that we're killing people. We're gonna let ebola come over. We're no longer saving lives. China and Russia are going to take over in USAID's place.

Speaker 4:

All bullshit, all bullshit in a desperate attempt to cover up, for me, the biggest finding, which is what I said. I would mention. Look these crazy DAs like George Gascon that just set all these criminals free, the same guy in New York, that crazy one in Missouri, fannie Willis in Atlanta, all these crazy DAs, the Soros DAs they've all been funded out of USAID. Because I didn't understand how these people were raising so much money with such unpopular views, even after their popularity tanked while they were in office for reelection. I couldn't figure out where the money was coming from because I knew like in LA there's tons of rich people, but even all the liberals hated him, hated him, but he was able to come up with millions and millions of dollars.

Speaker 4:

So what Mike Benz exposed was that there's a direct connection. You can see it. There's been millions of dollars over 10 millions of dollars sent to George Soros's main NGO, non-governmental organization called the title project or the Title Wave Project, something like that, and from there they fund little political campaign packs like the Justice for All Pack, and from there that pack then funds individual DAs, Because Title Foundation does international work. Usaid is paying them to do international work, but the money is ending up in the election coffers of these crazy left-wing DAs. That's how you win an election without being popular. So even if there's $2 million worth of fraud, that should be enough to shut something down because it's money that's wasted.

Speaker 4:

And for these networks on the air to go, only 1% of the federal budget Well, listen, after being with presidents the last, however long, that have been nothing but add to the deficit and run up debt like crazy. I think even 1% were headed in the right direction. And if that was happening at USAID, think about all the other organizations that that's happening. And then what about the second round of organizations that USAID has been paying? Who's going to investigate those? Because those aren't part of our treasury system. We can't go in there. We can't audit. However, we do have built in most of the time, audit responsibility and audit sort of availability with every private contractor we've ever dealt with from a federal level. I don't know if USAID followed those procedures and we have the ability to audit, but those are all questions that we should be asking.

Speaker 4:

The most important thing to remember is the hysteria is hysteria. You can expect it, elizabeth Warren. All these people talking about Elon being a shadow government you know he's got it all. Everything he's doing is all in the open. Anyone can look at it at any time. I don't feel like there's any sort of weird missteps happening and I feel this is everything that we should be expecting out of Trump.

Speaker 4:

But, as Mike says, don't worry about the crazy liberals, worry about Republicans that are still snakes in the grass. I mean, one thing he talks about is USAID has a sort of fellowship program that brings young people up through the ranks in politics. Well, aoc and Liz Cheney both came up through USAID Tells you what kind of people they put out. Tells you what they learned there. So if that's how they people they put out, tells you what they learned there. So, if that's how they're putting out politicians, think about what they're doing with journalists. But there is going to be a handful of Republicans that try to block this. There's going to be a handful of Republicans that try to create a block by siding with Democrats and falling back on the humanitarian efforts. Watch those rhinos. They're still there and I'm telling you, I'm telling you right now, they're going to be the problem. I mean, honestly, I don't trust Mike Johnson. As far as I can throw him, he seems to be doing a good job at this point, but we never know.

Speaker 4:

On Capitol Hill, funding bills, the president's budget, we're all waiting. Cabinet members, everything's been slow rolled. So you have to wonder, with all of the power that we gained in the election, with the Senate, the House some could say the Supreme Court and the executive branch, why are things still moving so slow? Well, because there's always going to be in a kink. There's always going to be a kink in the chain with our party because we have Democratic plants within our party that are also known as rhinos. We've gotten most of them out, but again we still have to keep draining the blood and look. It's uncomfortable. No one ever wants to basically bring something to the bottom to build it back up again, but it is the only option that we have if we're going to do things differently. And the fact that they just expected us to come in and do things the same and not touch any of their craziness is beyond me. But the good news is is over 80% of Americans believe in cutting this waste across the board.

Speaker 4:

All right, guys, happy Monday. I hope you had a wonderful Super Bowl last night. I'm going to sign off here and I will be back on tomorrow with everything you need to know. Fight off the woke liberal crazies that invade our lives every day. I'm Chad Law, reminding you of something Reagan once said. Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it, and if it stops moving, subsidize it. God bless you, president Reagan, and may God save America.

Speaker 13:

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