The Last Gay Conservative

Portland on the Brink, Whoopi gets Whooped, and Head Injury Chris Kluwe

The Last Gay Conservative

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What if misguided economic policies and entrenched ideologies are pushing a major American city to the brink? Join us as we unravel the complexities of Portland's precarious state, with Mayor Keith Wilson—a "spineless nice guy"—struggling against union pressures and DEI policies that leave city governance paralyzed. Drawing insights from my upcoming book, we explore the stark realities faced by first-term politicians in cities similar to Portland, where maintaining voter approval often conflicts with making necessary but unpopular decisions.

Multnomah County's tax rates soar as public services lag, painting a picture of disparity and inefficiency. We tackle the thorny issues of rising crime among homeless communities and troubling welfare practices, while questioning Portland's public spending priorities, like preschool funding and housing for immigrants. Plus, we dive into recent controversies—from Whoopi Goldberg's comments on SpaceX funding to the portrayal of President Zelensky in the media—and navigate the complex landscape of gender identity within the LGBTQ community, challenging mainstream narratives on mental health and societal expectations.

From economic woes to unsettling public incidents, Portland's challenges are a cautionary tale for cities across the nation. The episode confronts Portland's net population loss, urban decay, and struggles to attract private sector investment amid a backdrop of crime and homelessness. We also dissect the enduring nature of government bureaucracies and the broader implications of federal contracts, with thought-provoking commentary on Whoopi Goldberg's stance on SpaceX and the ongoing debate over transgender participation in sports. Join us for a candid exploration of these pressing societal issues, topped off with a heartfelt reflection on America's future.

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Speaker 1:

It's time. From Newport Beach, california, the sun is shining, the beaches are packed and the waves are rolling in, all while the last gay conservative prepares to share more truth with America. He's America's binary brother, the holiest homo and the gayest conservative of all time working to restore common sense conservative politics in the American household. Welcome to the Last Gay Conservative Podcast. Here's your host, chad Law.

Speaker 2:

This week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life. We will forge a society that is colorblind and merit-based. As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders male and female.

Speaker 3:

Hello America and welcome to Freaky Friday on. The podcast Got a lot to cover today Big stories out of Portland. The new analysis of the Portland city economy is very, very grim. If you live there or are thinking about living there, turn the other way. Move out, get a job somewhere else. The writing is on the wall. This city is collapsing.

Speaker 3:

I also got permission to read you guys a little bit from my book from the publisher, so as listeners, you'll get a sneak peek into what America's Mumbai is all about and what the book is all about as well. I'm really excited to share that with you guys. It's been a really fun project. It took me off the podcast for a very long time. Well worth it. Well worth it.

Speaker 3:

Having a picture, a forward looking picture, of what the potential is for other cities and their failures are has been an incredible tool and just a life affirming tool about all the decisions I've made in my life and all the principles and values that I believe in. This place, portland, oregon, is scary. What's happened? It is a socialist hellscape that has been infested with things like DEI and all sorts of ideologues all through every single aspect of government, way before COVID, way before COVID, and now there's a new mayor and a new city council. The new mayor, keith Wilson, is one of the bigger idiots that I've ever met and heard.

Speaker 3:

It's funny because the people in the city hall call him Ted Lasso, and I think that's funny because Ted Lasso I mean, he was a great coach, but everybody liked him. He was a nice guy and that's kind of how Pete is. He's a spineless nice guy. The inmates are still running the asylum. The only leadership move he ever made was after he was elected and got into office. He sent out a memo, a return to work memo, to make all the city hall employees come back, because you know, in Portland we're still on COVID protocol 2025, they've still got people doing COVID protocol. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

So he says everyone needs to come and work from the office. And granted, you know Portland, the city of Portland last time I heard I think they might have something like a 70, some huge percentage of vacancy, downtown real estate, so City Hall is empty. When he comes in, he does a return to work order and what happens? All the unions get together and threaten a strike and he backs off. No one's going to work. They're doing hybrid and they've all got their own little individual things and you know, again, it's just all a big sham because you can't get anything done.

Speaker 3:

Even if he was the most conservative, or even if we elected Donald Trump himself to be the mayor of Portland, nothing can get done. Done because every single part of government has a DEI, socialist and poor economic foundation. All of it. Homeless programs, health care, police, ambulance, hospitals, schools, all of it. It's all bad. The Portland public schools are so bad and although they are managed by the superintendent and it's not necessarily, not necessarily, the jurisdiction of Keith Wilson, the mayor of Portland, he won't put any's because, like many first term presidents and I talked about this when we talked about the historic actions of Donald Trump most first term politicians and this, this is a double whammy because not only are they first term but they're also first time first time in public service or or politics, and first time or first term in office. So that's a double whammy. Because you want people to like you and if this is something that you want to do for the rest of your life which I think most of these people on city council do have political aspirations I can't say anything about the mayor, but if you want to do this for the rest of your life, you're not going to start ruffling voter feathers now by doing and taking more extreme measures to turn things around and all the measures that are required to turn things around in this city.

Speaker 3:

Nobody wants because they're not liberal and they're not free and they can't just be taxed. You know they've tried to tax their way out of this nightmare. I mean, multnomah County, which is the county Portland exists in, is the highest tax bracket or the highest taxed residents in the United States, higher than the Hamptons in New York and Manhattan. It's insane. They have free preschool for all, which has cost millions and millions and millions, and the education is really, really bad. See, that's the issue. I don't think any of these liberal people here have a problem paying high taxes At least that's what they say but when they get nothing to show for it, then what do you do? How is it that this county you pay the highest taxes in Multnomah County in the country and you can't get someone on the phone from 911? Literally, you're on hold for an hour, never get anyone on non-emergency. You're stepping over needles and you're paying the highest taxes. And they want to talk about preschool, preschool for all. Really that's what we want to talk about right now, when you can't walk outside your house without stepping over someone, some fentanyl zombie, or watching someone else drill into a gas tank.

Speaker 3:

I mean, the criminality of the homeless here is insane. It's not like LA. It's not like New York, where homeless people in LA like a Skid Row, for example, they don't really make it over across the Los Angeles Avenue At least they didn't when I lived there. They stick to where they belong and mostly they're heavy users and they do their thing and they don't really bother anyone In Portland because their whole sort of thought process is it's not illegal to be homeless. You have all these criminally minded people that live within the homeless communities, whether they're homeless or not, but it's invited all this criminality and it's really really scary.

Speaker 3:

Perfect example when you drive around Portland, you will see broken down RVs and trailers everywhere. You might be saying the same thing that I said when I saw it how did these people afford to buy these things in the first place? An RV is expensive. Well, we found out in our efforts for the book that most of these people are turning over their welfare and their food stamps to members of organized crime as a lease of the RV. Part of that lease, the RVs aren't gassed, they're infested with rats or bugs and it's all up to the homeless people to take care of it themselves. And it's disgusting. It's a sickening, sickening thing. Meanwhile, 50 to 100 million dollars is going to house illegal immigrants in hotels. Big, big problem. I'm telling you folks, if you live in the Pacific Northwest, get out now, because this city is collapsing. This city is absolutely collapsing, and I have all the details to share with you later. Furthermore, whoopi Goldberg decided to run her mouth she's going to be freak of the week followed by that NFL punter, chris Cluey, who decided to get himself arrested in Huntington Beach yesterday.

Speaker 3:

And I do want to touch a little bit about this Zelensky nonsense. He's on the cover of Vogue magazine, how funny. And talk about what Marco Rubio said in regard to the rare mineral deal. I think that is absolutely crucial that we look at that as a reason for some of Trump's frustration and everyone's, I think, frustration across the board. And then, if we have time, I do want to jump into some of this tranny nonsense.

Speaker 3:

I recently heard an interview with a trans attorney who was just talking about how horrible the administration is and how we want to eradicate and kill trans and this and that it's all bull, but it's scary. Kill trans and this and that it's all bull, but it's scary. And I'm frustrated because I'm so tired of the trans movement and these trans radicals hitching their wagon to the gay movement or to LGBTQ people, even though there's a T in there. There shouldn't be. But they use gay people as a way to try to gain acceptance and understanding, because there are many, many, many, many, many more gays and lesbians than there are trans people. So they're sort of indoctrinated or by default into this LGBTQ umbrella. But all of you have gay friends. I don't know if any of you have trans friends. I don't. I've never. I've talked to them but I've never met one really as a friend and spent extracurricular, extracurricular time with them, but so, because of that, if you associate gays with trans, then they're looking for a level of acceptance at the same level.

Speaker 3:

The difference is is that, like I always say, there's a difference between an orientation and a gender. That's a serious mental defect. It's a serious mental illness and it needs to be addressed. It's in the DSM Now. It's called gender dysphoria, but it's been handled as a serious mental defect for many years and it's not helping by allowing this to fester and grow for any other reasons other than biological reasons, and that is the problem. That's. What's happening is that nurture now has overcome nature, and people are making these very, very serious decisions based on nurture and what they're seeing around them and not based on the actual biology within their bodies. All right, I'm going to take a quick break. I'll be back after these words.

Speaker 1:

Have date nights turned into just sitting on the couch in your sweats eating greasy popcorn and scrolling through your phone. Put down the phone, Take your hand out of the popcorn. Do you remember when you two would spend all day in bed instead of on the couch? You should try Bluetooth. It's delivered directly to your door, so let the fun begin. Whoa.

Speaker 3:

That a boy. All right. As I mentioned, there's a new report straight out of the Portland Metro Chamber, sponsored by Bank of America, that's talking a little bit about Multnomah County and Portland and what's going on. They use the term urban doom loop, which we'll talk about in a bit, but I just want to go over some of these at a glance stats because they're scary. The net population loss was about 5,000 people in 2023. Is that a negative in Multnomah County? That's big. There was 10,000 lost jobs and they were all in the financial, manufacturing and professional service sectors. Incoming people that are moving into Multnomah County are now bringing a medium income of seventy three thousand, down from well over one hundred, and the income of people moving neighboring county in Washington state, clark County, is now at 105,000. Portland ranked second to last in national real estate attractiveness 80th 80th out of 81 cities. The county population continues to decline while more and more people move across the bridge to Vancouver or Clark County, which is much more conservative. It's a red area and has better services, better police, better everything, and people are flocking there like crazy. The metro jobs that have been added are just like kind of what we're seeing in the government in Washington DC. They added jobs in private education and health care, government, a little bit of non-farm employment and then trade, transportation and utilities. They lost jobs in professional and business services, leisure and hospitality, construction, manufacturing, financial activities and information, with no light at the end of the tunnel Zero, the report reads out.

Speaker 3:

Migration remains concerning, though it has slowed in Multnomah and Washington counties. Among the four metro area counties, washington County is the only one with noteworthy natural population increase. Clackamas County has experienced almost no growth in recent years, while Clark County continues to lead the region in population growth. That's the county in Washington that's more conservative. Multnomah County relies heavily on international migration, indicating that its near-term population growth depends on attracting people from abroad. Who the hell from abroad would want to live here?

Speaker 3:

Over the past year, local sector employment grew while traded sector employment declined. That's a critical shift with economic implications. Traded sector jobs, which sell goods and services outside of the region, bring in new money, while local sector jobs that are typically lower paying recirculate money within the local economy. There's no new money coming in in and it's the same dirty money that's circling around and it's all factored around the city and the county governments. It's all public sector, the only thing holding up this city is the public sector right now. That is very scary because the public sector is generally funded by the private sector. So when one dies, the other one shortly dies later. That's why I'm telling you guys, this is not good. This is not good. And this report does put a little positive spin on the end that says, you know, local officials are getting the hang of it or whatever, but they're not. Nothing's getting fixed.

Speaker 3:

Portland's appeal in the nation real estate market hit a two decade low, ranking 80 out of 81 in the Urban Land Institute's latest survey. This survey asked real estate sector leaders to measure the attractiveness on a city for outside investment. Despite some improvement in 2024, this is the city's worst performance since the ratings begin, with only Hartford, connecticut, scoring lower. Wow. And then they go on to say well, there is a silver lining. Local respondents rank Portland higher, suggesting a more optimum. What do you think? The industry's regional leaders? Of course they're going to rank it higher. That's the, it's their bread and butter, that's how they're making money, they're investing in this area, they're regional investors. They're not going to say, oh yeah, it's really bad, really bad. No, they need to say it's higher to bring more people in. I mean the fact that people just and they don't see this.

Speaker 3:

Not one person in city hall will read this report other than the politicians. They won't do anything, because what actually has to be done to fix this is you have to bring in private sector business, you have to get people back to work. But here's the thing is that downtown is empty because, ok, first all the covid protocol, but then they started as they started, bringing people back to work the homeless and the crime is so bad that the employers don't have the heart to make their people come in and have to step over piles of human feces and needles and tents and broken down RVs and get screamed at by people who are either coming down or going up on drugs. So they say, okay, work from home, we give up, or they move it up to Clark County. This is really, really scary for a major metropolitan area that represents a massive economy to be underwater like this. I mean they were a twenty seven million dollar deficit. That's big for a small city like Portland. It is a relatively small city. When you look at other metro areas from a population standpoint, it's not very big.

Speaker 3:

It says the takeaway Portland and its peer cities are grappling with both short term disruptions of the pandemic See, still the pandemic, these people are so stupid and longer term challenges of an aging, low fertility society. I'll tell you what's low fertility is? The men up here, I mean the men in Portland, are just sad. They're hardly men, let's just put it that way. I see some of these dads out here and it just it makes me absolutely sick.

Speaker 3:

The Portland region's leaders must consider their attitude on growth, because the path to thriving economy must be driven by an intentional growth strategy to attract talent and jobs for more stable revenue base. Here's the thing you can't get talent and jobs without companies. There's no companies. Intel is faltering, nike is flat. They just did a huge round of layoffs. Those are the two main big major corporations in Portland and they are struggling. That should tell you what the outlook looks like. And again, even if the entire United States economy starts to rebound as it is, I mean, the stock market's strong, all the economic performance indicators are getting stronger and stronger and Portland's getting worse and worse because it's going the opposite direction as other states are freeing up regulations, freeing up taxes, freeing up services, investing in services that are going to help people feel great about where they live.

Speaker 3:

Portland is adding taxes, limiting services, taking things away, making it harder to move, making it harder to deal. It's not business friendly here at all. It's horribly unbusiness friendly because with employees here it's mainly a union state, so every single employee I feel like here is union. Even the Starbucks people are in unions here. It's very, very odd. Even the Starbucks people are in unions here. It's very, very odd. And there's a bunch of cultural issues too that top talent like myself would never deal with long term here. I mean just the mere fact that people are so stinky and smelly here.

Speaker 3:

But the city this is a perfect example of what liberals do to cities and it's. And people say, well, what did they do exactly? And I just said it. I mean, it's not that hard. They increased the taxes above a threshold that they could stand, while minimizing services and minimizing the value of those taxes and making it more unfriendly for businesses to thrive. And it's not the pandemic. This has been in the works for a very, very long time. Let me take a really quick break. I'll get ready and then I'll read you guys a little bit from my book A Year in America's Mumbai. I'll be right back after these words.

Speaker 1:

Why do 80% of NFL players choose a Sleep Number smart bed?

Speaker 3:

Because the higher my sleep IQ score the better I play, but that's not the only reason.

Speaker 5:

He likes his side firm, I like my side soft.

Speaker 3:

Sleep All right and we're back, and here is a chapter from America's Mumbai how Police, Politicians and People Destroyed Portland. A few weeks after I arrived I thought I would take my dog Ron on a walk and, if the opportunity presented itself, maybe chat with a few of the homeless. I've lived in Los Angeles. I've walked Skid Row at night. I've also lived in Atlanta and hung out in Bankhead and underground Atlanta. Needless to say, I'm not easily scared. Having my loaded and chambered Beretta with two 17-round double-stacked 9mm magazines on my hip really helped with my confidence as well. To nine millimeter magazines on my hip really helped with my confidence as well. However, in my travels all over the world I've never actually felt an urgent need to even reach for my weapon. I figured there was no way Portland could come close to Skid Row or Bankhead. I wouldn't even need a gun. Probably Boy, was I wrong?

Speaker 3:

The first person I spoke to was a woman, belinda. She came up and politely asked if she could pet my dog. She looked like she was in her late 50s, but something told me she was much younger. She had dark, stringy black hair that covered her face. The bags under her eyes looked like military-style duffel bags. You see soldiers carrying through the airport. The first thing I noticed was her faded blue-green face tattoos that I couldn't quite make out. She loved Ron and he was soaking up all the attention, so it seemed to be the perfect time to start my work. Once she stood up from being crouched down to pet Ron, I looked down on her Poor thing must have been maybe 5'2". Her eyes were hard but sweet and her skin had that look that it had been trying to survive packs of daily cigarettes for a very long time. When she introduced herself, her voice cracked. She told me her name was Belinda, very raspy smoker's voice, but she was known around town as Bambi. I asked her which one she prefer I use and she laughed and said I don't care. As I listened to her go on and on about endless pointless topics, I realized she probably hasn't spoken to many people in a long time.

Speaker 3:

You see, contrary to popular belief, the liberals who created this situation for Belinda and thousands of others in Portland are not warm, welcoming or even courteous to the homeless. I would venture to say they hate them. It is not uncommon for a homeless person in Portland to talk your ear off frankly because no one else is listening. I let her talk and noticed her shoes had holes in them and her purse had a makeshift strap on it, sewn as if it broke. She talked and played with Ron and I couldn't help but think OK, she's a little rough around the edges, but why can't she work or why is she homeless?

Speaker 3:

It actually started to eat away at me. I'm looking at this able bodied woman, possibly high on something, but who can articulate sentences and seems normal enough to hold a job In today's semi automated workforce. Surely she could say would you like to upgrade your meal to a large? After what seemed like an hour I was freezing but I wanted to continue the conversation. I invited Belinda to sit with me at Starbucks and have a coffee. We made our way to the cash register and Belinda ordered a venti oat milk americana with sugar-free vanilla. She made sure to tell the barista that she wanted it extra hot and double cupped. I go to Starbucks every day. I didn't even know you could request double cup. These Portland homeless sure have fine taste.

Speaker 3:

I thought At this point she hasn't questioned my motives at all. But one thing I realized quickly was the homeless people in Portland are expert people, readers that can sense a threat coming better than a pit bull guarding a junkyard. It's a skill they've gained through evolution and necessity. Finally, I start to warm up and Belinda is still talking. I'm pretending to take notes and engage, but in my head all I can think about is this person could be my relative. She's white, not hideous, has her teeth and can talk like an educated adult. However, her entire existence seems so sad. How can this happen to people in the richest country in the world? More importantly, how does this person have no support system?

Speaker 3:

As she took me on the long way through her past history, I was quickly thrown out of my days when she said then I murdered him. It was one of those moments that you see happening in front of you in slow motion. Excuse me, I said as I cleared my throat. Did you just say you murdered someone? I'd never met a murderer before and I didn't know what was expected. We've all been in situations where the appropriate response is not obvious and you flip through your mental checklist of do's and don'ts in certain social settings. In my head, I started hearing my mom and dozens of rules around manners and social situations. Is my napkin in my lap? Yes, did I pull out her chair. Yes, not surprisingly, nothing came up. My mother was apparently sick the day we were supposed to go over. How to have coffee with a homeless murderer. What was I supposed to say? Was it rude to ask about her methods? It was a very touch-and-go situation for me. Remember, at this point we're in public, I am fully armed and I'm totally safe.

Speaker 3:

I only had one fear offending Belinda and she would create a huge scene. A video would go viral and my project in Portland would be over before it started. All I wanted to do was keep her talking, so I decided there was only one thing to do just be honest, belinda, I'm enjoying this conversation and you're giving me so much credible insight. I'm sorry if I seem caught off guard. I really want to keep learning from you and I don't want to ask any questions that might offend you. She nodded before I could offer any more reinsurance and said buy me a carton of cigarettes and you can ask me anything you want. That was another trick I learned early on in Portland. Everything is a barter system. If a homeless person in Portland can sense they have something you want in my case, stories and truth they will be very quick to offer up some sort of trade. As I learned more about homeless life, I became an expert on making these trades, which is how I was able to exact truth and tap into an endless stream of information from a perspective no regular Joe like me would ever have access to. I was starting to get overheated from the forced air heater blowing on my face and I didn't want to keep listening to her stories without my full focus, so we walked down the street, I bought her a carton of cigarettes and we both agreed to meet back at Starbucks the next day around. From that point on, I carried small denomination cash bills and American spirits everywhere, just in case I needed help from a homeless.

Speaker 3:

The following day proved even more interesting. As I exited the lobby of the Airbnb I was renting One block down, there seemed to be huge commotion and a woman was screaming. I wasn't sure what was more odd the scene itself or all the Portlanders walking as if they heard nothing? Rape screams are so common in the Portland city area. People tune them out like background noise. I've never been one to shy from a scene and, having two sisters, it was almost impossible not to jump into action. Unlike people in Portland, I was always taught to run towards and help screaming women. I hurried to the scene with my right hand on the handle of my 9mm, ready to shoot an attacker. However, when I arrived, I saw why the woman was screaming.

Speaker 3:

Laying parallel to the curb, about 10 feet between himself and a local storefront, a homeless man was violently masturbating for all of us to watch and see. I was horrified, not as much as the screaming salon owner, whose clients with kids had a full view, but nonetheless I was shocked. At one point I remember feeling a little jealous. Here I'm pushing 40, and I would be lying if I didn't require the occasional Viagra to perform at my best. And here is this guy, fully erect, going full force in public without a hint of stage fright. As I looked around, I noticed more children and older women that did not deserve to witness this guy pleasuring himself on the sidewalk. So I stepped in and asked him to leave. Not only did he not stop, he completely ignored me. Another gentleman I assume was also probably not from Portland either, based on his response like mine attempted to grab his arm and, almost like it was choreographed in a dance move, the homeless man punched him in the face with one motion in between jerks.

Speaker 3:

The woman was on hold for non-emergency for an hour and one of the shop owners got through to 911. I had to go meet Belinda, so I chose not to wait for the cops and assumed the situation would be handled. I was with Belinda for a few hours and when I came back the man was still on the sidewalk with his pants down asleep. This time he was bottom up, for which I was thankful. I popped my head into the salon and asked what happened. One of the ladies in the salon told me that things like this are a regular occurrence and they would be surprised if the cops even actually showed up. I couldn't believe my ears. This was a sex crime.

Speaker 3:

As I leave the salon, this white van with emergency lights double parks in front of the curb where the homeless man sat. Two women came out of the vehicle and it was a little surprising to see. Both women had short, crew-cut length hair that was graying. They wore polo shirts, tucked into beige, cargo-ish looking shirts with white socks and tennis shoes. I knew there was no way these two women, who both looked like they were trying to be men, were law enforcement. Before either woman spoke one of the original shop owners approached them and pointed to the guy who was passed out, bare ass out for all to see, on the sidewalk. This is the homeless man who was masturbating on the sidewalk, the shop owner said. The two women walked over, one carrying a clipboard filled with brochures and the other one had a handlebag with something inside.

Speaker 3:

First of all, sir, we say houseless, not homeless. I could see the man physically biting his tongue and cheek while he stormed back into his store. I was right there with him. It was obvious these people did not care about the impact to his business this may have caused. Next was my turn. Excuse me, are y'all law enforcement officers? I wasn't sure who or what they were, as the last time I saw two women dressed like that it was at a dog breeder convention. Both women looked up at me and said almost at the same time we're community resource officers or something of the sort. I quickly said oh, okay, I think they're waiting for the police.

Speaker 3:

This homeless guy was masturbating and then punched someone. He needs to be arrested for assault and indecent exposure. Again, one of the two corrected me to say houseless, not homeless. They proceeded to explain that Portland doesn't arrest people for being homeless. As it's not illegal, I quipped yes, but assault and battery is, and children were around when he was masturbating. I could feel myself getting heated, like the shop owner, so I took a deep breath. Both of the officers continually repeated the Portland mantra it's not illegal to be homeless. This also happens to be the Portland Police Bureau's excuse for not doing their job either.

Speaker 3:

At this point, these women have offered no resource except excuses and dishonesty the masturbating man and have a conversation with him. One of the officers handed him the tote bag and another a few pamphlets and casually walked him across the street to the park as they came back to their van. I yell that's how y'all handle sex offenders in Portland. Huh, someone should have just shot him. They stared at me like a couple of pit bulls in a dog fight.

Speaker 3:

One of them walked over to me and said we gave him a tent so he could masturbate privately, and I couldn't help but respond with a slow clap and sarcastically as possible, saying you both should be so proud. I then did exactly what the shop owner did I bit my tongue, turned around and went home. I immediately took a shower and washed myself top to bottom with Dawn dish soap. There's nothing like a day in downtown Portland that forces you to disinfect yourself in the shower. As I cinched my robe and looked out onto the city streets, every ounce of empathy I felt for the hundreds of people on the streets in Portland drained from my body. While my anger rose up, I kept thinking of my mom, who's the most important thing to me, sitting getting her hair done and having to see violent masturbation on the sidewalk.

Speaker 3:

I don't think it's any different than flashing, and flashers are almost all sexual predators early in the making. Whether or not his actions were driven by addiction, perversion or a mental breakdown with sex acts, police should be involved at the very least. Secondly, you must rule out perversion before you can let a potential sex offender back on the streets. Instead, two community officers rewarded the predatory behavior with a tent and brochures, rather than law enforcement. This is why I call Portland Police Bureau PPB police passing the buck. I could have never imagined a city so callous that their concerns about verbiage are prioritized over law and order. And there you have it, folks. Just a quick reading from America's Mumbai how police people and politicians destroyed Portland. And it's my story, living a year in Portland and interviewing dozens of homeless people residents, politicians, private business owners, et cetera and creating my book about why I believe it happened and why I think it will never, ever get fixed. All right, let's take a quick break. We'll come back and get back to business as usual. I'll be back after these words.

Speaker 6:

Let's talk about food, the food you wish you had time to make. Let's take it back to the source. Like this fig we spent three months scouring the world for At Daily Harvest, we take our time so you don't have to. This is food for real life Nourishing, delicious, thoughtful, real food, ready to eat in minutes, delivered right to your door. This is Daily Harvest. We take care of food so that food can take care of you. Go to dailyharvestcom and get three free cups with code realfood.

Speaker 3:

That was fun. That was good. I'm so glad I got to share that. Thank you all for responding with your feedback. I hope you enjoyed it. It's always weird to sort of read straight on the air, but Some people do it, some people like it. We get a lot of requests. So there you are. That was the book. All right, let's get back on track here. One of the judges actually just came out and talked about why Trump can't fire any federal employees.

Speaker 5:

Have a listen, I just don't want my employees thinking that their jobs depend on performance. I mean what?

Speaker 4:

sort of place is that?

Speaker 5:

to call home.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, I had to do it. It's one of my favorite scenes in the Office. Michael's like I don't want the employees to feel like performance makes a difference with their job, because all he cares about is being popular. That is the federal government. That's all this hiring people, all these probationary jobs that came in through Biden. They are just ways to prop up the votes and to acquire more voters. That's it Because we know that 80% of the federal employees are Democrats and that's because Democrats promised them all sorts of luxuries, if you will, that we don't get in the private sector and we don't believe that it should be that different.

Speaker 3:

Someone doing the same job for, let's say, chase Bank and someone an analyst for the Treasury let's say, two analysts that just because someone works for the Treasury doesn't mean their job should be market-proof, recession proof, leadership change proof and set in stone forever whether they do a good job or not. And that's all we're saying, talking about merit, you either do your job or you don't. And for these lifers that have had all this time to make the fixes that have needed to be made and they haven't, they need to go. And that's my only hesitation about some of these probationaries. I wonder if some of these newer people would be better to train without bad habits than some of the people that have been in for life. Either way, the spending needs to get cut because we're approaching bankruptcy. So, speaking of spending, our freak of the week, whoopi Goldberg, had some really great insight into federal contracts. Have a listen.

Speaker 4:

Let me say someplace that could really use a lot of cutting. You know, yeah, Elon has very many. What?

Speaker 7:

do you call it Government contracts?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I think, because I don't remember. Maybe y'all heard it, but I don't remember looking for an armored car and I don't remember. I don't, I don't care what it looks like, I don't remember asking for it. I don't know why I'm paying for it. Yeah, I want to know. When did I say, hey, we need another agency next to NASA? Yeah, so, let's just so. When did we start paying for his stuff? You're talking about SpaceX overseeing FAA? No, no, you know that he's going to be cutting NASA. Yeah, yeah, that's the competition. So what is the real deal here? If we want to cut some money, let's cut some of these. I'm okay with that. Follow the money, because we have to pay for it. You are paying for everything he sends up let's cut some of these.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm whoopi goldberg and I am the biggest idiot in today's media. God, can someone just take her out like old yeller by now. I mean she needs I mean, for her own good she needs to just retire and put herself out of her own misery. She's so irrelevant. Every time I see her cause I purposely avoid looking at her cause. It makes me throw up. She looks more and more like Flava Flav. I mean she is literally becoming Flava Flav.

Speaker 3:

Now take the grammar and the English and the just the terrible delivery and put it on the side here. And if you listen to the essence of what she's saying, she's such an idiot. So she's saying Elon's going to cut NASA, which I don't see, not in any of the plans. But there are some really weird programs that have been purposely run through NASA that have nothing to do with Space Force or space exploration, that are DEI programs that probably should go environmental things as well. That's been. They've kind of used NASA for some of that stuff before. So I'm not saying there won't be any cuts to NASA. But if it wasn't for SpaceX, nasa would be nothing right now. But if it wasn't for SpaceX, nasa would be nothing right now. Elon has saved the US government trillions of dollars because SpaceX was the first company not NASA, not NASA private, funded by him first company that could reuse the propulsion rockets, the rockets that throw the launch the shuttle up into space. Every time we launched a shuttle into space it cost hundreds of millions or billions of dollars because those rockets would just fall off and go into the ocean, whereas Elon has been able to land those rockets and reuse them and save hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars to the taxpayer.

Speaker 3:

Boeing is also a separate agency. Why isn't she talking about Boeing? Boeing has just as many or have has had in the past. Spacex has taken more contracting dollars away from Boeing because of their lack of productivity and the fact that one of their aircrafts got people almost killed or stuck in space for the rest of their lives Again SpaceX having to bring them back down. If it wasn't for Elon, we would have none of this happening right now, none of the exploration happening right now. There is no secret slush fund and it's not a sub agency.

Speaker 3:

Nasa says okay, just like so many other things. I'll give you another example. Let's look at the all the cars that the federal government uses. Most of them are purchased by Ford or GM. Go figure, american companies. The federal government uses. Most of them are purchased by Ford or GM. Go figure, american companies. Now the government could easily say no, we're going to build our own cars and we're going to have Ford sort of work alongside of us. But they don't, because Ford already does it really well and it's cheaper and easier to just buy and negotiate government contracts for all of those cars we don't want to produce, if we don't have to, if we have private enterprise that can do this stuff faster, cheaper and better for the American tax law. That's all SpaceX is.

Speaker 3:

Spacex is essentially a private company that has empowered NASA to be able to do about a hundred times more than they would normally do in their operational budget because they have a private partner that can do things for much cheaper and get much better results. So Whoopi also should be talking about Boeing. Boeing has space contracts up the wazoo. So does Northrop Grumman we have up the wazoo. So does Northrop Grumman we have. Nasa has contracts all over. There's no side agency, it's a government contractor. And regardless of who's the CEO, no one can argue with the fact you don't like the CEO's politics Big deal. If it wasn't for him, we would not be able to get into space or do the things that we are doing now in space better than anyone else. The Russians and the Chinese would be way, way ahead of us and, once again, we're the only country, and SpaceX is the only ones, that have been able to reuse propulsion rockets that are billions of dollars, that allow us to go out into space over and over and over again, base, over and over and over again.

Speaker 3:

So that she is so ignorant and stupid and it makes me so mad, because you can't disparage good things, because your little feelings are hurt and you can't take little oh the side. Or armored car, armored car what are you talking about? Armored car is she talking about this 400 million dollar cyber? Look, look, I agree, the Cybertruck contract probably not the best optics. From what I understand, it was in the works a long time ago, but whatever, it wasn't the best optics, shouldn't come out in the press, but it did, and this is why it's so sad.

Speaker 3:

So, according to her, if SpaceX is a side agency to NASA which, by the way, they're not competing NASA supports SpaceX with resources, astronauts, et cetera. Those are all NASA astronauts. And, on the flip side of that, spacex supports, from a general engineering standpoint, technology and just all the additional pieces that it takes to make this stuff go faster and better and cheaper. And Blue Lagoon, or whatever Jeff Bezos's company, is doing the same thing. So for her to say that that would mean that every single government contractor is a side agency. Ford apparently is a side agency to transportation. Ford apparently is a side agency to transportation. That would mean that GE is a side agency to the FAA and to the train industry, or to the transportation industry when it comes to rail, because again, we have, you know, federal trains and we buy the engines from GE. Right? Same with Rolls Royce we buy jet engines from Rolls Royce. So we use SpaceX propulsion rockets. It's just a standard contract.

Speaker 3:

But this is the kind of stupidity that we're dealing with and the middle Americans going yeah, that's not fair. When little do they know? Every single dollar that we have given SpaceX has come back tenfold in savings and in results, including bringing people home and giving Ukrainians Internet and giving the fire victims Internet. You know, because all these national disasters that we've had in the last couple of years have all been fought easier and more effectively with free satellite internet from who? From SpaceX, from Elon. It's ridiculous. On the flip side of that, we had another idiot, another freak of the week, that I was going to try to push back, but he was.

Speaker 3:

He's too good, this guy, chris Cluey. He lives in Huntington beach. He's a punter. I do have a serious question, though. Can you guys look this up? I'm really curious, and this is I. Probably you guys know I'm a football fan this is going to make me seem like I'm not but do punters get hit in the head? I mean, I know everyone on the field. It's a tackle sport and I know they can get tackled. But my question is is let's take don't not quarterback, or like a main player, let's take someone else on the offense, take another uh, you know, maybe I don't even know take another player and look it up and look at head statistics and tell me who are the least likely to get a head injury.

Speaker 3:

This guy's clearly got a head injury. I mean, he is so crazy. You look at his face and you know that there's something really, really wrong. And what I love is this guy is a champion for supposedly for gay marriage, which is he keeps talking about it. It's done, we don't care anymore, it's over with. But he's this gay marriage champion and the reason why he's dying on this cross is because he's convinced himself that he got removed from the NFL because of his gay marriage stance, when really his game was just sucking. He wasn't doing very well and so he got let go. And then he went from one team to the next team and didn't play and he was done. His career was over, like so many we see before. And punters and kickers are not normally people we see in the spotlight. They don't get picked up deals with Nike and Frito-Lay or whatever unless there's some other press play. So clearly. Here's this guy. He's got PTSD, he's got a head injury. He's convinced himself that MAGA is Nazism for real.

Speaker 7:

And here's a listen to him. And what he calls civil disobedience at the Huntington Beach, california City Hall. Have a listen to him. And what he calls civil disobedience at the Huntington Beach, california City Hall. Have a listen. Unfortunately, it's clear that this council does not listen, so instead, I'm going to take my time to say what MAGA has stood for these past three weeks. Maga stands for trying to erase trans people from existence. Maga stands for resegregation and racism. Maga stands for censorship and book bans. Maga stands for firing air traffic controllers while planes are crashing. Maga stands for firing the people overseeing our nuclear arsenal. Maga stands for firing military veterans and those serving them at the VA, including canceling research on veteran suicide. Maga stands for cutting funds to education, including for disabled children. Maga is profoundly corrupt, unmistakably anti-democracy and, most importantly, maga is explicitly a Nazi movement. You may have replaced a swastika with a red hat, but that is what it is. I will now engage in the time-honored American tradition of peaceful civil disobedience.

Speaker 4:

Get the heck, get out.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if those cheers are for him or what, but it's interesting. You know he's in Huntington Beach, california, and you all know I live in Newport Beach, which is, well, 10 out of 10. Huntington's like a three out of 10, but I'd still rather live there than Portland. But Huntington is a surfer town. It is extremely conservative, it is extremely middle class, it is extremely blue collar. It's generally where, um, most of the people who do construction and you know it's a great beach town I take the dogs there every day. They have the largest dog beach in the country but, um, it's very, very concerned. So, first of all, he's living in the wrong place. Okay, 15 years in Huntington beach, go move somewhere in LA. So that's what I don't understand is like these people, they want to stir the pot where everything is fine. You know, everything's going well. All of his assertions, I mean he just listens to CNN and repeats it yes, we are for cutting funds to education, and if that includes cutting funds that are supposedly supposed to be going to disabled children and aren't making it, then yeah. So all of these things air traffic controllers while planes are coming down give me a break. There's still more air traffic controllers than there has been way before Biden. All of those things can be argued and I don't even want to go through them because they're so silly, but then he sits on the ground and he gets dragged out by police.

Speaker 3:

I think the Nazi thing is really just disgusting because if there were any Jews in the room, you know it's so offensive. I don't think he's probably ever been to Auschwitz. I don't think he's probably ever spoken to any Holocaust survivors. I don't probably think he's ever read the Diary of Anne Frank or Man's Search for Meaning. If you've done any of those four things, there's no way you could use the term Nazi that way against Democrats or Republicans. It's a horrific, horrific thing. These people single-handedly almost exterminated an entire group of people and to use that flippantly the way he did is hysterical and just. It's so offensive to any Jewish person. And I apologize on behalf of the left for their very casual use of the term Nazi and Hitler, because every time they do that they're spitting in the face of Jews who went through an amount of tragedy that is unknown by 99% of the world. And, like I said, if you have any questions about that, just read Diary of Anne Frank or my favorite book. I read at least once every five years A Man's Search for Meaning. Pick it up and see and you tell me how.

Speaker 3:

Chris Cluey, who's got his cushy NFL retirement right. He's a punter for the NFL and he doesn't have to work nine to five like everyone else does, so it's easy for him to go commit civil disobedience, call everyone Nazis, when he's had no hardship and really hasn't had to do anything. So he's just a privileged white piece of crap and he's using his white guilt and his guilt, the guilt of his privilege, to bring other people down. And it's really sad. You know that's what you're going to do over a plaque at a library. Give me a break, that's what you're going to do.

Speaker 3:

And um and again, I'm just. I'm so sickened by the Nazi comments, especially because there's a very large Jewish community in Orange County, california, and it's offensive. I have a temple right down the street. It's offensive and I'm not a Jew but I'm a huge friend of Jews and Israel and that is what drives me crazy. And that's why he got freak of the week for saying that we replaced a red hat with a swastika. I'm going to take one more quick break and I'll be back after these words.

Speaker 8:

Man remember that time when our eye bags made us look sexy? Yeah me, neither. Now we can reduce our eye bags by drinking less alcohol, sleeping more cold compresses, blah, blah, blah, blah and blah. One, that's way too much work. And two, don't worry, there's Particle 6-in-1 Face Cream for Men. All you have to do is wash your face daily and then rub in some particle for 30 seconds and you'll look a lot less like that guy and a lot more like this guy. Particle six in one face cream for men, first of its kind. Anti-aging cream designed specifically for men Fights eye bags, dark spots and wrinkles. Because C is believing.

Speaker 3:

That particle stuff is actually really good and I have to tell you for those of you who know Amin, it's La Mer. I mean I don't think I've spent under $250 for a face cream for him for a long time and he loves this stuff and he is, you know, the primo primo, more than even me. So you guys got to try it. I mean, my skin looks and feels great. I've been trying it for about a week now. He's had a little longer and then a couple of the guys in the office give it a shot.

Speaker 3:

Of course I've gone over time ranting about Whoopi and Freaky Friday, but that's what Freaky Friday is all about. I get to do whatever the hell I want. Free-for-all Friday, freaky Friday, whatever you want to call it. I'm going to play a little clip of the Trump governor's luncheon and some of the discussions around transgender and his transgender ban, his executive order, and that will then kind of parlay.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to do a special trans episode on Sunday just on the trans stuff and getting into some of the science, and I'm going to go really deep and hopefully bring on a friend of mine who's also an expert. So I've decided, because every day this week I've tried to get more trans stuff in, but I just feel like there's other pressing issues and so I'm going to just do a special episode on sort of this trans stuff. You guys know I am an expert on all things LGBTQ, including this trans nonsense, as I've been covering it way, way before anyone ever was talking about how it was going to influence politics and what was going to happen With that being said, have a listen to what Donald Trump, president Trump, has to say about all this Two weeks ago I signed an executive order banning men from playing in women's sports.

Speaker 2:

Many Democrats are fighting me on that. I hope you continue because you'll never win another race. And it's just crazy If you look at what happened with the boxing, if you look at what happened with the weightlifting numbers, where a record that hadn't been broken for 19 years got shattered. But you know they put up an eighth of an ounce here, an eighth of an ounce there, and it's 218 pounds or whatever and hadn't been broken in 19 years, of an ounce here, an eighth of an ounce there, and it's 218 pounds or whatever it was and hadn't been broken in 19 years. And then a guy walks up who transitioned. He transitioned and he knocked out that record by about 100 pounds. That would be a record not going to be broken again in a long. So we put a ban on it. And to protect women I mean the women if you watch the olympics, you had two transitioned people that were fighting in the women's boxing, that women's boxing category. If you saw that, it was brutal. What happened to the?

Speaker 2:

The italian woman was a really good boxer. After one punch she said no, no, no more, no more. I've never been. It was a really good boxer. After one punch she said no, no, no more, no more. I've never been hit. It was a left. It was not even a, it was just a left jab. She got hit so hard she said I can't do it. They forced her to go out. No, go out, go out again, you'll do it. Goes out again, hits, gets it again. No, no, that's it. She didn't want to die and it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

But the NCAA has complied immediately, by the way. That's good. But I understand, maine Is Maine here, the governor of Maine, are you not going to comply with it? Well, we are the federal law. Well, you better do it. You better do it because you're not going to get any federal funding at all if you don't. And, by the way, your population, even though it's somewhat liberal, although I did very well there, your population doesn't want men playing in women's sports. So you better, you better comply, because otherwise you're not getting any, any federal funding. Every state Good, I'll see you in court. I look forward to that. That should be a real easy one, and enjoy your life after governor, because I don't think you'll be in elected politics. Every state has a responsibility to comply with Title IX, to have an obligation, a legal obligation, and we'll be enforcing aggressively and we're going to be protecting our citizens. We're going to protect.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it just gets better and better our citizens we're going to protect. I mean, it just gets better and better. You know, historically we'd see these luncheons and these press evenings and whatever the BS is, and Republicans and Democrats because of course we were the uniparty they'd all be friends and everything would be great. And you know, the Bushes and the Obamas and the Bidens, just everyone would be all McDonald's and the grandesties of the world and everyone would be great and they would just be talking about how great everything is and they'd get their private catered meal and the president would come shake hands and tell all the governors how wonderful they are. No more. He called her out so fast that, wow, maine's not going to comply, huh. And now it's not just that Maine's not going to comply. Remember, this is NCAA. So NCAA makes the decision. They've made the decision. That is a national body. Okay, so if another state decides not to comply with NCAA, then that's a whole other. What he's talking about it's like you can't do that. And then you know Title IX, which is basically what determines what you can and can't discriminate against in order to receive federal funding. And Biden kind of slyly stuck transgender in there and it should never be in there because it's a, it's a mental illness. It's not a race or a protected class At least it shouldn't be in my opinion and the the challenge that Maine is going to have is with the NCAA, and so even the most liberal states like Washington, oregon, california, new York, even they're not going against the NCAA because they're the body that manages and deals with college sports. It's their jurisdiction, it's their ruling, and if the states get involved, it's a big, massive mess, and that's why he called her out and they were following state and federal laws. It's like I'm the federal law and it's true, because the president has full control over title nine. They can put in whatever he wants and he can take out whatever he wants. That is, uh, executive power through and through and cannot be challenged with. That being said, I think it's a good time to wrap up.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to do a special trans episode over the weekend. I hope you guys listen and I hope you've enjoyed the podcast this week. Please text us. Just go on your messages or on your listening app. On the Last Gay Conservative page or any episode, there's a text us link. Just click it. It'll open up your message and tell us what you think, even if you want to tell me to get f off, all right, all right, and I'm wishing you all a beautiful weekend filled with family and fun. This is chad law, reminding you of what reagan once said no government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we ever will see on Earth, ain't that true USAID? God bless you, president Reagan, and may God save America.

Speaker 5:

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